Two-month-old seedlings of Sophora davidii were subjected to a randomized complete block design with three water (80, 40, and 20 % of water field capacity, i.e. FC80, FC40, and FC20) and three N supply [N0: 0, Nl: 92 and Nh: 184 mg(N) kg-1(soil)] regimes. Water stress produced decreased leaf area (LA) and photosynthetic pigment contents, inhibited photosynthetic efficiency, and induced photodamage in photosystem 2 (PS2), but increased specific leaf area (SLA). The decreased net photosynthetic rate (PN) under medium water stress (FC40) compared to control (FC80) might result from stomatal limitations, but the decreased PN under severe water deficit (FC20) might be attributed to non-stomatal limitations. On the other hand, N supply could improve photosynthetic capacity by increasing LA and photosynthetic pigment contents, and enhancing photosynthetic efficiency under water deficit. Moreover, N supply did a little in alleviating photodamages to PS2 caused by water stress. Hence water stress was the primary limitation in photosynthetic processes of S. davidii seedlings, while the photosynthetic characters of seedlings exhibited positive responses to N supply. Appropriate N supply is recommended to improve photosynthetic efficiency and alleviate photodamage under water stress. and F. Z. Wu ... [et al.].
Regarding the fact that gay men leave less offspring than straight men, it is appropriate to raise a question by which means is male homosexuality maintained in a population and what could eventually be its evolutionary role. The aim of this paper is to summarize theories that try to explain male homosexuality within the framework of evolution. Furthermore, it aims to critically evaluate the results of empirical research that support particular theories or give evidence against them. In the first part, the paper provides a review of knowledge about the genetic and immunological origins of male homosexuality which consequently serves as a theoretical base for the main part of the paper that pursues the five most influential evolutionary theories of male homosexuality. and Homosexuální orientace se vyznačuje trvalou citovou a sexuální náklonností k jedincům stej-ného pohlaví. Vzhledem k tomu, že homosexu-álně orientovaní muži zanechávají méně potom-stva než heterosexuálně orientovaní muži, je na místě si položit otázku, jakými mechanismy je mužská homosexualita v populaci udržována a jaký by případně mohl být její evoluční vý-znam – tedy zda a případně komu (když ne ho-mosexuálnímu jedinci) přináší výhodu ve smy-slu vyššího reprodukčního úspěchu. Cílem této přehledové studie je shrnout teorie, jež se snaží mužskou homosexualitu vysvětlit v evolučním rámci, a kriticky zhodnotit výsledky empiric-kých výzkumů, které podporují jednotlivé teo-rie, či svědčí proti nim. Úvodní část článku po-skytuje přehled poznatků o genetickém a imu-nologickém původu homosexuality u mužů, rovněž však slouží jako teoretický základ pro hlavní část, která se věnuje pěti nejvlivnějším evolučním teoriím mužské homosexuality.
The Evolutionary Argument (EA) plays the central role in the realism- antirealism dispute. Proponents of this argument maintain that evolutionary theory pro- vides a convincing evidence for the reliability of our cognitive capacities. The evolutio- nary function of these capacities is to inform us about the character of our environment; and, as evidenced by the survival of our species, we can surmise that our cognitive capac- ities tend to provide a true, rather than false, picture of the world (cf., e.g., Quine, Kornblith, Munz). However, opponents of this view argue that evolutionary processes are not exclusively adaptive or optimal; indeed, some processes may not be adaptive at all (cf., e.g., Putnam, van Fraassen, Stich, and Bradie). Some of these critics, e.g., Thomson, believe that evolutionary theory demonstrates that our knowledge is not true, and that our cognitive capacities are not only fallible but completely unreliable. They produce only one of the many possible pictures of the world. I criticize this type of argument by means of a non-adaptationist interpretation of evolutionary theory (Wuketits), and I am seeking an evolutionary way out., Evoluční argument (EA) hraje ústřední roli v realisticko-antirealismickém sporu. Zastánci tohoto argumentu tvrdí, že evoluční teorie poskytuje přesvědčivý důkaz spolehlivosti našich kognitivních schopností. Důležitou funkcí těchto kapacit je informovat nás o charakteru našeho prostředí; a, jak dokazuje přežití našeho druhu, můžeme se domnívat, že naše kognitivní kapacity mají sklon poskytovat pravdivý, spíše než falešný obraz světa (srov. např. Quine, Kornblith, Munz). Nicméně, oponenti tohoto pohledu argumentují, že evoluční procesy nejsou výhradně adaptivní nebo optimální; některé procesy nemusí být vůbec adaptivní (srov. např. Putnam, van Fraassen, Stich a Bradie). Někteří z těchto kritiků, např. Thomson, věří, že evoluční teorie dokazuje, že naše znalosti nejsou pravdivé a že naše kognitivní schopnosti nejsou jen omylné, ale zcela nespolehlivé. Vyrábí pouze jeden z mnoha možných obrazů světa. Tento druh argumentů kritizuji prostřednictvím neadaptistické interpretace evoluční teorie (Wuketits) a hledám evoluční cestu ven., and Vladimír Havlík
Almost four decades have passed since the new field of ecosystem simulation sprang into full force as an added tool for a sound research in an ever-advancing scientific front. The enormous advances and new discoveries that recently took place in the field of molecular biology and basic genetics added more effective tools, have strengthened and increased the efficiency of science outputs in various areas, particularly in basic biological sciences. Now, we are entering into a more promising stage in science, i.e. 'post-genomics', where both simulation modelling and molecular biology tools are integral parts of experimental research in agricultural sciences. I briefly review the history of simulation of crop/environment systems in the light of advances in molecular biology, and most importantly the essential role of experimental research in developing and constructing more meaningful and effective models and technologies. Such anticipated technologies are expected to lead into better management of natural resources in relation to crop communities in particular and plant ecosystems in general, that might enhance productivity faster. Emphasis is placed on developing new technologies to improve agricultural productivity under stressful environments and to ensure sustainable economic development. The latter is essential since available natural resources, particularly land and water, are increasingly limiting.
The present study analysis the historical background of the Prague premiere of the opera Le Nozze di Figaro by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in December 1786. The author focuses on the phenomenon of the so called „burgherization“ of the opera within the frame of the dance music. In the concrete the study deals with the cycle of 12 German dances with coda by Johann Nepomuk Kanka. All of these two-piece dances, including the final coda, adapted melodies or motives from the mentioned work of Mozart. The study aspires to clarify the following questions: who was the composer of the cycle - father (born in 1744) or son (born in 1772) Johann Nepomuk Kanka? What is peculiar in Kanka’s stylization? What was the chronological order of the two preserved versions (for clavicembalo and for orchestra) - in
other words, if there was a later extract for piano or a later instrumentation. The chapter on
musical stylization contains text in supplement, table and illustrative examples of notes that
demostrate differences between melodical-motivic fundaments of the opera and its adjustments for dances. The study also tries to achieve more precise Information on the conducting of this music in the time, when and where the dances were played. The realized research indicates that the opera music met with a large response in the Prague burgher society and directly entered also this level of musical culture.
The pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus, an omnivorous, nest guarding North American sunfish, was introduced into European waters about 100 years ago. To assess growth performance following introduction, we reviewed the available data for North American and European populations of pumpkinseed and compared the back-calculated age-specific growth for juveniles (standard length, SL, at age two) and adults (age two to five increment) as well as adult body size (SL at age five), von Bertalanffy growth model parameters and the index of growth (in length) performance (φ′). For continental comparisons of growth trajectory, mean growth curves for North American and Europe were calculated with the von Bertalanffy model using pooled data sets for each continent. Juvenile growth rate did not differ between European and North American pumpkinseed, but mean adult body size and adult growth rate were both significantly greater in North American than European populations. Adult body size decreased with increasing latitude (ANOVA) in North American populations, but this was not observed with adult growth rate. In contrast, adult body size tended to increase with latitude in European populations. Adult body size correlated significantly with φ′. The von Bertalanffy model described the overall growth patterns of North American and European populations reasonably well, but on the individual population level, length asymptotes were unrealistic (estimates that were > 20 % of the mean back-calculated size for the oldest age class) for a third of European populations and 80% of the North American populations. In contrast to North American pumpkinseed populations, somatic growth in European populations appears to be compromised by limited, but adequate, food resources, probably due to strong intraspecific interactions. This appears to be especially acute in adults, having potential ramifications for life span and reproductive allocation.
A comparative study of resting metabolic rate was conducted for the temperature range 10-37 °C for four rodent species, northern three-toed jerboa (Dipus sagitta) (body mass, Mb 79.2±6.8 g, n = 25), midday gerbil (Meriones meridianus) (Mb = 45.0±8.1 g, n = 10), desert hamster (Phodopus roborovskii) (Mb = 15.4±2.9 g, n = 26, and striped hamster (Cricetulus barabensis) (Mb = 24.8±4.0 g, n = 7) in the Ordos desert in summer (July), 1997. The minimum resting metabolic rates were 1.14±0.25 ml O2/g.h for three-toed jerboa, 1.35±0.3 ml O2/g.h for midday gerbil, 2.98±0.65 ml O2/g.h for desert hamster, and 2.75±0.37 ml O2/g.h for striped hamster. The thermal neutral zones (TNZ) were wide in the three desert species that was 26~37 °C in jerboa, 26~35 °C in gerbil, and 24~34 °C in desert hamster, respectively. For the non-desert species, striped hamster, it was 26~30 °C. The results do not confirm the hypothesis that desert rodents generally have lower metabolic levels than non-desert species. The high metabolic rates of these four rodent species were interpreted to be influenced by the stable availability of food resources and low environmental temperature in the Ordos Plateau. our results partly support the hypothesis that the metabolism characteristics are determined by food resources and environment temperature for animals living in arid regions.
The incisor morphology of rodents varies a good deal among different genera and each structure may have a special evolutionary significance. Some basic and lateral profile measurements of upper and lower incisors which may reflect morphological adaptations of the Gansu zokor (Myospalax cansus, a typical subterranean rodent in northern Asia) and the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus, a typical aboveground rodent that has close body size to the Gansu zokor) were analyzed. GIS (Geographic Information System) software and nonlinear regression were used to analyze incisor lateral profile, allowing the incisors to be viewed as circular arcs with a high degree of accuracy. The results show that: i) zokors have more robust (i.e. larger anteroposterior diameter and transverse diameter values), heavier and longer upper as well as lower incisors than rats; ii) zokors show a significantly higher level of sexual dimorphism (male dominant) than rats on the incisor morphology (including basic and lateral profile measurements) and iii) the upper incisor is heavier than lower incisor in rats, as opposed to zokors, in which the lower incisor is heavier than the upper incisor, indicating that more resources must have been allocated to lower incisors of zokors.
Cardiopulmonary adaptation to chronic hypoxia was compared in rats exposed to simulated high altitude (barochamber, 8 h per day, 5 days a week, stepwise up to 7000 m, a total of 24 exposures) either from the 4th day or the 12th week of postnatal life. Pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular (RV) enlargement were comparable in both age groups. Whereas in young hypoxic animals the individual values of RV weight increased linearly with a rise of RV pressure (r=0.72), no significant correlation was found in adult rats. Chronic hypoxia increased the concentration of cardiac collagenous proteins; this effect was more pronounced in adult animals. On the other hand, the collagen l/lll ratio was markedly lower in young rats suggesting increased synthesis of collagen III in this age group. A protective effect of adaptation, i.e. increased cardiac resistance to acute hypoxic injury, was similar in both age groups and persisted even 4 months after removal of animals from the hypoxic atmosphere.
Článek se zabývá propojením informací o skupině dětí, které přišly v útlém věku o rodiče během 2. světové války, byly umístěny do koncentračního tábora Terezín a po osvobození Československa poslány do Anglie, kde jim byla poskytnuta všestranná podpora. Článek se zaměřuje na dva zdroje psychoanalyticky orientovaných autorek – studii Anny Freudové a Sophie Dannové s názvem Experiment se skupinovou výchovou (Freud a Dann, 1951), která je ukázkou ročního sledování vývoje deprivovaných dětí, a studii Sarah Moskovitzové (1983, 1985) dokumentující další vývoj terezínských dětí v dospělosti. Z psychologického hlediska sledování ukazují na možnost dobré adaptace i po těžké deprivaci v dětství. Z historického hlediska jde o dokumentaci osudů židovských dětí spojených pobytem v Terezíně a angažmá řady zainteresovaných pomocníků včetně Anny Freudové. and The article deals with connecting information about a group of children who lost their parents at an early age during World War II, were placed in the Terezín concentration camp and after the liberation of Czechoslovakia were sent to England, where they were provided with comprehensive support. The article focuses on two sources of psychoanalytically oriented authors - a study by Anna Freud and Sophie Dann entitled An experiment with group upbringing (Freud and Dann, 1951), which is an example of annual monitoring of the development of deprived children and a study by Sarah Moskovitz (1983, 1985) documenting further development of Terezín children in adulthood. From a psychological point of view, observations indicate the possibility of good adaptation even after severe deprivation in childhood. From a historical point of view, this is a documentation of the fate of Jewish children connected with their stay in Terezín, the engagement of a number of interested helpers, including Anna Freud.