Travinné ekosystémy jsou významnou součástí středoevropské krajiny. Polopřirozená travinná společenstva dnes tvoří v Evropě místa s vysokou biodiverzitou, jsou velmi náchylná k degradaci a k jejich efektivní ochraně je nutné znát vlivy různých typů managementu. Neodmyslitelnými obyvateli těchto ekosystémů jsou také zástupci rovnokřídlého hmyzu (Orthoptera), kteří zde hrají důležitou roli v potravní síti. Zároveň jsou vhodným indikátorem změn stanovištních podmínek, a to zejména struktury vegetace, čehož lze využít při zjišťování dopadů různých managementových opatření. Jedním z nejběžnějších a zároveň pro hmyz nejméně vhodných typů péče je dnes mechanizovaná seč. Nevhodná péče o travinné ekosystémy může ovlivňovat druhovou bohatost jak v měřítku lokálním tak i v měřítku krajiny. Snížení negativního dopadu seče ve prospěch biodiverzity lze docílit několika způsoby - např. zmírněnou intenzitou zásahu, a to posunutím nebo vynecháním první seče, nebo ponecháním neposečených ploch., Grasslands are an important part of the Central European landscape. Seminatural grasslands are considered to be biodiversity hotspots in Europe, with high conservation value. However, they are very unstable, and for their effective conservation it is necessary to know how different management systems affect the progression of the ecosystem. Orthopterans play an important role in the food web and they are also a good indicator of changes in habitat conditions, particularly in the vegetation structure, which can be used in determining the impact of different types of conservation management. Nowadays, one of the most common and least insect-friendly type of care is mechanized hay harvesting. Improper care can affect the species richness (both, on the local and landscape scale). The negative impact of mowing can be reduced in favour of biodiversity in several ways, as described (e.g., mitigating the intensity of the process by delaying or omitting the first mowing, or leaving uncut refuges)., and Oto Kaláb.
Dry calcareous grasslands are among the most species-rich and endangered ecosystems in the Central- European landscape. They are of anthropogenic origin and mainly a result of grazing by domestic animals. Due to land-use changes in the last century, particularly in the 1960s, they were often abandoned or afforested. Therefore, in 1975 long-term experiments were started in the southwestern Germany (Baden-Württemberg) to determine the effectiveness of alternative management treatments in maintaining grasslands and their species composition. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of grazing (reference management treatment), mowing once a year, mulching twice a year, mulching every second year, burning once a year and succession (abandonment) on the population structure (in terms of density, age structure, reproduction mode) and seasonal germination niche of a dwarf shrub, Helianthemum nummularium, and a herbaceous plant, Lotus corniculatus. To study the age structure, annual ring analyses were applied. The classification of the reproduction mode, either by seed or vegetatively, was carried out by differentiating the central under-ground organ either as a root (in this case the individual has established from seed) or rhizome (the individual has developed from clonal multiplication). The seasonal germination niche was derived from the age structure. Management clearly affected population density and age structure. Highest density of individuals was found in the grazing and the lowest in the succession treatment. In the mulching every second year and succession treatments populations were senescent. Management also affected reproduction mode in H. nummularium. Regeneration by seed was especially enhanced by mowing and burning but was inhibited by mulching twice and succession. In the latter treatments H. nummularium reproduced only clonally. Helianthemum nummularium germinated mainly in autumn but burning by breaking the dormancy of seeds initiated germination in spring. A similar pattern was detected in L. corniculatus: burning increased germination rate in spring. Comparing population characters (density, age, reproduction mode) to the traditionally used grazing treatment, mowing was most similar and for L. corniculatus additionally burning. This is in contrast to the assessment of the vegetation of the management treatments where mowing and mulching twice per year maintain a similar floristic composition. Finally, the analysis of the population structure revealed important mechanisms behind population and vegetation dynamics.
The role of clonal traits in a plant’s response to changes in management of semi-natural grasslands is poorly known and the few studies examining their importance have yielded contradictory results. For a better understanding of the role of plant functional traits in determining competitive ability and clonal growth in response to early changes in management, we mowed and applied fertilizer to 22 wet meadows in the Železné hory Mts, Czech Republic. We used two methods of assessing abundance (plant cover and species frequency) to determine whether changes in frequency induced by changes in management are better predicted by clonal traits while changes in cover are mainly determined by competitive traits such as plant height. We evaluated (i) the response of individual species to changes in management and (ii) the response of the whole community, with and without taking abundance of individual plants into account, in order to separate the effect of local extinction and immigration from changes in abundance. The plant functional traits tested were generally found to be important soon after the changes in the management of the semi-natural grasslands occurred: competitively superior resident species (possessing tall erosulate, monocyclic shoots) that are able to spread far and multiply clonally (having a high clonal index) were favoured by applying fertilizer and/or suppressed by mowing. Some other traits supposed to be important in the response to changes in management did not change (persistence of connection between ramets). Results for the two methods of assessing abundance differed; however, neither was better at detecting the response of particular types of traits (i.e. relevant to clonal growth and competitive ability). The initial response of the whole community, with and without taking abundance of individual plants into account, was consistent indicating that species that went extinct possessed the same traits as those that decreased in abundance. The clonal index proved to be a useful characteristic of meadow plants. Our results further imply that (i) the method used to assess abundance significantly affects the output of analyses of the response of functional traits, and (ii) a comparison of analyses based on weighting abundance and unweighted means resulted in a deeper insight into the changes in the spectra of functional traits that occurred after changes in meadow management.
As urbanisation is set to continue, understanding the impact on wildlife becomes increasingly important if we are to be able to conserve biodiversity. As an excellent group of bioindicators, invertebrates can allow us to understand some of the forces in urban areas which impact upon biodiversity and wildlife populations. This paper discusses some of the trends in the abundance, diversity and richness of invertebrates related to urbanisation and the specific urban environmental and traffic factors which may be at play., Elizabeth L. Jones, Simon R. Leather., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Vegetation succession was studied for 12 years on an abandoned nutrient-poor small field surrounded by a strip of natural grassland. No fertilizers or herbicides were applied. Few weeds or annuals were present during this period. Only two plants, i.e. Agrostis capillaris and Festuca rubra, dominated during the 12 years. At two spatial scales (0.04 and 0.4 m2 ) a dramatic increase in species richness was recorded during the first two years. However, no further trend in species richness occurred after the sixth year of succession. Successional changes were directed and continuous. The rate of succession depended on the distance from the neighbouring meadow. Vegetation at the margins of the transect developed more slowly and diverged from the middle during the succession.