V následujících kapitolách jsou charakterizováni někteří čelní představitelé polské literatury dvacátého století. Jejich autor v nich konfrontuje stoupence realistických tendencí (Orkan, Mach, Żukrowski) s představiteli moderny (Miłosz, Iwaszkiewicz). and The aim of the present study is to characterize some of the prominent representatives of 20th-century Polish literature. The autore confronts selected supporters of realistic tendencies (Orkan, Mach, Żukrowski) with supporters of Modernism (Miłosz, Iwaszkiewicz).
The text focuses on Lem's rejection of the Chinese Room, a prominent challenge to the sufficiency of the Turing test. After outlining Lem's relationship to the Turing test, it offers an exposition of two of Lem's thought experiments, the Gramophone and the Jigsaw, whose critique is directly related to the critique of the Chinese Room. The text shows that Lem's key argument is to point out the computational naivety of the machines that feature in these experiments. The text concludes by presenting some of Lem's views on the nature of machine consciousness.