The declared aim of enlightened administrative reforms was to provide security and aid the whole population, i.e., all social classes. Executive powers of the newly introduced police institutions covered - and defined - the whole public sphere and measures such as census or obligation to have a passport applied, at least in theory, to persons from all walks of life. This article examines how and to what extent were these ambitions applied in practice and whether these measures had an equalising effect on the society. The author concludes that unequal, in this case preferential, administrative treatment of especially the aristocracy was still widespread at the beginning of the nineteenth century. On the one hand, persons of a higher social status - who often held public offices - were supposed to embody the new civil virtues and set an example. On the other hand, however, it was feared that any public punishment or police treatment of such persons would undermine public authority and social order in general., Pavel Himl., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Recenzovaný sborník je sestaven z příspěvků stejnojmenné konference, kterou ve dnech 19. a 20. října 2010 uspořádal Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů ve spolupráci s Filozofickou fakultou Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. Publikované texty se až na jednu výjimku týkají dějin šlechty v českých zemích, Slovensku, Německu a Rakousku. Ke čtenářům podle recenze promlouvají na jedné straně osobní příběhy konkrétních šlechticů nebo jejich rodin, na druhé se mohou lépe obeznámit s obecnějšími vývojovými tendencemi nebo širšími pohledy na danou problematiku. and [autor recenze] Vladimír Březina.
János esterházy (1901 – 1957) pochádzal zo slávnej aristokratickej rodiny, ktorá v uhorských dejinách mala vždy významné postavenie. V rokoch pred 2. svetovou vojnou a aj počas vojny bol hlavným predstaviteľom maďarskej menšiny na Slovensku, ale v roku 1945 bol vydaný sovietskym orgánom, odvliekli ho do Sovietskeho zväzu, kde bol odsúdený na 10 rokov väzenia. Československé orgány si ho medzitým vyžiadali, lebo v jeho neprítomnosti ho odsúdili na trest smrti, ktorý vďaka jeho sestre bol zmenený na doživotie. o týchto peripetiách a neľudskom zaobchádzaní s ním je denník sestry J. Esterházyho – Márie Esterházy-Mycielskej, ktorá mu najviac pomáhala v období, keď sa dostal z ruských koncentračných táborov do Československa. Napokon zomrel vo väzení v Mírove a ani jeho telesné pozostatky neboli vydané rodine. and János esterházy (1901–1957) came of a famous aristocratic family which has always played an important role in Hungarian history. Before the Second World War and during the war he was a main representative of Hungarian minority in Slovakia, but in 1945 was extradited to Soviet authorities which deported him to the Soviet Union, where he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Meanwhile, Czechoslovak authorities have called for him because in his absence he was condemned to death, but thanks to his sister this sentence was changed to life imprisonment. His story and inhuman treatment of him were described by his sister Mary-Mycielska Esterházy – who helped him most during the period when he was taken from a Russian concentration camp to Czechoslovakia – in her diary. Finally, János Esterházy died in prison in Mírov and even his remains have not been given to his family.
This paper deals with the personality and the work of the noble, writer and intellectual Maximilian count Lamberg (1729–1792) which was already examined by several Czech historians (Polišenský, Kroupa, Cerman). Firstly, the paper evaluates the current state of research to show that despite of the attention of researchers focused on this personality, there are still lot of contexts and details which remain unknown. Secondly, the paper analyses the question of the relevance and the historical value of Lamberg’s conserved works which are situated between memories, essays and autobiographical fiction. In the main part of the paper, the thesis of Jiří Kroupa, which assumes the appurtenance of Maxmilian Lamberg both to the Moravian milieu and to the European Republic of letters, is examined. Lamberg’s accessible works, not only the most famous Mémorial d’un mondain but also the other books, are used as a base of the research.