We measured faecal cortisol metabolites of a free-ranging riparian population of red deer to investigate potential effects of season, ambient temperature, precipitations and water level on the annual secretion pattern. Individuals may cope with environmental challenges through the secretion of stress hormones (glucocorticoids) which allows the integration of environmental change and life history traits by means of an adaptive feedback mechanism. Adaptations regard cyclic day-to-day activities, short-term environmental stressors or long-term ecological pressures. We detected a clear seasonal pattern of glucocorticoid metabolites secretion, with higher levels in winter and lower levels in summer. The model relating glucocorticoids secretion to minimum ambient temperature was the best fit to our dataset, although the observed pattern might as well be due to declining nutritional intake and reduction of metabolic rate in the cold season. We observed an improvement of the fit when stochastic events (flash flood) were included in the model, and discussed their role as potential contingent environmental stressors.
We analyzed patterns of geometrid species richness in South Korea to assess the observed and estimated species richness gradient, to determine predictors for the distribution of moths and to investigate the effect of latitude on the species richness of moths in the Korean peninsula. The species richness was analyzed for 541 geometrid moths across 17 quadrates, with each quadrate defined by one degree of latitude and longitude. Two subgroups of geometrid moths were adopted according to their distributional ranges: Palearctic (435 species, 80.4%) and Oriental (106 species, 19.6%). To investigate the relationship between the distribution of geometrid moths and environment, eight variables were used. The estimated species richness of geometrids was calculated using the Chao 2 estimator because there was uneven sampling effort across the quadrates. Due to multicollinearity we used covariance values produced by principal component analysis and the first four axes adopted have eigenvalues >= 1.0. Two models of regression analyses were applied based on multiple linear regression using eight variables (model I) and principal components axes (model II). Of the two subgroups of geometrid moths the Palearctic species richness increased with latitude, but not that of Oriental species richness. A combined effect of abiotic (maximum altitude, temperature, rainfall, and latitude) and biotic (plant species richness and vegetation) variables was indicated by both models of regression analyses. The different effect of each spatial and environmental predictor on the distribution of geometrid moths on the Korean peninsula is discussed. The significant relationship between estimated species richness and latitude indicate a peninsular effect on geometrid moths in South Korea.
The experimental basins in the Jizera Mountains were established at the beginning of the 1980th as a result of the forest devastation due to acid rain and repercussions of following human activities during its disposal with the aim to gain data for the quantification of runoff conditions changes in a changing environment. Seven small catchments with an area from 1.87 km2 to 10.6 km2 are situated in the spring regions in an elevation from 700 m a.s.l. to 1100 m a.s.l. in the catchments of the Černá Nisa, Kamenice, Jizerka and Směda streams. The long-term average annual temperature in the elevation of 780 m a.s.l. is +4.4°C, the long-term annual precipitation sum fluctuates between 1300 mm and 1800 mm. The Jizera Mountains are known for numerous intensive rainfalls in the summer period. The administrator of the experimental basins is the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI), Department of Hydrological Research, Experimental Base Jablonec nad Nisou, which performs all operative activities and basic processing of data. In the basins, the monitored elements are water stages and discharges in rivers, surface water quality, rainfall, snow depth and snow water equivalent and climatological parameters. The following contribution gives an overview of information obtained from the hydrological research in the period 1981 - 2004. and Příspěvek se zabývá přehledem poznatků z hydrologického výzkumu v období let 1982-2005 v experimentálních povodích Českého hydrometeorologického ústavu (ČHMÚ) v imisně poškozené oblasti Jizerských hor. Základnu tvoří 7 malých povodí s rozlohou od 1,87 km2 do 10,6 km2 celkové plochy 37 km2 . Všechna povodí leží ve vrcholové části Jizerských hor v Chráněné krajinné oblasti Jizerské hory, na rozvodí řek Labe a Odry. Nadmořská výška povodí se pohybuje mezi 700 až 1100 m. Správcem povodí je Oddělení hydrologického výzkumu, pracoviště Jablonec nad Nisou. Zpočátku byly práce zaměřeny převážně na získání co největšího počtu informací o srážkách, sněhu, množství a jakosti povrchové vody. Po roce 1995 byl monitoring rozšířen na více parametrů hydrologické bilance, sledování klimatických prvků a složek hydrologického procesu. Následně byl upřesňován jejich režim i jejich prostorové rozložení. Byla studována problematika rozdílnosti akumulace a odtávání sněhu na mýtině a v lese a odtoková a kvalitativní odezva na srážkovou činnost a tání sněhu. Za pomoci hydrologických a chemických modelů byly hledány odhady změn jejich závislosti na změně vegetačního pokryvu.
Almost four decades have passed since the new field of ecosystem simulation sprang into full force as an added tool for a sound research in an ever-advancing scientific front. The enormous advances and new discoveries that recently took place in the field of molecular biology and basic genetics added more effective tools, have strengthened and increased the efficiency of science outputs in various areas, particularly in basic biological sciences. Now, we are entering into a more promising stage in science, i.e. 'post-genomics', where both simulation modelling and molecular biology tools are integral parts of experimental research in agricultural sciences. I briefly review the history of simulation of crop/environment systems in the light of advances in molecular biology, and most importantly the essential role of experimental research in developing and constructing more meaningful and effective models and technologies. Such anticipated technologies are expected to lead into better management of natural resources in relation to crop communities in particular and plant ecosystems in general, that might enhance productivity faster. Emphasis is placed on developing new technologies to improve agricultural productivity under stressful environments and to ensure sustainable economic development. The latter is essential since available natural resources, particularly land and water, are increasingly limiting.
Klima je definováno jako dlouhodobý charakteristický režim počasí podmíněný energetickou bilancí, cirkulací atmosféry, charakterem aktivního povrchu a lidskou činností. Pozemský klimatický systém představuje jednu z nejkomplexnějších soustav studovaných současnou fyzikou. Základní rysy jeho chování lze popsat pomocí fyzikálně chemických modelů řešených metodami numerické matematiky. and Jaroslava Kalvová, Jiří Mikšovský, Eva Holtanová.
Climate features that influence life cycles, notably severity, seasonality, unpredictability and variability, are summarized for different polar zones. The zones differ widely in these factors and how they are combined. For example, seasonality is markedly reduced by oceanic influences in the Subantarctic. Information about the life cycles of Arctic and Antarctic arthropods is reviewed to assess the relative contributions of flexibility and programming to life cycles in polar regions. A wide range of life cycles occurs in polar arthropods and, when whole life cycles are considered, fixed or programmed elements are well represented, in contrast to some recent opinions that emphasize the prevalence of flexible or opportunistic responses. Programmed responses ale especially common for controlling the appearance of stages that are sensitive to adverse conditions, such as the reproductive adult. The relative contribution of flexibility and programming to different life cycles is correlated with taxonomic affinity (which establishes the general lifecycle framework for a species), and with climatic zone, the habitats of immature and adult stages, and food., Hugh V. Danks, and Lit
Mean annual first arrival dates (FAD) of 45 migratory bird species recorded in Moravia (Czech Republic, c. 49º N) in 109 spring seasons between 1881 and 2007 were correlated with the preceding winter (December to March) North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. The arrival of birds occurred significantly earlier following high NAO winter index values (those result in spring warmer than normal in central Europe) in all short-distance migratory species with a European or North African winter range, whereas the arrival timing did not correlate significantly with the seasonal NAO index in long-distance migrants having sub-Saharan winter range. When the values of Pearson coefficient between NAO and FAD were correlated with the migration distance of all 45 bird species, the correlation was remarkable and significant (p<0.001): r = 0.848 for the distance to central locations of winter range, and r = 0.822 for the northern limits of the wintering area. The migration distance was thus responsible for 68–72 % of variation in the regression of birds’ arrival on NAO winter index in central Europe. The data are robust (this is the longest avian phenological record analyzed for correlation with NAO in Europe), and indicate different mechanisms that govern timing between short-distance and long-distance migrants in their departure from wintering areas.
Winter weather limits populations of resident bird species. Although many small-scale or speciesspecific studies illustrated this fact, our knowledge of interspecific differences in population responses to winter temperatures is incomplete due to lack of community-level studies. For this purpose, we have used long-term monitoring data on breeding bird populations of 37 common bird species wintering in the Czech Republic. We predicted that species will differ in their relationship between winter temperature and abundance with respect to their body mass and dietary niche. Smaller species having relatively higher energy expenditure should show closer relationship between breeding abundance and winter temperature than larger species. Concerning dietary niche, abundance of species feeding on animals should be more affected by temperature than abundance of species feeding on plants or omnivorous species. Our results confirmed the second prediction: populations of species preying on animals followed winter temperatures more closely than populations of species feeding on both animals and plants. Food-mediated mortality is probably more important than direct effects of low temperatures. In general, relationships between abundance and temperature were relatively weak in most species and we suggest that possible changes in winter temperatures may not seriously affect populations of common breeding birds in the Czech Republic.
Long-term spring phenological instants of 57 migratory bird species, i.e. arrival in summer visitors and departure in winter visitors, were recorded in South Moravia (Czech Republic) from 1952 through 2001 and evaluated for annual correspondence with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) weather system. The migration instants occurred significantly earlier following positive winter/spring NAO index values (causing periods warmer than normal in Europe) in a number of short-distance migrants with a European winter range (e.g., Alauda arvensis, Columba palumbus, Corvus frugilegus, Motacilla alba, Phoenicurus ochruros, Phylloscopus collybita, Serinus serinus, Sturnus vulgaris, Vanellus vanellus), whereas they did not correlate with NAO in most long-distance migrants having a sub-Saharan winter range (e.g., Acrocephalus spp., Anthus trivialis, Apus apus, Cuculus canorus, Delichon urbica, Ficedula albicollis, Hippolais icterina, Hirundo rustica, Jynx torquilla, Lanius collurio, Locustella spp., Muscicapa striata, Oriolus oriolus, Phylloscopus sibilatrix, Riparia riparia, Streptopelia turtur, Sylvia spp.). The winter/spring (especially February and March) NAO conditions thus affect the migration timing of short-distance migrants that winter in western or southern Europe, and could explain their earlier than normal arrival that had been observed in Europe since the 1980s.