Nelegálním používáním detektorů kovů jsou dlouhodobě vykrádány archeologické lokality. Pouze v malé míře jsou nalezené předměty předávány k uložení do muzejních sbírek; nicméně i toto torzo ukazuje na zcela fatální únik informací, který náš obor postihuje. Detektorové nálezy nejen přinášejí poznatky o hmotné kultuře a interregionálních kontaktech, ale jsou díky nim někdy i objevovány dosud neznámé lokality. Jednou z nich je hradiště „Obírka“ u Loučky (okr. Přerov) na okraji Oderských vrchů, odkud bylo získáno velké množství nálezů z období popelnicových polí a z pozdní doby laténské. and The illegal use of metal detectors has long been leaving archaeological sites plundered. Items found are only rarely turned in to be placed in museum collections. Nevertheless, what has been handed in has been enough to reveal the absolutely fatal loss of information that the field of archaeology is suffering from. Finds uncovered with metal detectors provide information on material culture and interregional contacts, and they have even revealed the existence of previously unknown sites. One such site is ‘Obírka’, a hillfort located near the village of Loučka (distr. of Přerov) on the edge of the Oderské vrchy Hills. A large number of finds have been unearthed at this site dating to the Urnfield Culture and the late La Tène period.
The study is focused territorially on the region of Moravian Gate that covers the foothills of the Beskids, the Hostýnské and the Oderské Hills. In this region, only few examples of wooden vernacular architecture have survived to date, among them timbered barns are the most remarkable buildings. Dendrochronological dating proved that the preserved buildings had been built mainly at the turn of the 19th century. The timbered barn in Skalička near Hranice comes from the second half of the 16th century. As early as from the second half of the 19th century, these originally wooden buildings were rebuilt to the bricked ones, as the entire farmstead was. Another reason for disappearing of wooden barn was that private farming began to vanish in the mid-20th century. The discovered wooden barns are usually used as storage rooms for different materials. Many of them have survived in fragments and their owners are not interested in safeguarding them. Contemplations about the preservation of some of these ancient buildings are justified.