The function of chromogranin A (CGA) is reviewed, and the radioimmunometric determination of plasma CGA was evaluated as a marker of pheochromocytoma using a comparison of pheochromocytoma patients immediately before surgery (group P, n=25, 635±451 ng/ml) with other groups of patients, i.e. pheochromocytoma patients approximately 1 year after removal of tumor (group PP, n=13, 69±33 ng/ml), medullary thyroid carcinoma patients (group M, n=22, 106±59 ng/ml), congenital adrenal hyperplasy patients (n=33, 65±40 ng/ml), and controls (n=31, 66±29 ng/ml). A CGA level above cut off value 130 ng/ml was found in 24 of 25 patients in group P, 1 (relapse) of 13 patients in group PP, and 4 of 22 patients in group M. In the group P we found a significant association between the size of the tumors removed and plasma CGA concentrations (p=0.0016), and also a significant (p=0.0016) relationship between plasma CGA concentrations and PASS score rating the malignity of pheochromocytoma. We can conclude that plasma CGA concentration as determined by radioimmunometric assay (which is simple without the necessity of special laboratory equipment) is an effective marker of pheochromocytoma with association to malignity and tumor mass., R. Bílek, L. Šafařík, V. Ciprová, P. Vlček, L. Lisá., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Článek uvádí přehled současných poznatků o žaludečních neuroendokrinních nádorech. Jde o heterogenní skupinu zahrnující 3 typy, které se odlišují svým biologickým chováním a léčebným přístupem. Typ 1 vzniká na podkladě chronické korporální atrofické gastritidy, je relativně málo maligní, léčba spočívá v endoskopickém odstranění drobných nádorů, u větších lézí či infiltrativních forem je nutná resekce žaludku, výjimečně gastrektomie. Typ 2 vzniká v rámci Zollinger-Ellisonova syndromu. Oba uvedené typy jsou gastrin-dependentní. Naproti tomu typ 3 je solitární nádor, vznikající bez závislosti na gastrinu, jeho maligní potenciál je značný. Nádor nutno léčit chirurgicky, u pokročilých forem je nezbytná paliativní terapie., The paper presents recent opinions on gastric neuroendocrine neoplasms. This is a heterogeneus group including three types that distinguish in their biological behaviour, and require different therapeutical approach. Type 1 arises in setting of chronic corporal atrophic gastritis, malignant potential of this type is lower, this type 1 tumour may be treated with endoscopic removal of multiple small tumour lesions. Gastric resection is indicated in larger lesions with infiltrative pattern of growth. Gastrectomy is rarely indicated. Type 2 arises as consequence of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Both above-mentioned type are gastrin-dependent. Type 3 is a solitary, gastrin-independent tumour with higher malignant potential. Surgery is treatment of choice, palliative therapy is indicated in advanced, generalized cases., Oldřich Louthan, and Literatura
This work discusses the clinical performance of chromogranin A, free metanephrine and normetanephrine determination in plasma using a radioimmunoanalytical methods for the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. Blood samples were collected from 55 patients (46 pheochromocytomas, 9 paragangliomas). A sampling of biological materials was performed preoperatively and about one week, six months and one year after adrenal gland surgery. The comparative group without a diagnosis of pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma consisted of 36 pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma patients more than 4 months after adrenal gland surgery, and of 87 patients, 16 of them with multiple endocrine neoplasia, 9 with medullary and 5 with parafolicullar carcinoma of the thyroid gland. The rest were patients with various adrenal gland disorders. Chromogranin A, metanephrine and normetanephrine were determined in the EDTA-plasma using a radioimmunoassay kits Cisbio Bioassays, France and IBL International GmbH, Germany. Clinical sensitivity was 96 % for the combination of metanephrine and normetanephrine, and 93 % for chromogranin A. Clinical specificity was 100 % for the combination metanephrine and normetanephrine, and 96 % for chromogranin A. Falsely elevated levels of chromogranin A were observed in 1 patient with chronic renal insufficiency and 9 analyses were influenced by the administration of proton pump inhibitors. These results were excluded of CGA specificity. Both the combination of plasma free metanephrine, normetanephrine and chromogranin A as determined by radioimmunoassays, which are simple without the necessity of special laboratory material, are effective markers of pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma. Chromogranin A exerts association to malignity and all markers are associated with tumor mass., R. Bílek, T. Zelinka, P. Vlček, J. Dušková, D. Michalský, K. Novák, E. Václavíková, J. Widimský Jr., and Obsahuje bibliografii