We have collected English-Odia parallel and monolingual data from the
available public websites for NLP research in Odia.
The parallel corpus consists of English-Odia parallel Bible, Odia
digital library, and Odisha Goverment websites. It covers bible,
literature, goverment of Odisha and its policies. We have processed the
raw data collected from the websites, performed alignments (a mix of
manual and automatic alignments) and release the corpus in a form ready
for various NLP tasks.
The Odia monolingual data consists of Odia-Wikipedia and Odia e-magazine
websites. Because the major portion of data is extracted from
Odia-Wikipedia, it covers all kinds of domains. The e-magazines data
mostly cover the literature domain. We have preprocessed the monolingual
data including de-duplication, text normalization, and sentence
segmentation to make it ready for various NLP tasks.
Corpus Formats
Both corpora are in simple tab-delimited plain text files.
The parallel corpus files have three columns:
- the original book/source of the sentence pair
- the English sentence
- the corresponding Odia sentence
The monolingual corpus has a varying number of columns:
- each line corresponds to one *paragraph* (or related unit) of the
original source
- each tab-delimited unit corresponds to one *sentence* in the paragraph
Data Statistics
The statistics of the current release is given below.
Parallel Corpus Statistics
Dataset Sentences #English tokens #Odia tokens
------- --------- ---------------- -------------
Train 27136 706567 604147
Dev 948 21912 19513
Test 1262 28488 24365
------- --------- ---------------- -------------
Total 29346 756967 648025
Domain Level Statistics
Domain Sentences #English tokens #Odia tokens
------------------ --------- ---------------- -------------
Bible 29069 756861 640157
Literature 424 7977 6611
Goverment policies 204 1411 1257
------------------ --------- ---------------- -------------
Total 29697 766249 648025
Monolingual Corpus Statistics
Paragraphs Sentences #Odia tokens
---------- --------- ------------
71698 221546 2641308
Domain Level Statistics
Domain Paragraphs Sentences #Odia tokens
-------------- -------------- --------- -------------
General (wiki) 30468 (42.49%) 102085 1320367
Literature 41230 (57.50%) 119461 1320941
-------------- -------------- --------- -------------
Total 71698 221546 2641308
If you use this corpus, please cite it directly (see above), but please cite also the following paper:
Title: OdiEnCorp: Odia-English and Odia-Only Corpus for Machine Translation
Author: Shantipriya Parida, Ondrej Bojar, and Satya Ranjan Dash
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Smart Computing & Informatics (SCI) 2018
Series: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (SIST)
Publisher: Springer Singapore
We have collected English-Odia parallel data for the purposes of NLP
research of the Odia language.
The data for the parallel corpus was extracted from existing parallel
corpora such as OdiEnCorp 1.0 and PMIndia, and books which contain both
English and Odia text such as grammar and bilingual literature books. We
also included parallel text from multiple public websites such as Odia
Wikipedia, Odia digital library, and Odisha Government websites.
The parallel corpus covers many domains: the Bible, other literature,
Wiki data relating to many topics, Government policies, and general
conversation. We have processed the raw data collected from the books,
websites, performed sentence alignments (a mix of manual and automatic
alignments) and released the corpus in a form suitable for various NLP
Corpus Format
OdiEnCorp 2.0 is stored in simple tab-delimited plain text files, each
with three tab-delimited columns:
- a coarse indication of the domain
- the English sentence
- the corresponding Odia sentence
The corpus is shuffled at the level of sentence pairs.
The coarse domains are:
books ... prose text
dict ... dictionaries and phrasebooks
govt ... partially formal text
odiencorp10 ... OdiEnCorp 1.0 (mix of domains)
pmindia ... PMIndia (the original corpus)
wikipedia ... sentences and phrases from Wikipedia
Data Statistics
The statistics of the current release are given below.
Note that the statistics differ from those reported in the paper due to
deduplication at the level of sentence pairs. The deduplication was
performed within each of the dev set, test set and training set and
taking the coarse domain indication into account. It is still possible
that the same sentence pair appears more than once within the same set
(dev/test/train) if it came from different domains, and it is also
possible that a sentence pair appears in several sets (dev/test/train).
Parallel Corpus Statistics
Dev Dev Dev Test Test Test Train Train Train
Sents # EN # OD Sents # EN # OD Sents # EN # OD
books 3523 42011 36723 3895 52808 45383 3129 40461 35300
dict 3342 14580 13838 3437 14807 14110 5900 21591 20246
govt - - - - - - 761 15227 13132
odiencorp10 947 21905 19509 1259 28473 24350 26963 704114 602005
pmindia 3836 70282 61099 3836 68695 59876 30687 551657 486636
wikipedia 1896 9388 9385 1917 21381 20951 1930 7087 7122
Total 13544 158166 140554 14344 186164 164670 69370 1340137 1164441
"Sents" are the counts of the sentence pairs in the given set (dev/test/train)
and domain (books/dict/...).
"# EN" and "# OD" are approximate counts of words (simply space-delimited,
without tokenization) in English and Odia
The total number of sentence pairs (lines) is 13544+14344+69370=97258. Ignoring
the set and domain and deduplicating again, this number drops to 94857.
If you use this corpus, please cite the following paper:
title={OdiEnCorp 2.0: Odia-English Parallel Corpus for Machine Translation},
author={Parida, Shantipriya and Dash, Satya Ranjan and Bojar, Ond{\v{r}}ej and Motlicek, Petr and Pattnaik, Priyanka and Mallick, Debasish Kumar},
booktitle={Proceedings of the WILDRE5--5th Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and Evaluation},
OLiMPiC: OpenScore Lieder Linearized MusicXML Piano Corpus is a dataset containing synthetic and scanned images of pianoform music scores. The scores and the scanned images originate from the OpenScore Lieder Corpus .
OLiMPiC contains the scores in MusicXML and Linearized MusicXML encoding, suitable for evaluation with the TEDn metric. The official train/dev/test split is also provided.
We define "optimal reference translation" as a translation thought to be the best possible that can be achieved by a team of human translators. Optimal reference translations can be used in assessments of excellent machine translations.
We selected 50 documents (online news articles, with 579 paragraphs in total) from the 130 English documents included in the WMT2020 news test ( with the aim to preserve diversity (style, genre etc.) of the selection. In addition to the official Czech reference translation provided by the WMT organizers (P1), we hired two additional translators (P2 and P3, native Czech speakers) via a professional translation agency, resulting in three independent translations. The main contribution of this dataset are two additional translations (i.e. optimal reference translations N1 and N2), done jointly by two translators-cum-theoreticians with an extreme care for various aspects of translation quality, while taking into account the translations P1-P3. We publish also internal comments (in Czech) for some of the segments.
Translation N1 should be closer to the English original (with regards to the meaning and linguistic structure) and female surnames use the Czech feminine suffix (e.g. "Mai" is translated as "Maiová"). Translation N2 is more free, trying to be more creative, idiomatic and entertaining for the readers and following the typical style used in Czech media, while still preserving the rules of functional equivalence. Translation N2 is missing for the segments where it was not deemed necessary to provide two alternative translations. For applications/analyses needing translation of all segments, this should be interpreted as if N2 is the same as N1 for a given segment.
We provide the dataset in two formats: OpenDocument spreadsheet (odt) and plain text (one file for each translation and the English original). Some words were highlighted using different colors during the creation of optimal reference translations; this highlighting and comments are present only in the odt format (some comments refer to row numbers in the odt file). Documents are separated by empty lines and each document starts with a special line containing the document name (e.g. "# upi.205735"), which allows alignment with the original WMT2020 news test. For the segments where N2 translations are missing in the odt format, the respective N1 segments are used instead in the plain-text format.
This corpus contains annotations of translation quality from English to Czech in seven categories on both segment- and document-level. There are 20 documents in total, each with 4 translations (evaluated by each annotator in paralel) of 8 segments (can be longer than one sentence). Apart from the evaluation, the annotators also proposed their own, improved versions of the translations.
There were 11 annotators in total, on expertise levels ranging from non-experts to professional translators.
This package comprises eight models of Czech word embeddings trained by applying word2vec (Mikolov et al. 2013) to the currently most extensive corpus of Czech, namely SYN v9 (Křen et al. 2022). The minimum frequency threshold for including a word in the model was 10 occurrences in the corpus. The original lemmatisation and tagging included in the corpus were used for disambiguation. In the case of word embeddings of word forms, units comprise word forms and their tag from a positional tagset (cf. separated by '>', e.g., kočka>NNFS1-----A----.
The published package provides models trained on both tokens and lemmas. In addition, the models combine training algorithms (CBOW and Skipgram) and dimensions of the resulting vectors (100 or 500), while the training window and negative sampling remained the same during the training. The package also includes files with frequencies of word forms (vocab-frequencies.forms) and lemmas (vocab-frequencies.lemmas).
ParaDi 2.0. is a dictionary of single verb paraphrases of Czech verbal multiword expressions - light verb constructions and idiomatic verb constructions. Moreover, it provides an elaborated set of morphological, syntactic and semantic features, including information on aspectual counterparts of verbs or paraphrasability conditions of given verbs.
The format of ParaDi has been designed with respect to both human and machine readability - the dictionary is represented as a plain table in TSV format, as it is a flexible and language-independent data format.
ParaDi 2.0. is a dictionary of single verb paraphrases of Czech verbal multiword expressions - light verb constructions and idiomatic verb constructions. Moreover, it provides an elaborated set of morphological, syntactic and semantic features, including information on aspectual counterparts of verbs or paraphrasability conditions of given verbs.
The format of ParaDi has been designed with respect to both human and machine readability - the dictionary is represented as a plain table in TSV format, as it is a flexible and language-independent data format.
The ParCzech 3.0 corpus is the third version of ParCzech consisting of stenographic protocols that record the Chamber of Deputies’ meetings held in the 7th term (2013-2017) and the current 8th term (2017-Mar 2021). The protocols are provided in their original HTML format, Parla-CLARIN TEI format, and the format suitable for Automatic Speech Recognition. The corpus is automatically enriched with the morphological, syntactic, and named-entity annotations using the procedures UDPipe 2 and NameTag 2. The audio files are aligned with the texts in the annotated TEI files.