Energy prices are increasing all the time. Further worldwide supplies of fossil fuels are decreased. These supplies will be exhausted in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to find new energy sources. The direct transformation of solar energy into electrical energy through the use of photovoltaic cells is one of the possibilities. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the working principle of the photovoltaic system FVS 2001E that is located on an external wall of a building of Tomas Bata University in Zlín.
In this study we have evaluated the effect of maximal incremental cycling exercise (IE) on the systemic release of prostacyclin (PGI2), assessed as plasma 6-keto-PGF1α concentration in young healthy men. Eleven physically active - untrained men (mean ± S.D.) aged 22.7 ± 2.1 years; body mass 76.3 ± 9.1 kg; BMI 23.30 ± 2.18 kg · m-2; maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) 46.5 ± 3.9 ml · kg-1 · min-1, performed an IE test until exhaustion. Plasma concentrations of 6-keto-PGF1α, lactate, and cytokines were measured in venous blood samples taken prior to the exercise and at the exhaustion. The net exercise-induced increase in 6-keto-PGF1α concentration, expressed as the difference between the end-exercise minus pre-exercise concentration positively correlated with VO2max (r=0.78, p=0.004) as well as with the net VO2 increase at exhaustion (r=0.81, p=0.003), but not with other respiratory, cardiac, metabolic or inflammatory parameters of the exercise (minute ventilation, heart rate, plasma lactate, IL-6 or TNF-α concentrations). The exercise-induced increase in 6-keto-PGF1α concentration was significantly higher (p=0.008) in a group of subjects (n=5) with the highest VO2max when compared to the group of subjects with the lowest VO2max, in which no increase in 6-keto-PGF1α concentration was found. In conclusion, we demonstrated, to our knowledge for the first time, that exercise-induced release of PGI2 in young healthy men correlates with VO2max, suggesting that vascular capacity to release PGI2 in response to physical exercise represents an important factor characterizing exercise tolerance. Moreover, we postulate that the impairment of exercise-induced release of PGI2 leads to the increased cardiovascular hazard of vigorous exercise., J. A. Zoladz ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The interval model training has been more recommended to promote aerobic adaptations due to recovery period that enables the execution of elevated intensity and as consequence, higher workload in relation to continuous training. However, the physiological and aerobic capacity adaptations in interval training with identical workload to continuous are still uncertain. The purpose was to characterize the effects of chronic and acute biomarkers adaptations and aerobic capacity in interval and continuous protocols with equivalent load. Fifty Wistar rats were divided in three groups: Continuous training (GTC), interval training (GTI) and control (CG). The running training lasted 8 weeks (wk) and was based at Anaerobic Threshold (AT) velocity. GTI showed glycogen super-compensation (mg/100 mg) 48 h after training session in relation to CG and GTC (GTI red gastrocnemius (RG)=1.41±0.16; GTI white gastrocnemius (WG)=1.78±0.20; GTI soleus (S)=0.26±0.01; GTI liver (L)=2.72±0.36; GTC RG=0.42±0.17; GTC WG=0.54±0.22; GTC S=0.100±0.01; GTC L=1.12±0.24; CG RG=0.32±0.05; CG WG=0.65±0.17; CG S=0.14±0.01; CG L=2.28±0.33). The volume performed by GTI was higher than GTC. The aerobic capacity reduced 11 % after experimental period in GTC when compared to GTI, but this change was insignificant (19.6±5.4 m/min; 17.7±2.5 m/min, effect size = 0.59). Free fatty acids and glucose concentration did not show statistical differences among the groups. Corticosterone concentration increased in acute condition for GTI and GTC. Testosterone concentration reduced 71 % in GTC immediately after the exercise in comparison to CG. The GTI allowed positive adaptations when compared to GTC in relation to: glycogen super-compensation, training volume performed and anabolic condition. However, the GTI not improved the aerobic performance., G. G. de Araujo, C. A: Gobatto, M. Marcos-Pereira, I. G. M. Dos Reis, R: Verlengia., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) č. 1215/2012 ze dne 12. prosince 2012 o příslušnosti a uznávání a výkonu soudních rozhodnutí v občanských a obchodních věcech má od 10. ledna 2015 nahradit stávající Nařízení Rady (ES) č. 44/2001 ze dne 22. prosince 2000 o příslušnosti a uznávání a výkonu soudních rozhodnutí v občanských a obchodních věcech, které je v praxi známé pod zkratkou nařízení Brusel I.Nařízení Brusel I kromě pravidel pro určování pravomocného orgánu upravuje též proces uznávání a výkonu cizích rozhodnutí. Ačkoliv nařízení Brusel I představuje jeden z nejvýznamnějších právních nástrojů Evropské unie v oblasti justiční spolupráce v občanských a obchodních věcech, a tedy
i v oblasti uznávání a výkonu cizích rozhodnutí, má oproti němu nové nařízení ve větší míře umožňovat jednodušší, méně nákladný a více automatizovaný systému pohybu (nejen) soudních rozhodnutí. Takto stanoveného cíle má být dosaženo zejména zrušením kontroverzního prohlášení vykonatelnosti (tzv. exequatur). Tento článek analyzuje proces uznání a výkonu rozhodnutí v novém nařízení, pro tyto účely označovaného jako nařízení Brusel I bis, a poukazuje na nejdůležitější změny oproti procesu uznání a výkonu rozhodnutí ve stávajícím nařízení Brusel I. Důraz je přitom kladen na ověření předpokladu Evropské komise, dle kterého nové nařízení Brusel I bis oproti stávajícímu nařízení Brusel I v budoucnu umožní jednodušší, méně nákladný a více automatizovaný systém pohybu (nejen) soudních rozhodnutí. and The Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters shall since 10 January 2015 replace the existing Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, known as the Brussels I regulation. Except the well-known rules for determining jurisdiction the Brussels I regulation also contains rules regulating the process of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. The Brussels I regulation is one of the most important legal instrument of the European Union in the area of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters, and therefore also in the field of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. However, the new regulation shall to even a greater extent enable simpler, cheaper and more
automated movement of (but not only) judgments. This objective shall be in particular achieved by the abolishment of the controversial need for the declaration of enforceability (exequatur). This paper analyses the process of recognition and enforcement of judgments in the new regulation, for this purpose referred to as the Brussels I bis regulation, and highlights the most important changes compared to the process of recognition and enforcement of judgments in the existing Brussels I regulation. The emphasis is placed on the verification of the European Commission assumption, according to which the new Brussels I bis regulation shall in the future enable, in comparison to the existing Brussels I regulation, even simpler, cheaper and more automated movement of (but not only) judgments.
Direct transformation of solar radiation energy into electrical energy is realized through solar panels. The efficiency of the energetic transformation is very low. It is influenced by many factors, mainly by used semiconductor material of solar panels and incidence angle of solar radiation on solar panels. The aim of the paper is to examine an influence of atmospheric pollution on solar panels efficiency. and Přímá transformace energie slunečního záření v elektrickou energii se uskutečňuje prostřednictvím solárních panelů. Účinnost této energetické přeměny je velmi nízká. Je ovlivněna mnoha faktory, především použitým polovodičovým materiálem solárních panelů a úhlem dopadu slunečního záření na solární panely. Předmětem tohoto příspěvku je posouzení vlivu znečištění atmosféry na výkonnost solárních panelů.