The spectral analysis technique was applied for noninvasive assessment of heart-rate baroreflex sensitivity (BRS). The coherence between fluctuation of blood pressure and heart rate at 0.1 Hz and at respiratory frequency is high. This fact enables the assessment of BRS by means of calculating the modulus (or gain) of the transfer function between variations in blood pressure and heart rate. The noninvasive continuous blood pressure registration according to Peňáz was used. During voluntarily controlled breathing intervals, the amplitude of 0.1 Hz and respiratory peaks in the spectra of heart rate and blood pressure changed markedly. Nevertheless, the average sensitivity of the baroreflex (modulus) changed insignificantly. This result indicated that the stability of BRS can be advantageous for the use of BRS in clinical practice. The difference between the modulus at 0.1 Hz and at the breathing rate indicates that baroreflex is only one of the factors causing respiratory arrhythmia. We also compared the determination of BRS by spectral analysis with the following alternative method: both lower extremities were occluded for 5 minutes. The release of pressure in the occluding cuffs decreased blood pressure which was followed by a baroreceptor-mediated increase of heart rate. Both methods correlated, but more detailed analysis revealed the role of the low pressure receptors in BRS determined by spectral analysis.
Rhythms in abdominal pumping, heartbeats and discontinuous gas exchange cycles (DGCs) of CFV subtype (closed, flutter and ventilation periods) in adults of pine weevil Hylobius abietis were simultaneously recorded using an electrolytic microrespirometer and an infrared (IR) cardiograph or IR actograph (IRA). The cyclic release of carbon dioxide was associated with active ventilation (V phase) provided by vigorous abdominal pumping movements due to contractions of tonic longitudinal and transversal abdominal muscles, which are visible to the naked eye. On the IRA-recordings, the abdominal pumping signals are superimposed on the heartbeat spikes. The relative amplitude of the abdominal pumping signals on these recordings is more than 10 times greater than that of the heart beats. Visual observations showed that the subelytral cavity appeared to be closed during the release of carbon dioxide and open at other times. The flutter (F) of the CFV cycle is characterised by active miniature inspirations or ventilations before the V period. The miniature ventilation movements were imperceptible to the naked eye, but were recorded on the respirometer-actigraph as clear spikes. In addition, movements of the tip of the abdomen, of between 10-20 mm were seen under a stereomicroscope at a magnification of 40×. Some cycles were categorized as (C)FV cycles, when the C period disappears into the end of the V period. Abdominal pumping and miniature inspirations were clearly synchronized with the CFV cycles. Abdominal pumping movements, miniature inspirations or ventilations and heartbeats in adult H. abietis were distinguishable when recordings of the electrolytic microrespirometer-actograph and IRA were made in parallel. These three events were recognized by their different amplitudes and frequencies. It is presumed that abdominal pumping and miniature inspirations in adult H. abietis are obligatory rhythmic movements of different function and origin.
Tropical forest disturbances lead to the establishment of secondary successional plant communities constituted by light demanding species with high relative growth rate that conduct to rapid canopy closure. Two main strategies for N nutrition are: (a) mineral N acquisition in the form of NH4 and NO3, and (b) symbiotic atmospheric N2 fixation. Given the high N requirement for maximization of leaf area and radiant energy absorption, we hypothesize that contrasting strategies of N nutrition in these environments are reflected in leaf photosynthetic characteristics. We compared the N-photosynthesis relationships and carbon balance parameters per unit leaf area as they vary with age in two species with contrasting N acquisition strategies: a N2-fixer Crotalaria anagyroides HBK (Papilionoideae), and a mineral-N user Verbesina turbacensis HBK (Asteraceae). N2 fixation capacity was associated to higher specific leaf area (SLA), higher photosynthetic capacity (Pmax) per unit leaf area and leaf mass, and higher N content per unit leaf mass. The N2-fixer species showed higher slope in the relationship Pmax-N per unit leaf mass and area when compared to the leaves of non-fixer species. Moreover, the intrinsic photosynthetic N use efficiency (Pmax/N) was higher in the N2 fixer than in leaves of the non-fixer species. Changes in N due to leaf age resulted in larger changes in CO2 flux density at the leaf level in the N2-fixer species. The higher photosynthetic capacity of the N2-fixer species was mechanistically related to higher stomatal conductance, internal CO2 concentration (ci) values closer to atmospheric CO2 concentration (ca), and lower intrinsic water use efficiency than the mineral N-user species. Despite their higher Pmax per unit leaf area, total non-structural saccharides concentration was lower in mature leaves of the N2-fixer plant as compared to the non-fixer counterpart. This might be caused by the presence of a larger root sink (symbionts) stimulating saccharides export and higher diurnal respiration rates. and A. Quilici, E. Medina.
Although plant performance under elevated CO2 (EC) and drought has been extensively studied, little is known about the leaf traits and photosynthetic performance of Stipa bungeana under EC and a water deficiency gradient. In order to investigate the effects of EC, watering, and their combination, S. bungeana seedlings were exposed to two CO2 regimes (ambient, CA: 390 ppm; elevated, EC: 550 ppm) and five levels of watering (-30%, -15%, control, +15%, +30%) from 1 June to 31 August in 2011, where the control water level was 240 mm. Gas exchange and leaf traits were measured after 90-d treatments. Gas-exchange characteristics, measured at the growth CA, indicated that EC significantly decreased the net photosynthetic rate (PN), water-use efficiency, nitrogen concentration based on mass, chlorophyll and malondialdehyde (MDA) content, while increased stomatal conductance (gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), dark respiration, photorespiration, carbon concentration based on mass, C/N ratio, and leaf water potential. Compared to the effect of EC, watering showed an opposite trend only in case of PN. The combination of both factors showed little influence on these physiological indicators, except for gs, Ci, and MDA content. Photosynthetic acclimation to EC was attributed to the N limitation, C sink/source imbalance, and the decline of photosynthetic activity. The watering regulated photosynthesis through both stomatal and nonstomatal mechanisms. Our study also revealed that the effects of EC on photosynthesis were larger than those on respiration and did not compensate for the adverse effects of drought, suggesting that a future warm and dry climate might be unfavorable to S. bungeana. However, the depression of the growth of S. bungeana caused by EC was time-dependent at a smaller temporal scale., H. Wang, G. S. Zhou, Y. L. Jiang, Y. H. Shi, Z. Z. Xu., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The photosynthetic rate of seed wings developed from sepals was compared with the leaf photosynthetic rate in nine dipterocarp tree species (Dipterocarpus pachyphyllus, Dryobalanops aromatica, Dryobalanops lanceolata, Shorea beccariana, Shorea ferruginea, Shorea macroptera ssp. bailonii, Shorea macroptera ssp. macropterifolia, Shorea pilosa, and Vatica spp.). The wings showed positive photosynthetic activity, but at much lower rates than in the leaves. The daily CO2 uptake of wings showed slightly negative values in diurnal gas exchange measurements, even in D. aromatica that showed the highest photosynthetic capacity of all nine species. This low photosynthetic rate in the wings may be the result of low nitrogen and chlorophyll contents in the wing compared with leaves. However, the wings had a higher C/N ratio than leaves, and were thicker. Hence, dipterocarp wings have physical strength and defence against herbivores as higher priorities than photosynthetic activity. and T. Kenzo ... [et al.].
Australian carnivorous pitcher plant Cephalotus follicularis Labill. produces two types of leaves. During the spring time, the plant produces a foliage type of noncarnivorous leaf called lamina. Later, the second type of leaf is produced - carnivorous pitcher. Using simultaneous measurements of gas exchange and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence photosynthetic efficiency of these two distinct forms of leaves were compared. In addition stomatal density, an important component of gas exchange, and Chl concentration were also determined. Pitcher trap had lower net photosynthetic rate
(PN) in comparison to noncarnivorous lamina, whereas the rate of respiration (RD) was not significantly different. This was in accordance with lower stomatal density and Chl concentration in the pitcher trap. On the other hand maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) and effective quantum yield of photochemical energy conversion in PSII (ΦPSII) was not significantly different. Nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) was significantly higher in the lamina at higher irradiance. These data are in accordance with hypothesis that changing the leaf shape in carnivorous plants to make it a better trap generally makes it less efficient at photosynthesis. However, the pitcher of Cephalotus had much higher PN than it was expected from the data set of the genus Nepenthes. Because it is not possible to optimize for contrasting function such as photosynthesis and carnivory, it is hypothesized that Cephalotus pitchers are less elaborated for carnivorous function than the pitchers of Nepenthes. and A. Pavlovič.
Photosynthetic properties of carnivorous plants have not been well characterized and the extent to which photosynthesis contributes to carbon gain in most carnivorous plants is also largely unknown. We investigated the photosynthetic light response in three carnivorous plant species, Drosera rotundifolia L. (sundew; circumpolar and native to northern British Columbia, Canada), Sarracenia leucophylla Rafin. ('pitcher-plant'; S.E. United States), and D. capensis L. (sundew; Cape Peninsula, South Africa), using portable gas-exchange systems to explore the capacity for photosynthetic carbon gain in carnivorous plant species. Maximal photosynthetic rates (1.32-2.22 μmol m-2 s-1 on a leaf area basis) and saturating light intensities (100 to 200 μmol PAR m-2 s-1) were both low in all species and comparable to shade plants. Field or greenhouse-grown D. rotundifolia had the highest rates of photosynthesis among the three species examined. Dark respiration, ranging from -1.44 (S. leucophylla) to -3.32
(D. rotundifolia) μmol m-2 s-1 was high in comparison to photosynthesis in the species examined. Across greenhouse-grown plants, photosynthetic light compensation points scaled with light-saturated photosynthetic rates. An analysis of gas-exchange and growth data for greenhouse-grown D. capensis plants suggests that photosynthesis can account for all plant carbon gain in this species. and B. M. Bruzzese ... [et al.].
The dynamics of the terrestrial ecosystems depend on interactions between a number of biogeochemical cycles (i.e. carbon, nutrient, and hydrological cycles) that may be modified by human actions. Conversely, terrestrial ecosystems are important components of these cycles that create the sources and sinks of important greenhouse gases (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide). Especially, carbon is exchanged naturally among these ecosystems and the atmosphere through photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, and combustion processes. Continuous increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has led to extensive research over the last two decades, during which more then 1 400 scientific papers describing impacts of elevated [CO2] (EC) on photosynthesis have been published. However, the degree of response is very variable, depending on species, growing conditions, mineral nutrition, and duration of CO2 enrichment. In this review, I have summarised the major physiological responses of plants, in particular of trees, to EC including molecular and primary, especially photosynthetic, physiological responses. Likewise, secondary (photosynthate translocation and plant water status) and tertiary whole plant responses including also plant to plant competition are shown.
Inactive forearm muscle oxygenation has been reported to begin decreasing from the respiratory compensation point (RCP) during ramp leg cycling. From the RCP, hyperventilation occurs with a decrease in arterial CO2 pressure (PaCO2). The aim of this study was to determine which of these two factors, hyperventilation or decrease in PaCO2, is related to a decrease in inactive biceps brachii muscle oxygenation during leg cycling. Each subject (n = 7) performed a 6-min two-step leg cycling. The exercise intensity in the first step (3 min) was halfway between the ventilatory threshold and RCP (170±21 watts), while that in the second step (3 min) was halfway between the RCP and peak oxygen uptake (240±28 watts). The amount of hyperventilation and PaCO2 were calculated from gas parameters. The average cross correlation function in seven subjects between inactive muscle oxygenation and amount of hyperventilation showed a negative peak at the time shift of zero (r = -0.72, p<0.001), while that between inactive muscle oxygenation and calculated PaCO2 showed no peak near the time shift of zero. Thus, we concluded that decrease in oxygenation in inactive arm muscle is closely coupled with increase in the amount of hyperventilation., H. Ogata, T. Arimitsu, R. Matsuura, T. Yunoki, M. Horiuchi, T. Yano., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The cardiovascular system is described by parameters including blood flow, blood distribution, blood pressure, heart rate and pulse wave velocity. Dynamic changes and mutual interactions of these parameters are important for understanding the physiological mechanisms in the cardiovascular system. The main objective of this study is to introduce a new technique based on parallel continuous bioimpedance measurements on different parts of the body along with continuous blood pressure, ECG and heart sound measurement during deep and spontaneous breathing to describe interactions of cardiovascular parameters. Our analysis of 30 healthy young adults shows surprisingly strong deep-breathing linkage of blood distribution in the legs, arms, neck and thorax. We also show that pulse wave velocity is affected by deep breathing differently in the abdominal aorta and extremities. Spontaneous breathing does not induce significant changes in cardiovascular parameters., P. Langer, P. Jurák, V. Vondra, J. Halámek, M. Mešťaník, I. Tonhajzerová, I. Viščor, L. Soukup, M. Matejkova, E. Závodná, P. Leinveber., and Obsahuje bibliografii