During the past few years, higher education institutions have been working to strengthen the link between research and teaching, which is widely referred to as the research–teaching (RT) nexus. This nexus is important because engagement with research is a distinctive feature of learning in higher education and because, in the specific case of teacher education, it is a crucial element for the professional development of teachers, contributing to enhancing their professional practices and, at the same time, improving the status of the teaching profession. The aim of this paper is to identify the perspectives of student teachers regarding the RT nexus within initial teacher education. To accomplish this, data were collected through semi-structured group interviews with Portuguese and English student teachers in different initial teacher education programmes in order to highlight their perspectives and their contributions to understanding and strengthening the RT nexus. The analysis shows that national contexts play a significant role in the way initial teacher education programmes are organized, the way research is valued, and, consequently, how student teachers are engaged with research.
Moc jako schopnost ovlivňovat postoje, hodnoty a jednání je základní charakteristikou vyučovacího procesu. Potřeba vyjednání mocenského uspořádání v procesu vyučování vyvstává zejména u začínajících učitelů a studentů na praxi, kteří mají oborové znalosti, ale potýkají s jejich předáváním v sociálním prostředí školní třídy. V tomto textu zkoumáme moc u studentů učitelství v průběhu jejich dlouhodobé praxe a zaměřujeme se na jednu z bází moci dle typologie Frenche a Ravena (1959) – na moc donucovací. Donucovací moc studenta učitelství vychází z potřeby žáků vyhnout se trestu nebo jeho hrozbě. Na základě kvalitativní analýzy přepisů nahrávek z výuky studentky Alice identifikujeme čtyři typy donucovací moci. Tyto typy donucovací moci jsou uspořádány do určitých struktur, které naz ýváme scénáři. Popisujeme dva protichůdné scénáře – scénář gradace donucovací moci a scénář rezignace na donucovací moc a diskutujeme jejich důsledky pro vytvoření konstruktivního klimatu školní třídy. and Power as the ability of a person to influence the opinions, values, and behaviour of others is a fundamental characteristic of the teaching. Power negotiation is especially essential for student teachers, who are knowledgeable in their chosen subjects yet may struggle to pass on information in the social environment of the classroom. This paper examines power and its distribution by student teachers during their long-term practice. It focuses on coercive power, which is a type of power described in French and Raven's (1959) typology of power. Coercive power exerted by a student teacher stems from the need of pupils to avoid punishment or its imminent threat. Based on a qualitative analysis of video-recordings of classes taught by student teacher Alice, the paper identifies four types of coercive powet, which it arranges into different structures or scenarios. The paper describes two conflicting scenarios—one in which coercive power escalates and another in which it diminishes. Finally, the paper discusses the consequences of both scenarios and the influence which they have on the creation of a constructive learning environment.