Water is one of the most important components of the environment, having a direct effect on the maintenance of life on the Earth. In this paper, analysis of groundwater level variations, water balance and all the parameters included in these quantities, i.e. precipitation, evapotranspiration, surface run-off and subsurface run-off, were performed in the area of the Sudety Mountains for the period of November 2002 - October 2015. The groundwater level variations were computed on the basis of the mean Terrestrial Water Storage (TWS) values determined from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) observations and Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLD AS). TWS data have been determined with a spatial resolution of one degree and temporal resolution of one month. According to the results, groundwater level variation can be approximately determined by water balance changes (with reverse sign). Specifically, for the Sudety area a high average stability of total water storage over the period of past 13 years and decline in groundwater level by about 13 cm (approximately 1 cm/year) was detected., Zofia Rzepecka, Monika Birylo, Joanna Kuczynska-Siehien, Jolanta Nastula and Katarzyna Pajak., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The role of groundwater resurgence on runoff coefficients was investigated in the Alzette river floodplain, upstream of Luxembourg-city (Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg). A threshold in the saturation level was identified through the calculation of a water balance at daily time step. This threshold appeared to coincide with groundwater resurgence in the Alzette river floodplain. Once groundwater resurgence appears, runoff coefficients reach their maximum level of approximately 70%, regardless of individual rainfall event totals. Groundwater level monitoring can thus serve as a tool for evaluating the overall saturation level, as well as the runoff coefficients that are to be expected in case of rainfall. The water balance and groundwater levels having been identified as indicators of the overall soil moisture in the basin prior to a flood, these variables were used to develop an empirical tool for the estimation of peak discharge in the Alzette river basin for rainfall events of a given return period. and Príspevok analyzuje vplyv prelivu hladiny podzemnej vody na odtokové koeficienty v inundačnom území rieky Alzette v hornej časti povodia nad mestom Luxemburg. Na základe hydrologickej bilancie (určenia zásoby vody v povodí) v dennom kroku bolo určené prahové nasýtenie povodia, ktoré sa časovo zhoduje s výskytom prelivu podzemnej vody v inundačnom území rieky Alzette. Po vzniku prelivu odtokové koeficienty dosahujú svoju maximálnu hodnotu približne 70 %, bez ohľadu na celkový úhrn jednotlivých zrážkových udalostí. Monitoring hladiny podzemnej vody teda môže byť použitý pri určení celkového nasýtenia povodia aj odtokových koeficientov, ktoré sa v takom prípade pri výskyte zrážok dajú očakávať. Hydrologická bilancia a hladiny podzemnej vody ako indikátory stavu nasýtenia povodia pred udalosťou boli použité na odvodenie empirického spôsobu odhadu kulminačného prietoku v povodí Alzette pre zrážkové udalosti s danou dobou opakovania.
We present first results of the study of possible relations between the seismic activity and crustal fluids (groundwater an d carbon dioxide) in the area of the Hronov-Poříčí Fault Zone (HPFZ), situated on the NE margin of the Bohemian Massif. Local seismic monitoring and observations of groundwater levels in deep wells and concentrations of carbon-dioxide in the mineral spring at Třtice was started in 2005. Since then, more than 30 local seismic events were observed in the area of the HPFZ. The two strongest earthquakes with macroseismic effects were recorded on August 10, 2005 (M = 2.4) and October 25, 2005 (M = 3.3). Most of the epicentres were situated along the central part of the HPFZ. Only some weak events from February and March 2006 were concentrated along the SE termination of the HPFZ. Results of the hydrological monitoring show that water level fluctuations are affected mainly by the precipitation, snow-melt, air pressure changes, and tidal deformations of the Earth’s crust. The effects of seismo-tectonic activity were detected only in one out of five water wells, where we observed several step-like water level anomalies with amplitudes of 4 to 15 cm. Two of them preceded the August 10, 2005 and October 25, 2005 earthquakes. Three other anomalies seemed to originate independently of the seismic activity. We therefore suppose that they were induced by aseismic movements along the HPFZ. Contrary to the water level fluctuations, CO2 concentrations in the mineral spring seem to be dependent on water temperature; no evident seismic-induced changes have been observed yet., Vladimír Stejskal, Lumír Skalský and Ladislav Kašpárek., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy