Studie Veroniky M. Mráčkové se zabývá problematikou přejímání středověkých hymnických melodií, ilustrovanou na konkrétním zvoleném příkladu., The hymn, one of the most frequently encountered songs in Western European sources, poses many questions with regard to the conflict between common and local traits. The Office hymns on which I focus were transmitted mainly in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century sources, which contain huge collections of hymns for different liturgical occasions, including those in honour of local saints. We still do not have a reasonable explanation of how or why the same tunes were adapted for different texts (or vice versa). The ‘Franciscan’ hymn melody Stäblein 752 (originally devoted to St Francis), for example, which occurs with different hymn texts in Austria, Germany, Bohemia, Poland and Spain, has many melodic variants reflecting regional characteristics. Why was this particular melody transferred to and adopted in other parts of Europe, where there was certainly no shortage of alternative hymn melodies? Is it a question of the adoption of favourite melodies in the Middle Ages? Were the same tunes used for hymns in honour of both male and female saints? What are the implications for us when the same ‘local’ tune can be identified in polyphonic hymn settings?, Veronika M. Mráčková., Rubrika: Studie, and České resumé na s. 32, anglický abstrakt na s. 19.
Studie Michela Dineura se zabývá vzájemnými kontakty, uskutečňovanými prostřednictvím korespondečního kontaktu mezi belgickou hudební skladatelkou Jacqueline Fontyn a českým hudebním skladatelem a muzikologem Jarmilem Burghauserem a jejich osudy od šedesátých do devadesátých let 20. století., Michel Dineur., Rubrika: Studie, and České resumé na s. 390, anglický abstrakt na s. 351.
Článek je odpovědí prof. Munzarové, jež kritizovala mou obhajobu sebevraždy za asistence lékaře. Článek upozorňuje na nedostatky v replice prof. Munzarové, jež plynou z autorčina podceňování normativní teorie. Mezi tyto nedostatky patří: přehlížení argumentů oponenta; zpochybňování morálního kreditu nositelů konkurenční teorie (utilitarismu) namísto její kritické analýzy; nevyjasněná vlastní teoretická východiska (lavírování mezi paternalismem a autonomií, vydávání „principu dvojího účinku“ za stanovisko zdravého rozumu); nepřesvědčivá verze „argumentu kluzkého svahu“ (ignorování diametrálních rozdílů mezi současnými požadavky některých pacientů na asistovanou smrt a nacistickým programem nedobrovolné eutanazie)., The article is an answer to prof. Munzarová who criticised my defence of physician‑assisted suicide. The article points to shortcomings in the reply of prof. Munzarová which flow from the author’s underestimation of normative theory. Among these shortcomings are the ignoring of the arguments of her opponent; her calling into question the moral credit of the proponents of the competing theory (utilitarianism) rather than a critical analysis; unclear theoretical principles (a switching between paternalism and autonomy, the presentation of the “principle of double-effect” as the standpoint of common sense); an unconvincing version of the “argument of the slippery slope” (ignoring the diametrical differences between the contemporary demand of some patients for assisted death and the Nazi programme of involuntary euthanasia)., and Tomáš Hříbek.
This study is dedicated to documenting the relationship between these two important musicians on the basis of excerpts from extant written sources. The most important documentation of contacts between Vaclav Jan Tomasek (1774-1850) and Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826), who worked in Prague from 1813 until 1817 as Kapellmeister of the Estates Theatre, is Tomaseks autobiography published in Prague in 1845-1850 in a yearbook titled Libussa. We find additional brief documentation in Weber's diaries and in the correspondence of both men addressed to other persons. Tomasek's autobiography is also important documentation of how Weber's works were viewed by the German public and music critics., Obsahuje seznam literatury, and Anglické resumé na s. 82.
The article outlines the book culture of the Rudolphine period on the examples of several works by Tycho Brahe (Instruments of the Renewed Astronomy), Johannes Kepler (Somnium: The Dream, or Posthumous Work on Lunar Astronomy; Conversation with the Starry Messenger) and Galileo Galilei (The Starry Messenger). It is based on both research outcomes that have already been published and those that are being prepared for printing. and Alena Hadravová.
Studie Klause Dögeho obsahuje analytické poznámky ke kompozici hudebního skladatele Bohuslava Martinů, věnovanému památce vyhlazení Lidic., In his Memorial to Lidice (composed in the summer of 1943) Martinů pays tribute to the complete extinction of the Czech village Lidice and its inhabitants by the Nazis. In the composition he uses – as he has never done before in this way – many traditional idioms and quotation-like elements in order to express all the sadness, fright and pain of his subject., Klaus Döge., Rubrika: Studie, and Německé resumé na s. 18, anglický abstrakt 5.