In this paper, we present an approach to evaluate the hydrological alterations of a temporary river. In these rivers, it is expected that anthropogenic pressures largely modify low-flow components of the flow regime with consequences for aquatic habitat and diversity in invertebrate species. First, by using a simple hydrological index (IARI) river segments of the Celone stream (southern Italy) whose hydrological regime is significantly influenced by anthropogenic activities have been identified. Hydrological alteration has been further classified through the analysis of two metrics: the degree (Mf) and the predictability of dry flow conditions (Sd6). Measured streamflow data were used to calculate the metrics in present conditions (impacted). Given the lack of data from pristine conditions, simulated streamflow time series were used to calculate the metrics in reference conditions. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was used to estimate daily natural streamflow. Hydrological alterations associated with water abstractions, point discharges and the presence of a reservoir were assessed by comparing the metrics (Mf, Sd6) before and after the impacts. The results show that the hydrological regime of the river segment located in the upper part of the basin is slightly altered, while the regime of the river segment downstream of the reservoir is heavily altered. This approach is intended for use with ecological metrics in defining the water quality status and in planning streamflow management activities.
Climate change impacts on water cycle at regional scale have been recently very investigated and discussed issue. This study focuses on changes of not only total runoff but also others water balance components: soil water content and evapotranspiration, in a monthly step. The climate change was described using outputs of two different global circulations models, ECHAM and HadCM based on two divergent scenarios (optimistic B1 and pessimistic A2) according to the IPCC. The simulation of water cycle was processed in the mesoscale Malse basin (437 km2 ) in southern Bohemia using distributed physically based hydrological model SWIM. The outputs for the time horizon 2050 were assessed in comparison with mean values from the representative period 1987-1998. The study indicates vulnerability against predicted changes of both temperature and precipitation patterns referred to the selected scenarios. A decrease of total runoff was expected; however, hydrological balance will be different particularly in the monthly pattern within a year. The aim of this article is to describe the impact on various hydrological balance components. and Stále aktuálnější otázkou jsou dnes dopady klimatické změny na hydrologický cyklus v regionálním měřítku. Tato studie se zaměřuje na sledování změny nejen odtoku, ale také změn obsahu půdní vody a evapotranspirace, a to v měsíčním kroku v průběhu roku. Pro popis změny klimatu byly zvoleny výstupy dvou globálních modelů ECHAM a HadCM podle dvou odlišných scénářů budoucího klimatického vývoje (optimistický B1 a pesimistický A2) podle IPCC. Hydrologický cyklus byl simulován použitím distribuovaného fyzikálního hydrologického modelu SWIM, a to na středně velkém povodí jihočeské Malše (437 km2 ), pro závěrový profil Pořešín. Výstupy odpovídající hypotetickému stavu v roce 2050 byly porovnávány s dlouhodobými průměrnými hodnotami z povodí za léta 1987-1998. Ukazuje se, že středně velké povodí Malše je citlivé vůči předpovídaným změnám teplot a srážek a podle scénářů dojde k očekávanému celkovému poklesu odtoku z povodí. Tento pokles bude provázen změnami hydrologické bilance během roku, viditelné především přesunem maximálních hodnot jednotlivých prvků do jiných měsíců.
Recently hydrological mapping have gained renewed interest in connection with climate-change impact studies, determination of water budgets at different temporal and spatial scales and the validation of atmospheric simulation models and hydrological models. Grids maps are often chosen for the representation of the spatial distribution of diverse physiographic and hydrologic information. This study focuses on the spatial estimation of the long-term mean annual actual (ET) and potential (EP) evapotranspiration in mountainous basins in Central Slovakia. Three methods used for EP and ET estimations are compared in a mapping framework: the modified empirical Turc model, the energy based SOLEI model and continuous water balance simulation using WASIM model. The spatial variability and consistency of EP and ET estimated by the different methods is evaluated and the performance of resulting ET grid maps is compared with the observed long-term water balance in three Hron river basins: river Hron to Bystra, Hron to Brezno and Hron to Banska Bystrica profiles. and Mapovanie prvkov hydrologickej bilancie má čoraz väčšie uplatnenie pri modelovaní priestorových zmien jednotlivých hydrologických prvkov, na určenie komponentov hydrologickej bilancie vybraných území, pri overovaní platnosti údajov pre rôzne atmosférické a hydrologické modely, ale aj pri štúdiách spojených s posudzovaním dôsledkov možnej zmeny klímy na hydrologický cyklus. Táto práca je venovaná možnostiam mapovania dlhodobého priemerného ročného aktuálneho (ET) a potenciálneho výparu (EP) s využitím rastrovej (štvorcovej) formy vyjadrenia ich priestorovej variability. Na konštrukciu máp EP a ET boli použité tri rôzne metódy: empirický model Turca, energeticky založený model SOLEI a model hydrologickej bilancie WaSiM. Výsledkom práce bolo zhodnotenie priestorovej variability a vzájomnej konzistencie rôznych metód aplikovaných na mapovanie EP a ET a porovnanie ich presnosti voči meraným dlhodobým prvkom hydrologickej bilancie v troch povodiach - povodí Bystrej, povodí Hrona po profil Brezno a po profil Banská Bystrica.
In this study a 25-year (1976-2000) series of observed precipitation, temperature, runoff and further water-flows of a lysimeter balance within the pre-alpine research catchment Rietholzbach (Switzerland) is analyzed. The comparison of the precipitation volumes on this lysimeter to precipitation collected by a conventional rain gauge shows that conventional rain gauges provide strongly underestimated values for precipitation, especially in winter. The obtained monthly precipitation correction factors indicate that precipitation losses above 20% for rain and above 50% for snow are realistic. The observed hydrometeorological values allowed for improving the understanding of the model-based simulation of the hydrological processes with distributed hydrological models and for investigating both a conceptual and a physically based runoff-generation approach. The albedo, soil moisture and lysimeter water balance allowed for a simultaneous assessment of the performance of several model components, such as the soil moisture, runoff-generation and evapotranspiration modules and the module for the determination of snow cover accumulation and melt. and V príspevku sú analyzované 25-ročné rady zrážok, teploty vzduchu, odtoku a hydrologickej bilancie v lyzimetri vo výskumnom povodí Rietholzbach (Švajčiarsko). Porovnanie zrážok zachytených lyzimetrom a konvenčným zrážkomerom ukazuje, že údaje zo zrážkomera sú veľmi podhodnotené, najmä v zime. Podľa získaných mesačných koeficientov opráv zrážok sú straty zrážok vyše 20 % pre dážď a vyše 50 % pre sneh realistické. Pozorované meteorologické údaje umožnili lepšie pochopiť simuláciu hydrologických procesov pomocou distribuovaných hydrologických modelov a pomohli pri posudzovaní konceptuálneho aj fyzikálne založeného prístupu k modelovaniu tvorby odtoku. Albedo, vlhkosť pôdy a hydrologická bilancia lyzimetra umožnili posúdiť funkciu niekoľkých zložiek modelu (moduly vlhkosti pôdy, tvorby odtoku, evapotranpirácie a akumulácie a topenia snehu).
This work examines the main features of the flash flood regime in Central Europe as revealed by an analysis of flash floods that have occurred in Slovakia. The work is organized into the following two parts: The first part focuses on estimating the rainfall-runoff relationships for 3 major flash flood events, which were among the most severe events since 1998 and caused a loss of lives and a large amount of damage. The selected flash floods occurred on the 20th of July, 1998, in the Malá Svinka and Dubovický Creek basins; the 24th of July, 2001, at Štrbský Creek; and the 19th of June, 2004, at Turniansky Creek. The analysis aims to assess the flash flood peaks and rainfall-runoff properties by combining post-flood surveys and the application of hydrological and hydraulic post-event analyses. Next, a spatially-distributed hydrological model based on the availability of the raster information of the landscape’s topography, soil and vegetation properties, and rainfall data was used to simulate the runoff. The results from the application of the distributed hydrological model were used to analyse the consistency of the surveyed peak discharges with respect to the estimated rainfall properties and drainage basins. In the second part these data were combined with observations from flash flood events which were observed during the last 100 years and are focused on an analysis of the relationship between the flood peaks and the catchment area. The envelope curve was shown to exhibit a more pronounced decrease with the catchment size with respect to other flash flood relationships found in the Mediterranean region. The differences between the two relationships mainly reflect changes in the coverage of the storm sizes and hydrological characteristics between the two regions.