Calligonum caput-medusae is known to grow well when irrigated with water containing NaCl. The aim of this study was to investigate ecophysiological responses of C. caput-medusae to different NaCl concentrations. In our study, we examined the effect of 0, 50, 100, 200, and 400 mM NaCl. Our results demonstrated that maximum seedling growth occurred at 50 mM NaCl. Photosynthetic parameters, such as the photosynthetic pigment content and gas exchange parameters, correlated with growth response. High salinity (≥ 100 mM NaCl) resulted in a significant reduction of the plant growth. Similarly, marked declines in the pigment content, maximal efficiency of PSII photochemistry, net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance were also detected. However, intercellular CO2 concentration showed a biphasic response, decreasing with water containing less than 200 mM NaCl and increasing with NaCl concentration up to 400 mM. Water-use efficiency and intrinsic water-use efficiency exhibited the opposite response. The reduction of photosynthesis at the high NaCl concentration could be caused by nonstomatal factors. High salinity led also to a decrease in the relative water content and water potential. Correspondingly, an accumulation of soluble sugars and proline was also observed. Na+ and
Cl- concentrations increased in all tissues and K+ concentrations were maintained high during exposure to NaCl compared with the control. High salinity caused oxidative stress, which was evidenced by high malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide contents. In order to cope with oxidative stress, the activity of antioxidative enzymes increased to maximum after 50 mM NaCl treatment. The data reported in this study indicate that C. caput-medusae can be utilized in mild salinity-prone environments., Y. Lu, J.-Q. Lei, F.-J. Zeng, B. Zhang, G.-J. Liu, B. Liu, X.-Y. Li., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Background and objective: Investigation of the effects of MnTnHex-2-PyP on some markers of inflammation and lipid peroxidation in an asthma mice model. Methods: The experiment was carried out on 24 female mice C57Bl/6, divided into four groups: group 1, controls; group 2, injected with ovalbumin (OVA); group 3, treated with MnTnHex-2-PyP and group 4, treated with OVA and MnTnHex-2-PyP. The animals from groups 1 and 3 were injected i.p. on days 0 and 14 with a 100 μl phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and those from groups 2 and 4 were injected with a 100 μl ovalbumin solution, containing 20 μg OVA. On days 24, 25 and 26 the mice from groups 1 and 2 were inhaled with PBS for 30 min, and those from groups 2 and 4 were given a 1% ovalbumin solution. One hour before inhalation, and 12 hours later the animals from groups 1 and 2 were injected i.p. with 100 μl PBS, and those from groups 3 and 4 received a 100 μl MnTnHex-2-Pyp solution in PBS сontaining 0.05mg/kg. Results: Ovalbumin alone (group 2) increased the total cell number, total protein content, the levels of IL-4, IL-5 and 8-isoprostane in bronchoalveolar lavage. Elevations were observed in IgE level in serum, and the malone dialdehyde (MDA) content in the lung homogenate. These markers were decreased significantly in group 4 as compared to the OVA group. Conclusions: MnTnHex-2-Pyp reduces the inflammation and lipid peroxidation in Ovalbumin-induced mice asthma model, Veneta Shopova, Lyudmil Terziev, Violeta Dancheva, Galya Stavreva, Milena Atanasova, Angelina Stoyanova, Tzvetan Lukanov, and Literatura
Alzheimerova choroba (ACH) se řadí mezi závažná neurodegenerativní onemocnění provázená oxidačním stresem. Produkty radikálových reakcí mohou difundovat z primárních míst a být detekovány v cerebrospinální tekutině (CSF) či krvi. Tyto produkty představují potenciální biochemické markery pro diagnostiku ACH. Nejvíce pozornosti je zaměřeno na analýzu CSF, protože odráží patologické změny v mozkové tkáni u ACH. V CSF byly potvrzeny zvýšené hladiny oxidačních produktů lipidů i proteinů. Hladiny vitaminů jsou snížené, nicméně existují i práce, které nenašly rozdíly oproti kontrolám. Některé studie se zaměřily na detekci produktů oxidačního stresu v krvi u ACH, ale výsledky nejsou konzistentní. Část prací ukazuje na nárůst oxidačních produktů a snížené hladiny antioxidantů v plazmě. Nicméně jiné práce tyto výsledky nepotvrdily. Z hlediska hledání diagnostického biomarkeru pro ACH má význam se zaměřit na specifické produkty peroxidace lipidů, tzv. lipofuscinoidní pigmenty (LFP), v erytrocytech. Na základě fluorescenčních analýz LFP je možné najít specifický produkt v krvi u ACH., Alzheimer´s disease (AD) is a serious neurodegenerative disorder accompanied by oxidative stress. Products of free radical reactions diffuse from primary sites and can be detected in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood. Such products represent potential biochemical markers for diagnosis of AD. Most studies are focused on CSF since its composition reflects pathological changes in the brain in AD. Increased levels of lipid and protein oxidative products have been found in CSF. Levels of vitamins were reduced in CSF. However, there are studies which show no difference between AD and controls. There is research on free radical products in blood in AD but results are not consistent. Several studies show increased oxidative products and reduced antioxidant in plasma. Nevertheless, others did not confirm it. Considering the investigation of a diagnostic biomarker for AD, specific end-products of lipid peroxidation, so called lipofuscin-like pigments (LFP), in erythrocytes represent an important possibility. A specific product in blood in AD can be found by means of fluorescence analyses of LFP., Skoumalová A., and Literatura 35
Cíl práce: Lipoperoxidace je dávána do příčinné souvislosti s rozvojem nejdůležitějších rizikových faktorů kardiovaskulárních onemocnění. Lipoperoxidační procesy jsou důsledkem reakcí lipidů s volnými radikály bez ohledu na jejich původ. Vztah mezi triacylglyceroly (TAG) a volnými radikály (VR) není zcela jasný. Může se dokonce stát, že hypertriacylglycerolémie je doprovázena nízkými koncentracemi VR a naopak. Jedno z možných vysvětlení spočívá ve vztahu lipoperoxidace a složení mastných kyselin v molekulách TAG. Cílem této studie bylo analyzovat vztah složení mastných kyselin v TAG a produkci VR u pacientů trpících diabetes mellitus 2. typu. Typ studie: observační s kontrolní skupinou Materiál a metody: Studie zahrnovala 18 normotriacylglycerolemických (NTG) jedinců (M/F 12/6) a 24 hypertriacylglycerolemických (HTG) jedinců (M/F 16/8). Pacienti v obou skupinách byli diabetici 2. typu. Analýzu mastných kyselin v triacylglycerolech plazmy jsme provedli kapilární plynovou chromatografií a koncentrace volných radikálů byly změřeny přímou spektrofotometrií. Statistické analýzy (parametrické i neparametrické) byly provedeny pomocí statistického software STATISTICA pro Windows. Výsledky: Ve skupině HTG jsme pozorovali nižší zastoupení kyseliny myristové (14:0) (1.62 [1.23-2.07] vs. 1.90 [1.72-2.79], p = 0.022, [medián (1.-3. kvartil]) a vyšší poměr alfa-linolenové kyseliny (18:3n-3) (1.51 [1.21-1.86] vs 1.16 [1.02-1.42], p = 0.021). Poměr kyselin arachidonové/eikosapentaenové byl ve skupině HTG nižší (5.54 [3.62-7.98] vs 7.25 [5.98-15.12], p = 0.027). Když jsme HTG skupinu dále rozdělili podle koncentrací VR na tercily, prokázali jsme nižší hodnoty poměru kyseliny arachidonová/eikosapentaenová ve druhém tercilu (4.05 [2.66-4.67] vs 7.64 [5.83-11.00], 1. tercil, a 6.21 [3.20-8.31], 3. tercil p = 0.019). V spojených HTG+NTG skupinách jsme zaznamenali negativní korelaci mezi MA a TAG (r = -0.3153, p = 0.045). V triaclylglycerolech jsme prokázali pozitivní korelace VR a kyseliny stearové (p < 0.001) spolu s negativní korelací některých n-6 vícenenasycených mastných kyselin (18:3n-6, p < 0.05, 22:5n-6, p < 0.01). Závěr: Zastoupení mastných kyselin v molekulách TAG je spojeno s tvorbou VR. Nicméně do tohoto vztahu vstupují i jiné faktory., Objective: The lipoperoxidation plays a causal role in the development of most important risk factors of cardiovascular disease. The lipoperoxidation results from the reaction of lipid molecules with free radicals, regardless of their origin. The relationship between triacylglycerols (TAG) and the free radicals (FR) amount is not clear. Thus, it can turn up that the hypertriacylglyceridaemia is accompanied with the low values of FR, or vice versa. One possible explanation of this phenomenon is that the degree of lipoperoxidation of TAG is dependent on the composition of fatty acids (FA) in their molecule. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze FA composition in TAG and its relationship to FR production in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Design: observational study with internal control group Material and Methods: 18 normotriacylglycerolemic (NTG) individuals (12M/6F) and 24 hypertriacylglycerolemic (HTG) patients (16M/8F). Patients in both groups were persons, suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus. Fatty acid analysis of plasma triacylglycerols was performed by gas chromatography and free radicals were determined by direct spectrophotometric method. Statistical analyses (both parametric and non-parametric) were performed with the statistical software STATISTICA for Windows. Results: We found lower content of myristic acid (14:0) (1.62 [1.23-2.07] vs. 1.90 [1.72-2.79], p = 0.022, [median (1st-3rd quartile)]) and higher content of alpha-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) (1.51 [1.21-1.86] vs. 1.16 [1.02-1.42], p = 0.021) in HTG group. The ratio of arachidonic/eicosapentaenoic acid was in HTG group lower (5.54 [3.62-7.98] vs. 7.25 [5.98-15.12], p = 0.027). When the HTG group was stratified into the tertiles by the FR concentrations, we observed lower values in the second tertile for ratios based on arachidonic acid (20:4n-6) and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) (4.05 [2.66-4.67] vs. 7.64 [5.83-11.00], 1st tertile, and 6.21 [3.20-8.31], 3rd tertile, p = 0.019). In pooled groups, we proved negative correlation between MA and TAG (r = -0.3153, p = 0.045) and the link between FR and FA composition of TAG expressed as positive relationship of FR with content of stearic acid (p < 0.001) and negative correlation with some n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (18:3n-6, p < 0.05, 22:5n-6, p < 0.01). Conclusion: The composition of FA in TAG molecules has undoubtedly some relationship to the FR generation. However, the other factors seem to play a role, since the relationship is not straightforward within entire FR range., and Vecka M., Tvrzická E., Votruba M.
Alzheimerova choroba (ACH) je charakterizována ukládáním amyloidu β (Aβ) v senilních placích a tvorbou neurofibrilárních tanglů v mozkové tkáni, což je následováno zánikem neuronů. Příčina vzniku a rozvoje ACH je stále nejasná, nicméně existují faktory, které k patogenezi této choroby přispívají. Bylo zjištěno, že lipidové složení mozkové tkáně, především zastoupení polynenasycených mastných kyselin (PUFA), významně ovlivňuje patologický proces. Například přítomnost kyseliny dokosahexaenové (DHA) působí ochranně proti rozvoji ACH. U pacientů s ACH je v mozku snížené množství DHA v důsledku oxidačního stresu. Vzhledem k oboustranné výměně mastných kyselin mezi mozkovou tkání a krví, ovlivňuje složení PUFA v mozkové tkáni a oxidační stres i zastoupení jednotlivých mastných kyselin v erytrocytech, což se dá potenciálně využít k diagnostickým účelům., Alzheimer‘s disease (AD) is characterized by accumulation of amyloid β (Aβ) in senile plaques and formation of neurofibrillary tangles followed by neuronal damage. The primary cause of AD is still unclear. However, there are factors that contribute to its pathogenesis. It has been found that the brain lipid composition, mainly polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), affects the pathological process in the brain. For example, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) has protective effect against AD. Reduced amount of DHA as a result of oxidative stress has been documented in AD patients. The changes in the composition of brain PUFA are reflected in erythrocytes due to the exchange of fatty acids between brain and blood, which can be used for diagnostic purposes., Klusáčková Z., Skoumalová A., and Literatura 30
Tomato samples were collected from the field of Absheron peninsula in Azerbaijan in order to evaluate the incidence of main Tobamoviruses. According to results of serological and molecular tests, Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), and Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) were detected as single and mixed infections (TMV + PMMoV; ToMV + PMMoV) in various tomato samples. It was found that Tobamovirus infection caused an increase in the content of malondialdehyde, alterations in the activities of peroxidase enzymes and quantitative and qualitative changes in their molecular isoforms. A comparison of thylakoid membrane polypeptides from virus-infected leaves indicated a decrease in the content of the thylakoid membrane polypeptides with molecular masses of 123, 55, 47, 33, 28-24, 17, and 15 kD. PSII efficiency and the content of chlorophylls (a and b) were significantly lower in the virus-infected leaves., I. M. Huseynova, S. M. Mirzayeva, N. F. Sultanova, D. R. Aliyeva, N. Sh. Mustafayev, J. A. Aliyev., and Obsahuje bibliografii