Mezi hlavní zájmy politiků patří politická, finanční i legislativní podpora svých volebních obvodů či bydlišť. Článek se pokouší odhalit pravidelnosti v prostorovém vzorci poslaneckých dotací, o kterých poslanci rozhodovali během projednávání návrhu státního rozpočtu v Poslanecké sněmovně (porcování medvěda), na základě analýzy významu lokalizace poslaneckých trvalých bydlišť pro jejich alokaci. Na úrovni okresů byla provedena analýza korelace dat přijatých pozměňovacích návrhů poslanců k návrhu státního rozpočtu ze sněmovních tisků a lokalizace poslaneckých trvalých bydlišť z volební databáze Českého statistického úřadu. Na úrovni obcí byly metodou lokálního indikátoru prostorové asociace LISA odhaleny prostorové shluky vysoké a nízké podpory poslaneckými dotacemi, které byly následně na půdorysu obvodů obcí s rozšířenou působností porovnány s trvalými bydlišti poslanců. Jejich rozmístění v několika případech odpovídalo příjmu poslaneckých dotací, obecná závislost se však nepotvrdila., Political, financial and legislative support of one’s own constituency or home location belongs to the main interests of politicians. The paper attempts to identify a spatial pattern in pork barrel grants allocated during the endorsement of draft state budgets by the Chamber of Deputies. The factor of deputies’ home locations is analysed. Correlation analysis at district level exploits Parliamentary Gazette data on approved deputies’ amendments to the draft state budget and a list of deputies’ home municipalities from electoral database of the Czech Statistical Office. At municipal level, a local indicator of spatial autocorrelation was employed to discover several spatial clusters of high and low pork barrel support, which was compared with deputies’ home locations. Although several pork barrel grants were allocated to these locations, no general correlation was confirmed., David Hána, Marie Feřtrová., and Seznam literatury
The ParCzech 3.0 corpus is the third version of ParCzech consisting of stenographic protocols that record the Chamber of Deputies’ meetings held in the 7th term (2013-2017) and the current 8th term (2017-Mar 2021). The protocols are provided in their original HTML format, Parla-CLARIN TEI format, and the format suitable for Automatic Speech Recognition. The corpus is automatically enriched with the morphological, syntactic, and named-entity annotations using the procedures UDPipe 2 and NameTag 2. The audio files are aligned with the texts in the annotated TEI files.
The ParCzech 4.0 corpus consists of stenographic protocols that record the Chamber of Deputies' meetings in the 7th term (2013-2017), the 8th term (2017-2021) and the current 9th term (2021-Jul 2023). The protocols are provided in their original HTML format, Parla-CLARIN TEI format. The corpus is automatically enriched with the morphological, syntactic, and named-entity annotations using the procedures UDPipe 2 and NameTag 2. The audio files are aligned with the texts in the annotated TEI files.
The audio files in this corpus are available in AudioPSP 24.01 corpus (
This corpus covers the same period as ParlaMint-CZ corpus v4.0 ( ParCzech corpus follows and extends the ParlaMint schema. Both annotated and non-annotated versions include hypertext references to voting and parliamentary prints. In addition to ParlaMint's recommendation, the annotated version contains source audio alignment, PDT xtag, and more detailed CNEC2.0 named entity categorization.
The ParCzech PS7 1.0 corpus is the very first member of the corpus family of data coming from the Parliament of the Czech Republic. ParCzech PS7 1.0 consists of stenographic protocols that record the Chamber of Deputies' meetings held in the 7th term between 2013-2017. The audio recordings are available as well. Transcripts are provided in the original HTML as harvested, and also converted into TEI-derived XML format for use in TEITOK corpus manager. The corpus is automatically enriched with the morphological and named-entity annotations using the procedures MorphoDita and NameTag.
The ParCzech PS7 2.0 corpus is the second version of ParCzech PS7 consisting of stenographic protocols that record the Chamber of Deputies' meetings held in the 7th term between 2013-2017. The protocols are provided in their original HTML format, TEI format and TEI-derived format to make them searchable in the TEITOK corpus manager. Their audio recordings are available as well. The corpus is automatically enriched with the morphological, syntactic, and named-entity annotations using the procedures UDPipe 2 and NameTag 2.
Media Tenor tracked media coverage of political parties in periods of three months prior to elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 2006 and 2010. Czech Social Democratic Party enjoyed overwhelming media prevalence in a first analyzed period, Civic Democratic Party prevailed in 2010. Neither of instances resulted in a highest voting outcome for the most covered party. The research confirmed private news services to be keeping conservative approaches while (not) presenting new and not well-known political groups. They covered TOP 09 Party and Public Affairs Party (Věci veřejné) rather marginally in 2010. Researchers focused also on a coverage of chairmen of main parties and air-time enjoyed by politicians to quote own party or co-party members., Štěpán Sedláček, Pavel Herot., and Obsahuje seznam literatury