A new method for quantitative assessment of the atrial contribution to ventricular ejection in sequentially paced patients is described. The atrial contribution (AC) has been defined as the pulse pressure decrement (invasive arterial measurement by a canulla inserted into the brachial artery), expressed in percent of the control pulse pressure, induced by switching off the atrium activating impulse for one beat In 17 patients, the AC was found to be atrioventricular (AV) interval dependent, the measurements were well reproducible (the mean difference between two measurements at different times was 93 %, S.D. 8.4). For the AV interval of 170 ms, it was found to be 29.3 % (+8.9) in patients with the sick sinus syndrome, 27.0 % (+3.2) in patients with complete AV block and only 10.8 % (+2.1) a in patient with complete AV block and heart dysfunction.
Chronická pánevní bolest (také pelvialgie, CPP = chronic pelvic pain. CPPS = Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome) je definována jako subjektivně obtěžující (bolestivý) vjem. který je pacientem/pacientkou pociťován v oblasti malé pánve, hráze, perinea, penisu nebo SkrÓta a trvá alespoň 6 měsíců. Není přitom důležité, zda nalezneme morfologický korelát obtíží. Oblast malé pánve je velice komplikovaná anatomická jednotka, o kterou dle dané diagnózy pečuje řada lékařských odborností - urolog, gynekolog, chirurg, proktolog, onkológ, ortoped, neurolog a v neposlední řadě psychiatr, je-li oblast malé pánve „pouhou" projekcí psychického onemocnění. CPP syndrom postihuje především starší a staré muže i ženy a výjimkou jsou pouze mladé ženy s endometriózou nebo s poadhezivní bolestí po výkonech v malé pánvi. Věk nemocných a značné množství chorob, které vedou ke shodnému klinickému obrazu je důvodem, proč nemocní obvykle vystřídají řadu specialistů bez skutečné pomoci. Po delším čase již ani neznají příčinu, za které bolest vznikla, a stav se fixuje jako patologická psychická reakce s nutností farmakologické intervence. Nejčastějším urologickým onemocněním, u kterého zatím není zřejmé, jakou roli hraje v CPP, je chronická prostatitida mužů (prostatitis chronica) a chronická cystitida žen (cystitis chronica)., Chronic pelvic pain (CPP, also pelvialgia, CPPS = Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome) is defined as a subjeaively bothering (painful) sensation, felt by a patient in the pelvic area, perineum, penis or scrotum and which lasts for 6 months or longer. At the same time it is not important if we can find a morphological correlate of the problems. Pelvic area is a very complicated anatomic unit, treated - according to the diagnosis stated - by many medical specializa¬ tions - urologist, gynaecologist, surgeon, proaologist, oncologist, orthopaedist, neurologist and last but not least by psychiatrist, if pelvic area is "merely" a projeaion of psychical disease. CPP syndrome attacks especially elderly and old men and women, exceptionally young women with endometriosis or post adhesive pain after pelvic operation. Due to the age of patients and a significant number of diseases leading to the identical clinical image, the patients seek help from several specialists without success. In the course of time they do not already know the initial cause of pain and their state becomes fixed as a pathological psychical reaaion requiring pharmacological intervention. The most often urological disease, whose role in CPP is still unknown, is prostatitis chronica at men and cystitis chronica at women., Zbyněk Veselský, P. Macek, J. Špaček, Lit: 14, and Souhrn: eng
Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are key players in pathogenesis of long-term vasc ular diabetes complications. Several enzymes such as fructosamine 3-kinase (FN3K) and glyoxalase I (GLO I) are crucial in preventing glycation processes. The aim of our study was to evaluate an association of FN3K (rs1056534, rs3848403) and GLO1 rs4746 polymorphisms with parameters of endothelial dysfun ction and soluble receptor for AGEs (sRAGE) in 595 diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. Genotypic and allelic frequencies of mentioned polymorphisms did not differ between subgroups. In diabetic patients significant differences were observed in sRAGE concentrations according to their rs1056534 and rs3848403 genotype. While GG and CG genotypes of rs1056534 with mutate d G allele were associated with significant decrease of sRAGE (GG: 1055±458 and CG: 983±363 vs. CC: 1796±987 ng/l, p<0.0001), in rs3848403 polymorphism TT genotype with mutated T allele was related with significant sRAGE increase (TT: 1365±852 vs. CT: 1016±401 and CC: 1087±508 ng/l, p=0.05). Significant differences in adhesion molecules were observed in genotype subgroups of GLO1 rs4746 polymorphism. In conclusion, this is the first study describing significant relationship of FN3K (rs1056534) and (rs3848403) polymorphisms with concentration of sRAGE in patients with diabetes., J. Škrha Jr., A. Muravská, M. Flekač, E. Horová, J. Novák, A. Novotný, M. Prázný, J. Škrha, J. Kvasnička, L. Landová, M. Jáchymová, T. Zima, M. Kalousová., and Obsahuje bibliografii