Family may be defi ned as a relatively durable group of persons which is based on blood relations, is caused by marriage eventually by adoption and its main functions are reproduction, upbringing, but also carry over cultural models. Meaning of marriage institution is very often discussed topic not only in context of this defi nition. These discussions are provoked not only by opinions and questions in terms of marriage as an outworn institution, but also by the results of demographic statistic. In these results we can see trends of decreasing nuptiality, perhaps even weakening of family in the basic word sense (low fertility in general, growth of proportion of extramarital born children etc.). Introductory part of this article aff ords view of continuance of nuptiality during the twentieth century and also outline of some aspects that contribute to current nuptiality situation. The second part is focused on attitudes of Czech public towards marriage and on their ideas about importance and sense of marriage as well as., Michaela Dimitrová., and Seznam literatury
A structural look at the employment of women with young children shows that this group is marginalized in the labour market when it is unable or only with difficulty is able to find employment in the labour market, as the current labour market revolves around the principle of independent, fully flexible individuals unencumbered by any obligations outside work. What significance in their lives do these women ascribe to being mothers and what significance do they assign to work? How does the perception of the relationship between work and family influence how they define for themselves the combination of these two spheres of life? How does this group of women see their opportunities for finding work in the labour market? Answers to these questions were sought from an analysis of 29 semi-structured interviews carried out in 2006 with women on parental leave or women just returning to work from leave, who had taken a requalification course. Their view is the view from “below”, which is a legitimate one, but given that it mainly relates to their own experiences or the experiences of others in their social surroundings there may be limitations to it. The potential limitations in this view are pointed out in the article’s conclusion., Hana Maříková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Článek se zabývá problematikou násilí v rodinách s mezinárodním prvkem, kdy řešením této
konfliktní situace je útěk rodiče s dítětem do země, z níž rodič pochází. Často jsou tyto situace spojeny
zejména se skutečností, že si osoby, které se rozhodnou založit rodinu v zahraničí, neuvědomí všechny
důsledky svého rozhodnutí a nezajímají se o právní režim své životní situace. Nadále se domnívají, že
ačkoliv žijí trvale v zahraničí, stále spadají pod jurisdikci své rodné země a orgány jejich rodného státu jsou
příslušné a schopné řešit veškeré jejich problémy a problematické životní situace. Článek uvádí několik
faktorů, které mohou mít vliv na vznik krizové situace v mezinárodní rodině, stručně definuje mezinárodní
únos dítěte, a rozebírá specifika návratového řízení v případech, kdy v rodině docházelo k domácímu
násilí.Věnuje se rovněž problémům spojeným s dokazováním domácího násilí, k němuž mělo docházet
v jiné zemi, a otázce postavení dítěte jako přímé a nepřímé oběti domácího násilí.V závěru autorky shrnují
doporučený postup, jak řešit problematickou situaci výskytu násilí v rodině s mezinárodním prvkem,
aniž by konflikt ještě musel být vyhrocen řešením mezinárodního únosu dítěte. and The article deals with questions of domestic violence in international families, resulting
in an escape of one parent, together with the child, to the country of origin. These situations are frequently
caused by the fact that those who decide to establish a family abroad do not realize all the
aspects of their decision and are not aware of the legal framework in place. They believe that, although
they live permanently abroad, their marriage is governed by the legal framework of their country of
birth and that their country of origin are capable of to solving their situations. The article names some
factors that can influence the development of a crisis in an international family, it defines shortly
international child abduction and analyses the specificity of return proceedings in the cases where
domestic violence in a family occurs. Also it tackles the problem of evidence of domestic violence
which allegedly happened in a foreign country, as well the question of the position of the child
as direct or indirect victim of domestic violence. Finally, the authoresses recommends a procedure
to solve a problematic situation of domestic violence in an international family, without the need
to escalate the conflict with the international child abduction.
Měření rodinných vztahů a charakteristických rodinných interakcí provází mnoho problémů díky nedostatku teorie v dané oblasti, stejně jako interpretaci získaných výsledků. Většinou se zabýváme vztahy v rodině pomocí standardizovaných dotazníků a inventářů nebo jednoduchých seznamů otázek. Existuje však mnoho dalších metod, přístupů a nápadů, jak operacionalizovat vztahy v rodině. Tato studie přináší přehled některých problematických oblastí v měření rodinných vztahů a jejích dopadů, příklady méně používaných nástrojů na měření vztahů a dalších metod, se kterými se setkáváme v souvislosti se zkoumáním vztahů v rodinách. Cílem studie je zmapovat metody, které tvoří alternativu k dotazníkům a inventářům, a prozkoumat jejich možnosti v oblasti měření rodinných vztahů a interakcí. Věnujeme se zejména semiprojektivním a projektivním metodám. Mnoho metod, které jsou zmíněné ve studii, se pro měření vztahů používá jen málo, ale mají velký potenciál pro použití v této oblasti. Ve studii jsou naznačeny některé problémy s interpretací poznatků: kulturní diverzita, problém s rozlišováním subjektivního a osobnostního hlediska, které respondent vnáší do svého hodnocení rodinných vztahů, sociální desirabilita. and A gap in the theoretical background created numerous difficulties and inconsistencies in the measurement of the characteristic of family relationships and family interactions, but also in the interpretation of obtained results. Mostly we deal with family relationships using standardized questionnaires and inventories or simple lists of questions. However, there are many other methods, approaches and ideas on how to operationalize family relationships. This study provides an overview of some of the problematic areas in the measurement of family relationships and its consequences. The aim of the study is to explore methods that form an alternative to the questionnaires and inventories, and explore their potential for the measurement of family relationships and interactions. We pay particular attention to projective techniques. Many methods that are mentioned in the study are uncommon, but they have a great potential for use in this area. The study indicated some problems with the interpretation of results: cultural diversity, the problem of distinguishing subjective and personal point of view, social desirability.
The article draws on empirical qualitative research to identify the various ways in which separated or divorced fathers in the Czech Republic relate to the norm of father-provider. It offers an analysis of the plurality of men's approaches to the traditional provider norm of fatherhood, and the changes that occur in their attitudes and approaches as a result of divorce. The results show that although for Czech men the 'provider' dimension is the strongest dimension in their notion of fatherhood even after marital separation, their understanding of what material support for the children means is transformed by the fact of separation. In the father's view, the child, along with the family, ceases to be a joint enterprise, and the child often becomes identified with the ex-wife. According to their notions and practices concerning child support, the men in this study can be divided into three groups: nurturing fathers who reject the provider/caregiver division and thus refuse to pay; helping fathers who consider their children to be primarily the ex-wife's responsibility, and thus only pay small amounts of money, and the fathers-providers who are willing to fully support their children, but only if this support is voluntary and under their control.
This paper examines the variation in personal values and attitudes towards family and marriage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Czech and Slovak societies have been characterized by an intensive transformation process since 1989. The political and economic transformation was followed by intensive demographic changes (some even talk about a second demographic transition) that was similar in both societies. Here it is assumed that values are independent variables that have an impact on behaviour, and it is argued that demographic changes have been brought about by changes in values and attitudes concerning the family, marriage and children. Therefore, this article examines if the trends in value observed between 1991 and 2008 were accompanied by similar demographic changes. Data from three waves of the European Value Study (EVS) are used together with official vital demographic statistics., Ladislav Rabušic, Beatrice Chromková Manea., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This study aims to analyse the representation of adoption in the novels of contemporary Czech prose writers Tereza Boučková (Rok kohouta, Year of the Rooster, 2007), Viktorie Hanišová (Anežka, 2015) and Dita Táborská (Malinka, 2017) within the context of cultural changes in the perception of kinship. The texts under review are examined from the standpoint of literary anthropology, taking special account of the category of literary representation. This study also reflects the pragmatics of literature, endeavouring to consider any influence of the literary representation of adoption on the creation of a society-wide normative climate for the various forms of socialbehavioural kinship. The basis for this is the finding that Czech literary prose over the last two decades has often sought answers to the issues surrounding the dynamic transformation of kinship and family structures. The old hegemonic model of the heterosexual couple bringing up their biological offspring has been “forced” to give up some of its social and cultural space to newly arising forms of family coexistence. One of the poles of conflict between the high visibility of biologically reproduced kinship and social-behavioural kinship is currently that of adoption. This study attempts to answer the questions over why these prose writers generally paint a negative picture of adoption, and why this subject has for so long been a blank space in Czech literary prose, and not least, whether in this case literature is just another medium that reinforces prejudices against adoption, playing a role in the social stigmatization both of adopted children and adoptive parents. and Studie si klade za cíl provést analýzu reprezentace adopce v románech současných českých prozaiček Terezy Boučkové (Rok kohouta, 2007), Viktorie Hanišové (Anežka, 2015) a Dity Táborské (Malinka, 2017) v kontextu kulturních proměn vnímání příbuzenství. Na zkoumané texty je nahlíženo z perspektivy literární antropologie, a to se zvláštním přihlédnutím ke kategorii literární reprezentace. Studie zohledňuje také pragmatiku literatury, neboť se pokouší o zamyšlení nad případným vlivem literárního ztvárnění adopce na vytváření celospolečenského normativního klimatu pro různé formy sociálně-behaviorálního příbuzenství. Východiskem je zjištění, že česká umělecká próza posledních dvou dekád často hledala odpovědi na dynamickou transformaci příbuzenských a rodinných struktur. Doposud hegemonní model heterosexuálního páru vychovávajícího své biologické potomky byl „donucen“ uvolnit část společenského a kulturního prostoru nově vznikajícím formám rodinného soužití. Jedním z polí, na němž dochází ke střetu mezi očividností reprodukčně-biologického příbuzenství a sociálně-behaviorálním příbuzenstvím, je v současnosti adopce. Studie se snaží odpovědět na otázky, proč prozaičky kreslí vesměs negativní obraz adopce, proč bylo dané téma tak dlouho bílým místem české umělecké prózy a v neposlední řadě, zda je v tom případě literatura dalším médiem posilujícím předsudky vůči adopcím, které se podílí na společenské stigmatizaci jak adoptovaných dětí, tak i adoptivních rodičů.
This study analyses the first partnerships of women and men in the Czech Republic and focuses on a comparison of family behaviour before and after the politically and socially important watershed of 1989. The authors investigate the type of first partnership (cohabitation versus marriage) and its timing. It can be assumed that significant changes in partnership behaviour exhibit a different pattern according to educational group, and moreover that differences in the timing and type of first partnership might also be expected from the point of view of gender. Given the increasing proportion of children born outside wedlock, attention is devoted to the impact of pregnancy and childbirth on partnership strategies. The data used in the paper are taken from the ‘Generations and Gender Survey’ carried out in the Czech Republic in 2008. The retrospective character of these data provides information on partnership careers in the context of other significant life events., Anna Šťastná, Jana Paloncyová., Rubrika: Stati, 1 tabulka, 1 schéma, 5 grafů, Poznámky na str. 29 (4), Biografické poznámky o autorkách článku na str. 15, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Resumé o klíčová slova anglicky na str. 16