Pokračování diskuse o raně středověké státnosti na Velké Moravě reaguje na příspěvky D. Kalhouse, N. a M. Profantových a I. Štefana. Zabývá se otázkami metodologickými, trhem a směnnými prostředky, funkcí Pohanska u Břeclavi a dalších velkomoravských hradisek, zdaněním společnosti, obchodem s otroky, pozemkovým vlastnictvím, postavením vládnoucích rodů, hranicemi Velké Moravy a v neposlední řadě i zánikem této „říše“, jehož příčiny jsou pro pochopení charakteru tehdejší společnosti klíčové. Předložená argumentace se opírá především o archeologické prameny. and The article, a continuation of the discussion on early medieval statehood in Great Moravia, addresses methodological questions, the market, exchange resources, the function of Pohansko near Břeclav and other Great Moravian fortified settlements, the taxation of society, the slave trade, land ownership, the standing of the ruling families, the borders of Great Moravia and finally the demise of this ‘empire’, the causes of which are of great importance in understanding the nature of society at the time. The following argumentation is based primarily on archaeological sources.
Ořechov IV is a recently investigated Bohunician site located in southern Moravia, but outside the Brno Basin where most of the other known Bohunician sites are located. It appears to belong to the pure Bohunician industry with no bifacial technology detected. It was probably discovered in the 1930s and due to later errors in reporting its exact location, it was ‘saved’ from prospecting by amateur archaeologists for several decades. We have re-located this site in 2010 and have conducted numerous pedestrian surveys and subsurface testing. We have collected a total of 3214 artifacts (most of them recorded by GPS) and a small amount of ochre. Two-thirds of the artifacts were manufactured on Stránská Skála chert. The second most common raw material used was Krumlovský Les chert followed by very small numbers of other raw materials including erratic flint, a long-distance import. Up to 20 % of the artifacts were damaged by frost action and agricultural activities. Numerous Levallois points and evidence for bidirectional flaking support the Bohunician classification. Test pitting has confirmed the presence of undisturbed sediments with cultural material including 4 structured hearths. Results of radiocarbon dating of some of these hearths are consistent with Bohunician antiquity. Only one lithic artifact in association with a hearth was found insitu. It is likely that future subsurface testing will yield more artifacts., Petr Škrdla, Tereza Rychtaříková, Ladislav Nejman, Jaroslav Bartík, Alena Hrušková, Jan Krása., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This study examines a polycultural site Hradiště u Louky located in southwestern Moravia. The main aim is to introduce a new archaeological and historical model based on data from the surface survey, metal detecting and probing. Mainly non-destructive methods were used in this research. A new settlement phase from Jevišovice culture was documented. The onset of Medieval settlement in the area most likely dates to post-Great Moravian and Late Hillfort periods. The most intensive anthropogenic activities date to the high Medieval period when a small castle fortified by a moat and a rampart was built. Archaeological artefacts from the younger phase of the Medieval settlement possess chronological features of the 2 nd half of the 13 th and the 1 st third of the 15 th century. Also, to clarify the sequence of the owners of the castle and possible causes of its demise, a revision of written accounts was performed., Jaroslav Bartík, Lenka Běhounková, Stanislav Vohryzek, Josef Jan Kovář, Hana Poláchová, Michaela Kokojanová, Hana Nohálová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Archaeological research in 2015 in the interior of St. Cross church in Javornik brought new knowledge about its construction and historical development. The oldest floor level was probably identified. It appears that during the Hussite campaign in 1428 the building was damaged and subsequently repaired. We also managed to identify and date the next three floor levels, building of new church entrances, and also alterations of the interior - construction of baptistery (no longer exists), side altars, construction and subsequent demolition of the gallery and singer‘s tribune. Graves were also investigated. Five skeletons were found in burial pits and 2 skeletons in brick tombs., Peter Kováčik, Veronika Dudková, Hana Lafková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Článek obsahuje přehled výzkumů z období paleolitu, mezolitu, neolitu, eneolitu, doby bronzové, doby železné, doby římské a doby stěhování národů., Overwiew of excavations in Moravia and Silesia 2010 = Übersicht den Grabungen in Mähren und Schlesien 2010 /., and Obsahuje seznam literatury