The aim of this study is to set out a relevant contextual framework for interpreting poetry published on (Czech) Instagram. The author looks at the material under study from a number of perspectives, including generational, economic and especially media perspectives, ultimately finding adequate contextualization outside the framework of literary discourse and actually within the aesthetics and communication practice of Instagram, while drawing key methodological inspiration from the reflections of new media theorist Lev Manovich. In conclusion, Instapoetry is characterized as a paraliterary phenomenon situated on the margins of the literary system, combining elements of literary and Instagram aesthetics and guided by hybrid economics principles.
This paper focuses on the discourse of the second shift and domestic work in the Czechoslovakia presented by journals of women´s organizations, 1945-1948. After the mobilisation of the workforce in the post-war Czechoslovakia, women started to be encouraged to take up paid jobs. Together with the rising number of women in paid jobs the so called second shift was established. That means that women were burdened with two roles: those of breadwinners and housewives. The help offered by women´s organizations was represented by the delegation of housework on other women. The solution of the lack of the domestic help consisted in qualification and professionalization, thus establishing this job as a regular one. The establishment of the institution with a suitable name "Liberated Household" was perceived as the ideal solution.
This paper focuses on the commodification and marketisation of Czech rural areas and on the consequences these processes have for regional identities. Through a case study of a Local Action Group (LAG), the paper traces the construction of rurality and the ways in which rurality is employed as an identity tool and a market commodity. The study is grounded in a constructivist approach in rural sociology, emphasising the multiplicity of meanings ascribed to the rural by stakeholders. The study highlights the identity politics produced by rural development programmes and the implications these have for defining regional borders and for the very notion of ‘rurality’. Commodification gives rise to a sphere of cultural economics, whereby the past and natural and cultural heritage are sold on the market. The establishment of a certified brand of regional products is an important tool of cultural economics. Two layers of identity are traced in the study of this process (and of the activities of the LAG in general). The paper argues that the tension between the layers of marketised identity and quasi-natural identity reflects the tension between professional and lay discourses of rurality.
This review addresses the surrogate motherhood, one of the oldest and most controversial reproduction techniques. First part of the article clarifies actual terminology, second part some ethical aspects, foundations and conditions of surrogacy – especially exploitation, commodification and the possibility of commercial surrogacy. Major differences in approach to such aspects and grounds in different countries through the optics of their economic development will be presented. Third perspective is focused on the Czech legal environment in contrast to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) case law based on evolutive decision making derived from the interpretation the European Convention on Human Rights is a “living tool” and transforms over time. On particular case laws reveals how the ECHR stresses the importance of a genetic link to a child born through surrogacy. It also answers questions how is surrogacy embodied in the Czech law and how the case law of the ECHR affects decision making and outlines the need for an active regulation in this area. and Tento článek se zabývá náhradním mateřstvím, jednou z nejstarších a nejkontroverznějších reprodukčních technik. První část článku objasňuje terminologii, druhá etické aspekty a východiska pro náhradní mateřství, především vykořisťování, komodifikaci a možnosti komercionalizace náhradního mateřství a jeho podmínky. Ukazuje značné odlišnosti v přístupu k těmto aspektům optikou vybraných států, především v souvislosti s jejich ekonomickou vyspělostí. Třetí úhel pohledu je zaměřen na české právní prostředí v kontrastu s judikaturou Evropského soudu pro lidská práva (ESLP) založenou na evolutivním rozhodování, které vychází z výkladu ESLP, že Evropská úmluva o ochraně lidských práv (EÚLP) se v čase mění, že je „živoucím nástrojem“. Na konkrétní judikatuře odhaluje, jak ESLP akcentuje důležitost genetické příbuznosti k dítěti narozenému prostřednictvím náhradního mateřství. Odpovídá na otázky, jak je právně náhradní mateřství uchopeno v České republice, a ukazuje, jak se do této oblasti aktivně promítá judikatura ESLP, a nastiňuje potřebu aktivní regulace této problematiky.