Perspectives on migrant integration differ by time and place. This article examines this vague concept to shed light on how its evolution over time has shaped the current conceptions of migrant integration in the EU and the Czech Republic. It describes the situation in the Czech Republic and the country's normative goals in the field of migrant integration. While the country has explicit integration priorities in place, there is no evaluation of their fulfilment. The article explores whether these priorities are indeed fulfilled and from what sources by analysing a unique dataset of 3061 projects in the field of migrant integration. All these projects were implemented in the Czech Republic between 2010 and 2019. The results show that although funding for migrant integration has increased since 2016, even taking into account the long-term increase in the number of migrants in the Czech Republic, funding in support of these priorities is allocated very unevenly. European funding remains crucial. Among the most supported priorities is knowledge of the Czech language and education. There is also some support in the social field. By contrast, the issues of discrimination, equal rights, foreign nationals' access to health care, and the development of professional skills receive hardly any support. The results thus show a discrepancy between the priorities that have been set and their fulfilment, especially in the area of activities targeting the majority society and its institutions. The declared two-sidedness to the process of integration process thus remains a somewhat unsupported vision.
This study investigated the post-spawning dispersal of seven species occurring in a tributary of the Římov Reservoir during
the years 2000-2004. Fish were captured during spawning migration to the tributary, marked and released. The subsequent distribution
of marked fish was followed in the reservoir and tributary during three successive periods 1) early summer, 2) late summer and 3)
the next spawning season. Species were divided into two groups – obligatory tributary spawners (white bream
Blicca bjoerkna
, chub
Squalius cephalus
, bleak
Alburnus alburnus
and asp
Aspius aspius
) that did so predominantly in the tributary of the reservoir and
generalists (bream
Abramis brama
, perch
Perca fluviatilis
and roach
Rutilus rutilus
) that usually spawned in the tributary as well as at
different sites within the reservoir main body. We hypothesized that obligatory tributary spawners would distribute across the reservoir
after spawning according to their species-specific preferences for certain feeding grounds. We expected a relatively low or erratic post-
spawning dispersal for spawning generalists. The results of the study revealed that the post-spawning dispersal of obligatory tributary
spawners is consistent with our hypothesis and they most likely dispersed according to their feeding ground requirements. The post-
spawning dispersal of generalists revealed that the assumed low dispersal was relevant for bream and perch while erratic dispersal was
observed in roach.
The article deals with situation, attitudes and behaviour of members of Prague's Russian immigrant community. At the beginning an overview of recent socio-economic development in Russia, existing findings about Russian minority in the Czech Republic and Czech citizens’ attitudes towards Russians are presented. The core of the article is presentation of main results of a survey conducted by the author in spring 2010 among members of Russian community that live in Prague and its surroundings. Among the main hypotheses that came out of the survey is growth of importance of positive motivations to migrate, extension of geographical and social basis from which migrants come, continuity of self-isolation of the community combined with strong ties to the country of origin and rise of Russian ethnic economy in Prague., Michal Janíčko., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The article focuses on the problem of resettlement of Czechs, Slovaks, Poles and Germans who lived on the territory of the former Soviet Union, to the countries of their forefathers. It is centered especially on the period of the 1990s. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the year 1991 important streams of migration occurred, especially out of those former Soviet republics with certain ethnic minorities. The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Germany arranged conditions for the resettlement of their countrymen and their family members in the areas of legislature as well as the material support. While in the case of Czechs, Slovaks and Poles smaller groups were resettled (1–3 thousands of persons), there were about 2 millions of Germans.
The article proposes some possible localizations of the extinct village Elizabeta in Romanian Banat. This village was founded as the first of the relatively large Czech colonization wave at the beginning of the 1820s that led to the mountainous area of Banat by the river Donau.
With climatic warming there is an expectation that phytophagous insects will increasingly use alien (non native) plants as nectar sources and larval host plants. Alien plant use is investigated in British butterflies. Butterflies are considered to be larval host plant specialists relative to their use of nectar plants. Supporting this view, use of alien plants as nectar sources (50.1%, 27 novel plant families) is almost twice that of their use as larval host plants (21.6%; three novel plant families). Some 80% of the variation in percent alien nectar plant use is accounted against 30% of that for percent alien host plant use. The key variable accounting for alien plant use is butterfly mobility. Other prominent variables that facilitate access to alien nectar plants are southern distributions, longer adult life span, host plants in garden biotopes. A different set of variables additionally account for alien host plant exploitation (% alien host plant use: woody host plants; number of alien host plants: polyphagy; greater abundance of native host plants in gardens). Although threatened butterfly species do not depend on alien plants, this may well reflect on specialisation in resource use accompanying habitat fragmentation and an inability to use novel resources that are becoming increasingly available. Detailed study of alien resources is advocated to assess the importance of alien plant resources for phytophagous insects.
U zrodu Římského klubu v r. 1968 stáli italský průmyslník a futurolog Aurelio Peccei a skotský vědec Alexander King, generální ředitel Organizace pro hospodářskou spolupráci a rozvoj (OECD). Chybělo jim uskupení, které by se hlouběji zabývalo globálními problémy, analyzovalo je a přicházelo s inspirujícími koncepcemi řešení. Proto přizvali významné podnikatele, vědce, politiky a zástupce vojenského sektoru. První schůzka proběhla v Římě za účasti asi 30 lidí, v krátké době se však počet členů rozrostl na 70. V r. 1972 autoři Mezí růstu (Dennis a Donella Meadowsovi, Jorgen Randers, William W. Behrens: Limits toGrowth) - jedné z nejčtenějších a také nejvíce zpochybňovaných až tabuizovaných zpráv o stavu světa, ať už politicky zleva, nebo zprava, psali o konečnosti neomezeného ekonomického rozvoje. Jejich matematické modely simulovaly trendy v pěti proměnných: lidská populace na Zemi, objem průmyslu, znečištění, produkce potravin a čerpání nerostných zdrojů. Dosavadní exponenciální křivky růstu nemohly být podle jejich vývodů udržitelné, protože nárůst technologických inovací, které by problémy kompenzovaly, byl pouze lineární. Do možných tří scénářů ve výhledu zahrnuli zpětné vazby, při jejichž fungování by došlo ke změnám v růstových trendech u některých proměnných. V poznámce uvedli, že jejich projekce hodnot proměnných v každém ze scénářů jsou pouze indikacemi tendencí v chování celku. Dva ze scénářů představovaly překročení mezí a kolaps globálního systému, zatímco třetí scénář vedl ke stabilizovanému světu. Po každém dalším desetiletí, které uplyne od vydání Mezí růstu, se mnozí ptají: Měli autoři pravdu? Anebo šlo o jeden velký omyl či mystifikaci? and Pavel Kovář.
Adjuvant therapy and radiotherapy improves the survival of patients with metastatic and locally advanced gastric cancer (GC). However, the resistance to radiotherapy limits its clinical usage. Rhotekin 2 (RTKN2) functions as an oncogene and confers resistance to ultraviolet B-radiation and apoptosis- inducing agents. Here, the role of RTKN2 in radiosensitivity of GC cell lines was investigated. RTKN2 was found to be elevated in GC tissues and cells. A series of functional assays revealed that overexpression of RTKN2 induced GC cell proliferation, promoted GC cell migration and invasion, while inhibiting GC cell apoptosis. However, silence of RTKN2 promoted GC cell apoptosis, while repressing GC cell proliferation, invasion and migration. GC cells were exposed to irradiation, and data from cell survival and apoptotic assays showed that knock-down of RTKN2 enhanced radiosensitivity of GC through up-regulation of apoptosis and down-regulation of proliferation in irradiation-exposed GC cells. Moreover, the protein expression of β-catenin and c-Myc in GC cells was enhanced by RTKN2 over-expression, but reduced by RTKN2 silence. Interference of RTKN2 down-regulated nuclear β-catenin expression, while up-regulating cytoplasmic β-catenin in GC. In conclusion, RTKN2 contributed to cell growth and radioresistance in GC through activation of Wnt/β-catenin signalling.
A new bramble species, Rubus silvae-norticae, section Rubus, subsection Hiemales E. H. L. Krause in Prahl, series Micantes Sudre, which occurs in S Bohemia, Upper Austria and Lower Bavaria, is described. It is recorded at 130 localities. The distance between the most remote localities is ca 100 km. The species grows most frequently in forest habitats (as a distinctly nemophilous ecoelement) such as ditches and edges of forest roads, plantations, forest margins and clearings. It mainly grows in mesic, acid and mineral-poor soils. Like, for example, R. clusii or R. ser. Glandulosi and unlike other relatively thermophilous Rubus species, it is able to grow and propagate itself at rather high altitudes, up to the mountain vegetation belt. The diagnostic characters that separate R. silvae-norticae from its most similar and sympatrically occurring species, R. clusii and R. muhelicus, are provided. In Austria R. silvae-norticae and some other brambles were mistakenly considered as R. helveticus, a bramble (probably a single biotype) described from Switzerland in 1870. The lectotype of Rubus helveticus is designated here and a photograph of the specimen presented. Also included is a distribution map of R. silvae-norticae, a list of revised herbarium specimens, a photograph of the type specimen and a pen drawing of the species. The significance of regional brambles for plant migrations and phytogeography is shown, based on the distribution of selected regional Rubus species occurring in the Czech and Austrian border area, which is a known mountain barrier to migration. The distribution patterns of the brambles support a theory about the routes of plant migration and the florogenetic connection between Austria and the Czech Republic. Rubus silvae-norticae, R. muhelicus and R. vestitus f. albiflorus are regarded as Danubian migrants (distributed from Upper Austria to S Bohemia), whereas R. gothicus s. l. (“south Moravian type”) and R. austromoravicus are considered to be Dyje-Kamp migrants (distributed from Moravia and Lower Austria to S Bohemia) within the Bohemian flora. Rubus kletensis is supposed to be a Vltava migrant within the Austrian flora (distributed from S Bohemia to Upper Austria).
Spring spawning migrations of paddlefish Polyodon spathula into the River Missouri above Fort Peck Reservoir, Montana were investigated with radio-telemetry during 2006-2009. Selected migration characteristics (total movement, rate of movement, maximum upriver ascent, duration of the migration, upriver residence time and spawning periodicity) were compared between sexes and among years. Paddlefish exhibited sexual dimorphisms in selected measures of migratory behavior. Females typically moved at a faster rate (mean, 13.4 km/ day for females versus 10.1 km/day for males) and remained in the river a shorter time (mean, 40 days) than did males (mean, 45 days). Females and males exhibited similar total movements, upriver residence times and mean maximum ascents. Spawning periodicity was shorter for males (mean, 1.5 years) than females (mean, 2.3 years). Total movement, movement rate, mean duration of the spawning migration and upriver residence time of both sexes differed among years. Results from this study indicate that certain analyses of paddlefish migrations and migratory behavior should be undertaken separately for female and male fish.