Age discrimination (or ageism) is a cross-sectional stereotyping phenomenon that affects thewhole of society particularly in respect of recent demographic changes, the evolution of legislation andrelevant case law. The ambivalence of this kind of discrimination is widespread due to the differing natureof ageism’s two subcategories – adultism and jeunism. The different manifestations of discriminationhave their impact primarily on two specific age groups which complicates an integrated analytical andmethodological approach. Prohibition of age discrimination is legally established in both Czech and Europeanlaw. This study provides a view of changes in the perception of ageism throughout the EU Courtof Justice’s rulings, develops a number of case studies regarding direct, indirect, positive and negativeforms of age discrimination and analyses the existing or potential private law consequences, such as nonpecuniarylosses caused by age discrimination, in the Czech legal system with special regard to the newCzech Civil Code.
The Directive on the retention of data related to electronic communications has generated doubtswith regard to its compliance with the right to protection of privacy. This right is embodied in the constitutionsof EU member states, in the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and FundamentalFreedoms and in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The national implementation of this Directive wasquickly contested in some EU member states before the local constitutional courts. The constitutional courtsin Germany, Romania and in the Czech Republic repealed the implementation of the Directive precisely becauseof this disparity with the right to protection of privacy. In their new legislation on retention of data ontelecommunication operations, these states are trying to reconcile the conditions set out in the rulings of theconstitutional courts with the obligation to implement this Directive.
Štúdia sa venuje vývoju štruktúry a judikatúry maďarského ústavného súdu v období od demokratickej tranzície až po súčasnosť. Jej prvá časť sa sústreďuje na prezentáciu modelu nominácie a výberu sudcov ústavného súdu v Maďarsku. Nasledujúca časť článku sa zaoberá aktuálnymi teoretickými a praktickými dilemami maďarského ústavného súdu, a to konkrétne vzťahu medzi normami medzinárodného, supranacionálneho a národného práva v novej judikatúre, potom problematikou výdobytkov
historickej ústavy a miestom starších rozhodnutí ústavného súdu v súčasnom právnom poriadku
v Maďarsku. and The paper focuses on the development of the structure and judgments of the Hungarian Constitutional Court between the period of democratic transition and present days. First part of paper concentrates on the model of selection and nomination of constitutional judges in Hungary. The following parts of the article deal with the current theoretical and practical dilemmas of the Hungarian Constitutional Court. Namely it focuses on the relationship between the international, supranational and national legal orders in the new judgements and the problem of achivements of the historical constitution and with the position of the old judgements of constitutional court in the current legal situation in Hungary.