Tento příspěvek poukazuje na existenci genderových stereotypů v obsahu pedagogické komunikace učitelek v preprimárním vzdělávání. Nahlíží skryté kurikulum jako obsah vzdělávání, kterým se chlapci a děvčata v rámci institucionálního vzdělávání v mateřské škole učí nestejným věcem. Příspěvek nabízí detailní pohled na to, jakým způsobem vstupuje gender do komunikace učitelek v mateřské škole. Upozorňuje nejen na konkrétní podobu genderových stereotypů, ale také na fakt, že učitelky vlastní genderově stereotypní jednání a komunikování nereflektují. and This contribution refers to the existence of gender stereotypes in the content of teachers' educational communication at nursery schools, commenting on a hidden curriculum through which boys and girls learn different things in the framework of preschool institutional education. The article offers a detailed view of how gender affects the communication of female teachers at nursery schools. Attention is not only drawn to specific gender stereotypes but also to the fact that teachers fail to reflect their own gender-stereotyped acting and communication.
This article focuses on the topic of men working in feminised jobs and specifically on male teachers in kindergartens, who are in a specific position given that they are relatively few in number. There are several advantages for them in this position: they are accepted with enthusiasm and with expectations of change. This treatment gives them an opportunity to construct their own and relatively ‘elite’ version of masculinity, which is superior just to the femininity of the female teachers, but also to other versions of masculinity. This ‘elite’ version of masculinity is supported by female teachers and it contributes the survival of a dichotomous and hierarchical approach to men and women in kindergartens. The purpose of this article is to identify the main strategies that male teachers use in the construction of their version of masculinity in this feminised environment. The article is based on qualitative research, which included observation in several kindergartens and conducting interviews with male and female teachers in kindergartens., Nina Fárová., and Obsahuje bibliografii