Konečné produkty pokročilé glykace (advanced glycation end products – AGEs) hrají významnou roli v patogenezi řady chronických onemocnění a jejich komplikací, především diabetických komplikací, aterosklerózy, komplikací chronických onemocnění ledvin a neurodegenerativních onemocnění. Tyto látky vznikají neenzymatickou glykací a jejich tvorba je potencována vlivem karbonylového stresu. AGEs tvoří heterogenní skupinu látek a patří mezi ně např. karboxymetyllyzin, pentozin, metylglyoxallyzin dimer, vesperlyzin, imidazolony a další. AGEs jednak modifikují proteiny a mění jejich fyzikální a chemické vlastnosti, jednak mají účinky zprostředkované přes receptory, z nichž nejznámější, ale ne jediný, je receptor RAGE (receptor pro konečné produkty pokročilé glykace). RAGE je receptor multiligandový, váže také HMGB1 (high mobility group box protein 1), S100 proteiny či amyloidové fibrily. Vazba ligand na tento receptor má za následek aktivaci řady signálních cest včetně indukce oxidačního stresu a aktivace nukleárního faktoru κB a následnou prozánětlivou odpověď v závislosti na buněčném typu. AGEs a RAGE se spolu s dalšími mechanizmy – hexosaminovou cestou, polyolovou cestou, poruchou metabolizmu lipidů, aktivací proteinkinázy C, oxidačním stresem a zánětlivou reakcí spoluúčastní v patogenezi diabetických komplikací. Terapeuticky je možné snižovat endogenní tvorbu AGEs, ovlivnit přísun AGEs do organizmu stravou a jejich absorpci ve střevě či stimulovat jejich degradaci. Klíčová slova: AGEs – diabetes mellitus – karbonylový stres – konečné produkty pokročilé glykace – oxidační stres – RAGE – receptor pro AGEs – sRAGE – zánět, Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) play an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic diseases and their complications, especially diabetic complications, atherosclerosis, complications of chronic kidney diseases and neurodegenerative diseases. These substances are formed via non-enzymatic glycation and their formation is potentiated in case of carbonyl stress. AGEs are represented by a heterogeneous group of compounds, e.g. carboxymethyllysine, pentosine, methylglyoxallysin dimer, vesperlysine, imidazolones etc. AGEs can modify proteins and so change their physical and chemical properties and can act also via specific receptors, among them RAGE (receptor for advanced glycation end products) is the best known but not the unique one. RAGE is a multiligand receptor capable to bind also HMGB1 (high mobility group box protein 1), S100 proteins or amyloid fibrils. RAGE – ligand interactions results to activation of a variety of signaling pathways including oxidative stress and activation of nuclear factor κB and subsequent proinflammatory response depending on the cell type. AGEs and RAGE together with further mechanisms – hexosamine pathway, polyol pathway, lipid metabolism disorder, activation of proteinkinase C, oxidative stress and inflammatory reaction take part in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications. Terapeuticaly it is possible to decrease endogenous formation of AGEs, influence the AGEs intake to the organism and their absorption in the intestine or stimulate their degradation. Key words: AGEs – advanced glycation end-products – carbonyl stress – diabetes mellitus – inflammation – oxidative stress – RAGE – receptor for AGEs – sRAGE, and Marta Kalousová, Tomáš Zima
Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are key players in pathogenesis of long-term vasc ular diabetes complications. Several enzymes such as fructosamine 3-kinase (FN3K) and glyoxalase I (GLO I) are crucial in preventing glycation processes. The aim of our study was to evaluate an association of FN3K (rs1056534, rs3848403) and GLO1 rs4746 polymorphisms with parameters of endothelial dysfun ction and soluble receptor for AGEs (sRAGE) in 595 diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. Genotypic and allelic frequencies of mentioned polymorphisms did not differ between subgroups. In diabetic patients significant differences were observed in sRAGE concentrations according to their rs1056534 and rs3848403 genotype. While GG and CG genotypes of rs1056534 with mutate d G allele were associated with significant decrease of sRAGE (GG: 1055±458 and CG: 983±363 vs. CC: 1796±987 ng/l, p<0.0001), in rs3848403 polymorphism TT genotype with mutated T allele was related with significant sRAGE increase (TT: 1365±852 vs. CT: 1016±401 and CC: 1087±508 ng/l, p=0.05). Significant differences in adhesion molecules were observed in genotype subgroups of GLO1 rs4746 polymorphism. In conclusion, this is the first study describing significant relationship of FN3K (rs1056534) and (rs3848403) polymorphisms with concentration of sRAGE in patients with diabetes., J. Škrha Jr., A. Muravská, M. Flekač, E. Horová, J. Novák, A. Novotný, M. Prázný, J. Škrha, J. Kvasnička, L. Landová, M. Jáchymová, T. Zima, M. Kalousová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The binding of high-mobility group box-1 (HMGB-1) to the membrane receptor for advanced glycation end-products (mRAGE) is a key early mediator of non-infectious inflammation and its triggers include ischaemia/hypoxia. The effects of acute hypoxia on soluble RAGE (sRAGE) are unknown. Fourteen healthy adults (50 % women; 26.6±3.8 years) were assessed at baseline normoxia (T0), followed by four time-points (T90, 95, 100 and 180 min) over three hours of continuous normobaric hypoxia (NH, 4,450 m equivalent) and again 60 min after return to normoxia (T240). A 5-min exercise step test was performed during NH at T90. Plasma concentrations of HMGB-1, sRAGE VCAM-1, ICAM-1, VEGF IL-8 and IL-13 were measured using venous blood. Arterial and tissue oxygen saturations were measured using pulse oximetry (SpO2) and near-infrared spectroscopy (StO2), respectively. NH led to a significant reduction in SpO2, StO2, sRAGE and VEGF, which was compounded by exercise, before increasing to baseline values with normoxic restoration (T240). NH-exercise led to a paired increase in HMGB-1. sRAGE inversely correlated with HMGB-1 (r=-0.32; p=0.006), heart rate (r=-0.43; p=0.004) but was not linked to SpO2 or StO2. In conclusion, short-term NH leads to a fall in sRAGE and VEGF concentrations with a transient rise post NH-exercise in HMGB-1.