Dental composite materials often contain monomers with bisphenol A (BPA) structure in their molecules, e.g. bisphenol-A glycidyl dimethacrylate (Bis-GMA). In this study, it was examined whether dental restorative composites could be a low-dose source of BPA or alternative bisphenols, which are known to have endocrine-disrupting effects. Bis-GMA-containing composites Charisma Classic (CC) and Filtek Ultimate Universal Restorative (FU) and “BPA-free” Charisma Diamond (CD) and Admira Fusion (AF) were examined. Specimens (diameter 6 mm, height 2 mm, n=5) were light-cured from one side for 20 s and stored at 37 °C in methanol which was periodically changed over 130 days to determine the kinetics of BPA release. BPA concentrations were measured using a dansyl chloride derivatization method with liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry detection. The amounts of BPA were expressed in nanograms per gram of composite (ng/g). BPA release from Bis-GMA-containing CC and FU was significantly higher compared to “BPA-free” CD and AF. The highest 1-day release was detected with FU (15.4±0.8 ng/g), followed by CC (9.1±1.1 ng/g), AF (2.1±1.3 ng/g), and CD (1.6±0.8 ng/g), and the release gradually decreased over the examined period. Detected values were several orders of magnitude below the tolerable daily intake (4 µg/kg body weight/day). Alternative bisphenols were not detected. BPA was released even from “BPA-free” composites, although in significantly lower amounts than from Bis-GMA-containing composites. Despite incubation in methanol, detected amounts of BPA were substantially lower than current limits suggesting that dental composites should not pose a health risk if adequately polymerized., Markéta Šimková, Antonín Tichý, Michaela Dušková, Pavel Bradna., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Cíl studie: Zavedení metody stanovení hladin neurotransmiterových metabolitů v mozkomíšním moku do rutinní klinické praxe je podmínkou včasné diagnostiky a léčby neurotransmiterových onemocnění v dětském věku. Materiál a metoda: Metodou vysoce účinné kapalinové chromatografie ve spojení s elektrochemickou detekcí bylo analyzováno 82 vzorků mozkomíšního moku dětských pacientů s podezřením na neurometabolické onemocnění. Výsledky: Byla stanovena věkově vázaná referenční rozmezí. Ve třech vzorcích byla prokázána patologicky snížená koncentrace kyseliny homovanilové. U dvou pacientů s významnou mikrocefalií a závažným organickým poškozením mozku se pravděpodobně jedná o sekundární deficit. Neurologický nález u třetího pacienta svědčil pro primární poruchu metabolismu neurotransmiterů na úrovni tyrosinhydroxylázy (TH). Deficit TH byl následně potvrzen na molekulárně-genetické úrovni. Závěr: Diagnostika poruch metabolismu biogenních aminů je obtížná a vyžaduje provedení lumbální punkce se speciálním odběrem mozkomíšního moku. Na našem pracovišti jsme vyšetření hladin neurotransmiterových metabolitů zařadili do rutinní diagnostiky všech dětí s podezřením na neurometabolické onemocnění. Diagnostikovali jsme prvního pacienta v České republice s primární poruchou metabolismu neurotransmiterů a zahájili léčbu., Objective: The implementation of cerebrospinal fluid neurotransmitter metabolites analysis in clinical routine is necessary for early diagnosis and treatment of pediatric neurotransmitter disorders. Material and methods: We analysed 82 cerebrospinal fluid samples from children suspected of neurometabolic disorder using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrochemical detection. Results: We established age-related reference values. In three samples the level of homovanillic acid was found to be markedly decreased. In two patients with severe microcephaly and extensive organic brain damage secondary deficit is concerned. Neurological findings in third patient led us to the suspicion of primary neurotransmitter metabolism disorder at the level of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Subsequently, TH deficiency was confirmed by molecular genetic analysis. Conclusion: Diagnosis of biogenic amines metabolism disorders is difficult and needs lumbar puncture to be performed. In our hospital we implemented cerebrospinal fluid neurotransmitter metabolites analysis into routine diagnostic workup for every patient suspected with neurometabolic disorder. We diagnosed first Czech patient with primary neurotransmitter metabolism disorder and commenced the treatment., Szentiványi K., Hansíková H., Krijt J., Zeman J., Honzík T., and Literatura 19