Bohunicien představuje součást širšího okruhu industrií s vyvinutou levalloiskou technologií z počátku mladého paleolitu. Přestože se lokality bohunicienu koncentrují hlavně v prostoru Brněnské kotliny, jsou ojedinělé lokality známy také ze sousedních regionů. Nejzápadnější výskyt v současnosti představuje Hradsko u Mšena ve středních Čechách. Industrie z výzkumu S. Vencla a z povrchového průzkumu byla znovu analyzována a byly u ní doloženy všechny charakteristické rysy bohunických industrií, které zahrnují především bipolární redukci prodloužených polotovarů s připravenými úderovými plochami. Raritou industrie z Hradska je štípaní lokálního sklovitého nefelinického tefritu. Makroskopické i mikroskopické studium čedičových hornin z 9 známých výchozů ze vzdálenosti do 5 km od Hradska ukázalo, že jako zdroj této suroviny připadá v úvahu pouze žíla 1,6 km severně od obce Kokořín. and The Bohunician technocomplex is an example of an Initial or Early Upper Paleolithic industry with an evolved Levallois technology. Although the Bohunician settlement is concentrated within the Brno Basin, isolated sites are also known from neighboring regions. The most westerly known occurrence is at Hradsko near Mšeno in central Bohemia. The industry from Vencl’s excavation and surface survey was reanalyzed and all features including mainly bidirectional reduction of elongated blanks with faceted striking platforms were documented. A unique feature of Hradsko is the use of local glassy nepheline-bearing tephrite for knapping. As revealed by macroscopic and microscopic study of basaltic rocks from nine known occurrences within a 5 km radius from Hradsko, a tephritic dyke ca. 1.6 km N of the village of Kokořín could be the only source of this raw material.
Bladelets are a common Upper Palaeolithic technological category, often described as a proxy for the Early Upper Palaeolithic. However, bladelet production has already been documented within preceding Initial Upper Palaeolithic techno-complexes, e.g. at Boker Tachtit (Negev Desert, Israel) and Kara-Bom (Altai Republic, Russian Federation). Only isolated bladelets have been reported from the Central European Bohunician. However, a recently discovered and excavated site, Ořechov IV – Kabáty has yielded a large series (over 1,000 items) of micro-blades and bladelets, documenting a higher degree of technological heterogeneity of the Bohunician techno-complex than previously thought. and Čepelky (bladelets) jsou obecně chápány jako charakteristický projev mladopaleolitické technologie. Často jsou dokonce považovány za typické artefakty počáteční fáze mladého paleolitu (EUP). Nicméně se ojediněle na některých lokalitách objevují už v paleolitu středním. Produkce čepelek byla doložena taktéž v iniciálním mladém paleolitu (IUP), jak dokládají například soubory z lokalit Boker Tachtit (Negevská poušť, Izrael) a Kara- -Bom (Altajská Republika, Ruská Federace). Ve středoevropském bohunicienu (součást IUP technokomplexu) byly dosud popsány pouze izolované nálezy čepelek, ale nedávno objevená a zkoumaná lokalita – Ořechov IV – Kabáty v údolí Bobravy nedaleko Brna – poskytla značný počet (přes 1000 kusů) charakteristických mikročepelek, čepelek a velmi drobných levalloiských hrůtků (spadajících metricky do kategorie čepelek). U tohoto souboru je zcela zřejmý trend v mikrolitizaci, který můžeme chápat jako další vývojové stadium, ale může souviset i se vzdáleností od zdroje suroviny či odlišnou funkcí lokality. Dosud ne zcela vyřešená je otázka datování souboru z Ořechova, který se na základě aktuálně dostupných dat jeví jako mladší v porovnání s klasickými lokalitami Bohunice a Stránská skála. Nové poznatky o bohunicienu v zázemí brněnské kotliny dokládají mnohem vyšší stupeň technologicko-typologické heterogenity bohunického technokomplexu ve střední Evropě, než se dosud myslelo. Nicméně nové poznatky dobře zapadají do pestré mozaiky IUP industrií v Euroasii.
The surface surveys over the Mohelno highland plateau microregion, bordered by Oslava River to the north and Jihlava River to the south, have a long tradition with many resultant collections. Part of those collections that were available for study to the authors (including their own fi nds) were reanalyzed. Generally, this microregion is distinctive due to its specifi c Early Upper Paleolithic industry (or industry from the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transitional period) combining Levallois technique and bifacial reduction. Although the association of these two components is an important question for current archeology, the material from this microregion cannot be used for addressing this question because the collections are from surface scatters so the level of assemblage homogeneity and chronological control cannot be established. Although the local Krumlovský les-type chert dominates the raw material spectra, imports of Stránská skála-type chert and radiolarite also occur. Other raw materials include local siliceous weathering products, Cretaceous spongolite chert and rock crystal. In addition, Aurignacian occupation (with prevailing erratic fl int in raw material spectra) was documented at one site, supplemented by several isolated finds., Petr Škrdla ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Ořechov IV is a recently investigated Bohunician site located in southern Moravia, but outside the Brno Basin where most of the other known Bohunician sites are located. It appears to belong to the pure Bohunician industry with no bifacial technology detected. It was probably discovered in the 1930s and due to later errors in reporting its exact location, it was ‘saved’ from prospecting by amateur archaeologists for several decades. We have re-located this site in 2010 and have conducted numerous pedestrian surveys and subsurface testing. We have collected a total of 3214 artifacts (most of them recorded by GPS) and a small amount of ochre. Two-thirds of the artifacts were manufactured on Stránská Skála chert. The second most common raw material used was Krumlovský Les chert followed by very small numbers of other raw materials including erratic flint, a long-distance import. Up to 20 % of the artifacts were damaged by frost action and agricultural activities. Numerous Levallois points and evidence for bidirectional flaking support the Bohunician classification. Test pitting has confirmed the presence of undisturbed sediments with cultural material including 4 structured hearths. Results of radiocarbon dating of some of these hearths are consistent with Bohunician antiquity. Only one lithic artifact in association with a hearth was found insitu. It is likely that future subsurface testing will yield more artifacts., Petr Škrdla, Tereza Rychtaříková, Ladislav Nejman, Jaroslav Bartík, Alena Hrušková, Jan Krása., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Ořechov IV je lokalita bohunicienu ležící v Bobravské vrchovině, přibližně 7 km jihozápadně od Bohunic, tedy již mimo vlastní brněnskou kotlinu. Po mnoho let (od objevu na počátku 20. století) byla známá jako povrchová lokalita, v průběhu několika posledních let na ní však byla objevena dvě místa s intaktními situacemi. Poloha byla zřejmě opakovaně osídlována na počátku mladého paleolitu, a představuje tak palimpsest. Předběžné analýzy naznačují přítomnost mladého bohunicienu, který se chronologicky i technologicky odlišuje od dosud známých lokalit bohunicienu v Bohunicích a na Stránské skále. and Ořechov IV is a Bohunician site in the Bobrava Upland, approximately 7 km south-west of Bohunice and outside of the Brno Basin. It was known as a surface site ever since the first artefacts were discovered there at the beginning of the 20th century. Two locations with stratified cultural contexts were discovered recently. This site was probably visited by Paleolithic people on different occasions throughout the Upper Paleolithic period resulting in a palimpsest. Preliminary analyses suggest the presence of a Late Bohunician industry that can be differentiated chronologically and technologically from the Bohunician occupation at Bohunice and Stránská Skála.
The territory of Moravia is well known for its high density of Early Upper Paleolithic sites. However, the majority of sites are surface sites lacking chrono-stratigraphic data. To further our understanding of the technological development, and replacement of Neanderthals by Anatomically Modern Humans between 50-40 kya, necessitates the discovery of new stratified sites. We implemented a project aimed at discovering new EUP sites with intact sediments. Central part the Bobrava Highland is an important EUP microregion and is located on the southwestern margin of the Brno Basin. We relocated almost all previously published sites in the area and conducted surface surveys in an attempt to discover additional surface sites. At each site we recorded the artifact clusters in absolute coordinates, and searched for potential artifacts in the intact sediments, often along the edges of surface artifact clusters. We have located intact sediments at four sites previously recorded as surface sites. We found in situ artifacts at two of the sites. The developed and successfully tested survey strategy may have potential application for surveys in other microregions., Petr Škrdla ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The Middle to Upper Paleolithic (MP/Up) transitional period and the question of a replacement of Neanderthals by Anatomically Modern Humans is a crucial question in current Archaeology and ANthropology. However, without the discovery and excavation of new Early Upper Paleolithic (EUP) sites, no progress in the issue of the MP/UP transitional period in the Middle Danube Region would be possible. The systematic and repeated surface surveys on the site of Tvarožná-Za školou (Fig. 2) resulted in an important Bohunician artifact assemblage. Among the important features of thsi assemblage is an equal ratio of Stránska skála type adn Krumlovský les type cherts, which are supplemented by non-specified Moravian Jurassic cherts, Cretaceous spongolite cherts, radiolarite, and erratic flint. The industry is characterized by the absence of bifacial reduciton and the application of Levalloisian technology on all recognized types of raw material. Because the test pits excavated during 2006-2008 yielded arfifact within intact sediments, a larger and more complex excavation was realized during summer 2008 and a continuation is planned for 2010. The straifiied collection from Tvarožhná will contribute to the knowledge about the EUP in MOravia by clarifying the chronology and homogeneity/heterogenity of Bohunician collections (cf. hypothesis in Tostevin, Škrdla 2006). Another important issue is the cmoparison of the surface and excavated collection from the same site. While the surface collection was already published (Škrdla 2007), this arcitcle presents field results and preliminary interpretations from the 2008 season., Petr Škrdla ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Struktura osídlení je u jednotlivých paleolitických kultur rozdílná. Cílem tohoto příspěvku je poukázat na odlišnosti v sídelní geografii s pomocí 3–D digitální kartografie. Zájmové území představuje mikroregion brněnské kotliny. Studovány jsou sídelní strategie bohunicienu, gravettienu/epigravettienu a magdaleniénu. and The settlement patterns of individual Palaeolithic cultures differ. This paper aims to demonstrate the variations in settlement geography with the aid of three–dimensional digital cartography. The study area is the Brno basin microregion, and settlement strategies of the Bohunician, Gravettian/Epigravettian, and Magdalenian are considered.