Decrease of attention and an eventual microsleep of an artificial system operator is very dangerous and its early detection can prevent great losses. This chapter deals with a classification of states of vigilance based on analysis of an electroencefalographic activity of the brain. Preprocessing of data is done by the discrete Fourier transform. For the recognition radial basis functions (RBF), learning vector quantization (LVQ), multi-layer perceptron networks, k-nearest neighbor and a method based on Bayesian theory are used. Coefficients of bayes classifier are found using the maximum likelihood estimation. The experiments deal with analysis of human vigilance while their eyes are open. Then the reaction on visual stimuli is investigated. For this experiment 10 volunteers were repeatedly measured. The chapter shows that it is possible to classify vigilance in such conditions.
Detection and early prediction of hypnagogium based on the EEG analysis is a very promising way how to deal with different states of vigilance. We are dealing with the EEG signal using different methodology mainly based on the spectral analysis such as Fourier transform, autoregressive models and also different kinds of filters. For the detection of hypnagogium we are using methods such as bayes classifier, nearest-neighbor and methods of neural networks. We are performing the analysis of EEG to recognize and classify the hypnagogium.
Tato studie se zabývá dvěma spřízněnými jevy odehrávajícími se ve vědeckém prostředí. Jedná se o fenomén frustrace ve vědecké praxi a s ním spojenou touhu po rozpoznání vlastního výzkumu vědeckou komunitou a ná- sledně o otázku uznání od akademického společenství. Zmíněné fenomény jsou přitom úzce propojeny s ústředním tématem fi losofi e a sociologie vědy: kdo rozhoduje, co bude předmětem vědeckého bádání? Předkládaná studie nejprve představuje Mertonův mýtus o okamžitém rozpoznání vědeckého objevu a následně prostřednictvím exkurzu do oblasti ekonomie a na příkladech z vědecké praxe (zejména na životech Karla Poppera a Michaela Faradaye) poukazuje na jeho neplatnost. V závěru textu jsou společně s jejich dekonstrukcí navrhnuta možná řešení popsaných problémů. Text je také kritickým návratem ke dvěma studiím Josepha Agassiho, žáka Karla R. Poppera a tvrdošíjného zastánce kritického racionalismu, neboť právě Agassi ve svých dílech rozebírá dopady vědeckého vyloučení a neochoty naslouchat., This study deals with two related phenomena that take place in scientific environment. The first one under review is the frustration in scientific practice which is closely associated with the desire for recognition of our own research by the scientific community. Both of these phenomena are strongly tied to the problematic aspect of recognition given by the academic community. The aforementioned occurrences are yet closely linked with the central theme of philosophy and sociology of science: who decides what will be subjected to the scientific inquiry? The article deals with Merton’s myth of immediate recognition in scientific discovery and for its deep analysis uses the excursion into economic field. Text further points out on malfunction of the described Mertonian myth in contemporary science by the use of examples from scientific practice (mainly from the lives of Karl Popper and Michael Faraday). Final argument proposes solutions to described problems together with their deconstruction. The text also represents a critical review of two studies by Joseph Agassi, a stubborn supporter of critical rationalism. Because it was Agassi, a loyal disciple of Karl Popper, who discussed in detail the implications of scientific exclusion and unwillingness to listen., and Ondřej Sloup.
This article deals with the fundamental features of Taylor´s concept of recognition and considers some problem areas to which cultural recognition is relevant. Our identity is partly characterized by the recognition or the misrecognition - too often by the misrecognition - of others. The collapse of original social settings has brought a transition from honour to dignity, implying a redefinition of identity and authenticity. The period in which people from western society lived in their pre-determined settings, and with corresponding characters they were called to represent, has lost its relevance today. Taylor distinguishes between the politics of universalism and the politics of difference, both of which are based on the politics of this transition from honour to dignity. Taylor refers to context and particular sociability values, although the community’s perception does not reflect any overly-particularist tendencies. His thesis has universalist elements from which he derives normativity. Universal moral ontology is, according to Taylor’s thesis, a condition for particular values and standards in practice., Martin Solík., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
The presence of a spatial memory deficit in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is still a matter of discussion. Nineteen PD patients and 16 controls were given two spatial tests and a non-spatial task. First, the subject was led into a room containing 4 objects and had 10 s to memorize their location. After being led outside, the subject had to place icons representing the objects on a map of the room. Differences between the real and estimated locations were evaluated. Afterwards, the subject had to choose a map showing the correct arrangement of objects from 4 alternatives. Locations of some objects were changed before the second test. The subject had 10 s to detect these changes. One point was given for each change or its absence detected. In the non-spatial working memory task, 8 cards of different shapes were used. The subject had to select a different card each time while the cards were shuffled between choices. Errors consisted of selecting previously chosen cards. The means of the above measures for both groups were compared. Absence of any significant differences suggests that PD patients perform well in "real life" memory tests in contrast to similar computerized tests.
Let $G$ be a finite group. The prime graph of $G$ is a graph whose vertex set is the set of prime divisors of $|G|$ and two distinct primes $p$ and $q$ are joined by an edge, whenever $G$ contains an element of order $pq$. The prime graph of $G$ is denoted by $\Gamma (G)$. It is proved that some finite groups are uniquely determined by their prime graph. In this paper, we show that if $G$ is a finite group such that $\Gamma (G)=\Gamma (B_{n}(5))$, where $n\geq 6$, then $G$ has a unique nonabelian composition factor isomorphic to $B_{n}(5)$ or $C_{n}(5)$.
Generalization phenornena which také plače in two different assembly neural networks are considered in the paper. Either of these two assembly networks is artificially partitioned into several subiietworks according to the number of classes that the network has to recognize. Hebb’s cissernblies are formed in the networks. One of the assembly networks is with binary connections, the other is with analog ones. Recognition abilities of the networks are compared on the task of handwritten character recognition. The third neural network of a perceptron type is considered in the paper for comparison with the previous ones. This latter network works according to the nearest-neighbor method. Computer simulation of all three neural networks was performed. Experirnents showed that the assembly network with binary connections has approximately the same recognition accuracy as the network realizing the nearest-neighbor technique.
Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) č. 1215/2012 ze dne 12. prosince 2012 o příslušnosti a uznávání a výkonu soudních rozhodnutí v občanských a obchodních věcech má od 10. ledna 2015 nahradit stávající Nařízení Rady (ES) č. 44/2001 ze dne 22. prosince 2000 o příslušnosti a uznávání a výkonu soudních rozhodnutí v občanských a obchodních věcech, které je v praxi známé pod zkratkou nařízení Brusel I.Nařízení Brusel I kromě pravidel pro určování pravomocného orgánu upravuje též proces uznávání a výkonu cizích rozhodnutí. Ačkoliv nařízení Brusel I představuje jeden z nejvýznamnějších právních nástrojů Evropské unie v oblasti justiční spolupráce v občanských a obchodních věcech, a tedy
i v oblasti uznávání a výkonu cizích rozhodnutí, má oproti němu nové nařízení ve větší míře umožňovat jednodušší, méně nákladný a více automatizovaný systému pohybu (nejen) soudních rozhodnutí. Takto stanoveného cíle má být dosaženo zejména zrušením kontroverzního prohlášení vykonatelnosti (tzv. exequatur). Tento článek analyzuje proces uznání a výkonu rozhodnutí v novém nařízení, pro tyto účely označovaného jako nařízení Brusel I bis, a poukazuje na nejdůležitější změny oproti procesu uznání a výkonu rozhodnutí ve stávajícím nařízení Brusel I. Důraz je přitom kladen na ověření předpokladu Evropské komise, dle kterého nové nařízení Brusel I bis oproti stávajícímu nařízení Brusel I v budoucnu umožní jednodušší, méně nákladný a více automatizovaný systém pohybu (nejen) soudních rozhodnutí. and The Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters shall since 10 January 2015 replace the existing Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, known as the Brussels I regulation. Except the well-known rules for determining jurisdiction the Brussels I regulation also contains rules regulating the process of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. The Brussels I regulation is one of the most important legal instrument of the European Union in the area of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters, and therefore also in the field of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. However, the new regulation shall to even a greater extent enable simpler, cheaper and more
automated movement of (but not only) judgments. This objective shall be in particular achieved by the abolishment of the controversial need for the declaration of enforceability (exequatur). This paper analyses the process of recognition and enforcement of judgments in the new regulation, for this purpose referred to as the Brussels I bis regulation, and highlights the most important changes compared to the process of recognition and enforcement of judgments in the existing Brussels I regulation. The emphasis is placed on the verification of the European Commission assumption, according to which the new Brussels I bis regulation shall in the future enable, in comparison to the existing Brussels I regulation, even simpler, cheaper and more automated movement of (but not only) judgments.
Decrease of attention and an possible micro-sleep of an artificial system operator is very dangerous and its early detection can prevent great losses. This article deals with a classification of States of vigilance based on the analysis of an electroencefalographic activity of the brain. Preprocessing of data is done by the Discrete Fourier Transform. For the recognition radial basis functions (RBF), a k-nearest neighbor and a method based on the Bayesian theory is used. Its coefficients are found using the maximum likelihood estimation. An experiment with recognition of 6 States of vigilance created according to reaction time is performed.