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82. Dva nové texty M. Maříka Rvačky z jeho působení na koncilu v Kostnici
- Creator:
- Petr, Stanislav
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- libraries, manuscripts, Hussite movement, the Council of Constance, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The paper deals with two texts by Mařík Rvačka, a participant in the Council of Constance, whose new copies were found in the Vatican Palatine Library and in the Library of St. James Church in the Municipal archive in Brno. The author of these texts, the prior of the Cyriac order and one of the leading critics of the Czech reformation, refers in them to the contemporary bad state of the Church. His words were aimed especially against the expansion of simony. In the second tract, he critically opposes the communion under both kinds by laymen that was widespread in Bohemia in the second decade of the 15th century.
- Rights:
- unknown
83. Dvě studie o době poděbradské
- Creator:
- Urbánek, Rudolf
- Publisher:
- Masarykova univerzita. Filozofická fakulta
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Book
- Subject:
- History, Jiří z Poděbrad, český král, 1420-1471, politické dějiny -- Česko -- 15. stol., zahraniční politika -- Česko -- 15. stol., Česko -- dějiny -- 15. stol., Česko -- politika a vláda -- 15. stol., foreign policy, political history, Czechia -- history -- 15th century, and Czechia -- politics and government -- 15th century
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- unknown and open access
84. Dvojí pojetí národní identity : Erazim Kohák a Pavel Tigrid
- Creator:
- Jenšíková, Tereza
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- idea of state, cultural and national identity, Czech exil, Czechoslovakia, Erazim Kohák, Pavel Tigrid, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The contribution will focus on the philosophical conception of cultural and national identity of Erazim Kohák and journalistic thinking of the history of Pavel Tigrid in 20th century. In both cases, the aim is to find the concept of national identity. Kohák formulated his concept clearly and peculiarly in the book Hearth and Horizon (2009), Pavel Tigrid somewhat indefinitely in the book Pocket Guide of an Intelligent Woman After Her Destiny (1988). Both authors were political exiles after February 1948. In terms of opposition to the Communist regime, Kohák and Tigrid represent not only prominent figures, but also a sample of diversity, which was characterized by anti-communist exile.
- Rights:
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International and unknown
85. Eduard Winter 1896-1982 : zpráva o originalitě a přizpůsobení se sudetoněmeckého historika
- Creator:
- Němec, Jiří
- Publisher:
- Filozofická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Book
- Subject:
- History, Winter, Eduard, 1896-1982, církevní historici -- Česko -- 20. století, katoličtí teologové -- Česko -- 20. století, církevní historiografie -- Česko -- 20. století, Češi a Němci -- Česko -- 20. století, nacismus -- Česko, věda a politika -- Česko -- 20. století, historici -- Německá demokratická republika, historiografie -- Německá demokratická republika, věda a politika -- Německá demokratická republika, komunistický režim -- Německá demokratická republika, kolaborace, church historians -- Czechia -- 20th century, Catholic theologians -- Czechia -- 20th century, church historiography -- Czechia -- 20th century, Czechs and Germans -- Czechia -- 20th century, Nazism -- Czechia, science and politics -- Czechia -- 20th century, historians -- Germany (East), historiography -- Germany (East), science and politics -- Germany (East), communist regime -- Germany (East), collaborationism, 20. století, Sudety (Česko) -- dějiny, and Sudetenland (Czechia) -- history
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Studie je biografickým portrétem Eduarda Wintera (1896-1982), významného církevního historika a sudetoněmeckého katolického intelektuála z Čech, v jehož životě i historiografickém dílu se zrcadlí politické zvraty středoevropských dějin 20. století. Pozornost je věnována Winterovi v roli historika českých duchových dějin a dějin náboženského myšlení, který v politických zlomech svého století hledal prostřední cestu k reformně katolickému výkladu minulosti mezi vyhroceným nacionalismem první poloviny století a dogmatickou verzí komunistického idealismu. Těžiště studie leží na jeho působení v Praze před rokem 1945. Šest let nacistické okupace českých zemí je analyzováno podrobněji, protože je autor považuje za temnou, ale klíčovou epizodu Winterovy intelektuální biografie. ,The study is a biographical portrait of Eduard Winter (1896-1982), an important ecclesiastical historian and Sudeten-German Catholic intellectual from Bohemia, whose life and work reflect some of the greatest political upheavals in 20th-century Central European history. This study focuses on Winter as a historian of intellectual history and the history of religious thought in the Czech lands, who tried to find a way to be a professional historian during three political regimes covering democracy, Catholicism, nationalism, and National Socialism and communism. The focus of the study is on his work in Prague before 1945. Particular attention is paid to the six-year-period of the Nazi occupation of the Czech lands as the author considers this to be a dark though crucial episode in Winter's intellectual biography.
- Rights:
- unknown and embargoed access
86. Eine litauische Alternative für die ganze Rus'? : die Ostpolitik der litauischen Herrscher im ausgehenden Mittelalter : Ansprüche und Wirklichkeit
- Creator:
- Polechov, Sergej Vladimirovič
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Lithuanian expansion into the Rus', international relations in the late Middle Ages, Algirdas, Vytautas, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- German
- Description:
- The aim of the article is to analyze the widely spread idea that the late medieval Grand Duchy of Lithuania could unite the whole Rus' and pose an alternative to Moscow. It is shown that the Lithuanian rulers didn't lay such claims; the attempts to detect them in their statements made in 1358 and (allegedly) in 1399 are nothing but misinterpretations. It is also shown that Algirdas, Jogaila and Vytautas had no real chances to subjugate the Duchy of Moscow and its allies and vassals, both as the result of their military expeditions (1368–1372, 1406–1408) and due to the matrimonial union (1383/84).
- Rights:
- unknown
87. Ekonomické myšlení a počátky české reformace
- Creator:
- Uhlíř, Zdeněk
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- economic thought, Bohemian Reformation, contracts, usury, simony, medieval liberalism, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The author deals with economic thinking in the general determination of production and exchange of material and ideal values between people going beyond the common determination of description and reflection of economic activity of manufacturing, trade and services. He ascertains that in the beginnings of the Bohemian Reformation not only understanding of the difference between the church and the society was formed, but also the foundations for the modern right-wing and left-wing thinking emerged. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that Catholic reformists and conservative Hussites maintained the opinions which may be labelled as radically liberal, while the opinions of radical reformers may be termed (proto)socialist.
- Rights:
- unknown
88. Etudiants tcheques aux écoles protestantes de l'Europe occidentale a la fin du 16e et au début du 17e siecle : documents
- Creator:
- Hrubý, František
- Publisher:
- Universita J.E. Purkyně
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Book
- Subject:
- History
- Language:
- French and Latin
- Rights:
- unknown and open access
89. Exil a identita : posrpnový exil v Rakousku a Švýcarsku
- Creator:
- Haváč, Ondřej
- Publisher:
- Masarykova univerzita
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Subject:
- History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Je možné cítit se Čechem i po půlstoletí života v zahraničí? Na uvedenou otázku odpovídá tato kniha, zabývající se českým exilem v Rakousku a Švýcarsku po roce 1968, a přibližuje, jakým způsobem se integrace československých uprchlíků v hostitelských zemích odrazila ve vnímání jejich národní identity. Autor vychází z analýzy archivních a orálněhistorických pramenů získaných během terénních výzkumů mezi českými krajany ve zmíněných zemích v letech 2011 a 2015. Rozbor materiálů se kromě popisu jednotlivých aspektů integračního procesu soustředí i na vysvětlení změn v identifikaci bývalých uprchlíků s českým národem. ,Is it possible to feel as a member of a nation after living half a century in a foreign country? This book, which deals with the Czech exile in Austria and Switzerland after 1968, answers the question and describes how the integration of the Czechoslovak refugees in the host country has displayed in their perception of nation identity. The monography is based on archival and oral sources acquired during field research in Austria and Switzerland conducted from 2011 to 2015. The analysis focused on the description of the process of integration of newcomers in the host countries as well as on the understanding of changes in identification of the former refugees with the Czech nation.
- Rights:
- unknown and open access
90. Falzum zástavní listiny Zikmunda Lucemburského pro Václava Sekáče z Újezdce z 2. ledna 1421
- Creator:
- Bárta, Stanislav
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- King Sigismund of Luxembourg (1410/11–1437), the Form of the Pledge Charters, Forgery, Václav Sekáč of Újezdec, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The study "The Forgery of the Pledge Charter of Sigismund of Luxemburg for Václav Sekáč of Újezdec from 2nd January 1421" deals with the analysis of the forgery mentioned in the title. It contains the description of the common forms of Sigismund's pledge charters for the church estates and the comparison of the forgery with the original charters. It concludes that the forgery has originated after 1450. There is also the edition of the text in the appendix.
- Rights:
- unknown