We have collected English-Odia parallel and monolingual data from the
available public websites for NLP research in Odia.
The parallel corpus consists of English-Odia parallel Bible, Odia
digital library, and Odisha Goverment websites. It covers bible,
literature, goverment of Odisha and its policies. We have processed the
raw data collected from the websites, performed alignments (a mix of
manual and automatic alignments) and release the corpus in a form ready
for various NLP tasks.
The Odia monolingual data consists of Odia-Wikipedia and Odia e-magazine
websites. Because the major portion of data is extracted from
Odia-Wikipedia, it covers all kinds of domains. The e-magazines data
mostly cover the literature domain. We have preprocessed the monolingual
data including de-duplication, text normalization, and sentence
segmentation to make it ready for various NLP tasks.
Corpus Formats
Both corpora are in simple tab-delimited plain text files.
The parallel corpus files have three columns:
- the original book/source of the sentence pair
- the English sentence
- the corresponding Odia sentence
The monolingual corpus has a varying number of columns:
- each line corresponds to one *paragraph* (or related unit) of the
original source
- each tab-delimited unit corresponds to one *sentence* in the paragraph
Data Statistics
The statistics of the current release is given below.
Parallel Corpus Statistics
Dataset Sentences #English tokens #Odia tokens
------- --------- ---------------- -------------
Train 27136 706567 604147
Dev 948 21912 19513
Test 1262 28488 24365
------- --------- ---------------- -------------
Total 29346 756967 648025
Domain Level Statistics
Domain Sentences #English tokens #Odia tokens
------------------ --------- ---------------- -------------
Bible 29069 756861 640157
Literature 424 7977 6611
Goverment policies 204 1411 1257
------------------ --------- ---------------- -------------
Total 29697 766249 648025
Monolingual Corpus Statistics
Paragraphs Sentences #Odia tokens
---------- --------- ------------
71698 221546 2641308
Domain Level Statistics
Domain Paragraphs Sentences #Odia tokens
-------------- -------------- --------- -------------
General (wiki) 30468 (42.49%) 102085 1320367
Literature 41230 (57.50%) 119461 1320941
-------------- -------------- --------- -------------
Total 71698 221546 2641308
If you use this corpus, please cite it directly (see above), but please cite also the following paper:
Title: OdiEnCorp: Odia-English and Odia-Only Corpus for Machine Translation
Author: Shantipriya Parida, Ondrej Bojar, and Satya Ranjan Dash
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Smart Computing & Informatics (SCI) 2018
Series: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (SIST)
Publisher: Springer Singapore