This article examines the Catholic reception of works published in journals in the first half of the 20th century by Orthodox philosophers, theologians and writers, and explains their importance in Czech culture during this period.
After World War II, the declaration of the independent Jewish state started to be discussed again by the international community. In these days, Czechoslovakia supported the Zionist movement/Israel in new-born organization of United Nations, and also provided an unofficial assistance to the Zionist movement through the arm supplies as well as military training to chosen Jewish volunteers. This cooperation was not immediately cancelled after the February coup in 1948 when the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia got a total dominance over politics of the country. In the long run, however, the communist rule in Czechoslovakia led to the growing tension in relations with Israel. Within next few year the mutual cooperation of both states was over and the mutual relations were close to the open hostility. One of the aims of this paper is to introduce the reasons that led to a shift of Czechoslovak attitude towards Israel, as well as the impact of these changes in the international context.
The aim of this text is a summary of the conceptual work of Czechoslovak institutions in the field of cultural relations with France in the years 1960–1968. Based on the analysis of the most basic conceptual materials from those years, the author tries to evaluate the development and changes of the official concept of cultural policy of Czechoslovakia to France in the Novotny regime and during the Prague Spring and its ideological and other background as well as the real impact on the actual conduct of cultural relations.
The study focuses on the development of topographic works in Bohemia and Moravia in the period after the publication of Schaller's topography. Based on these works, the study reconstructs the types of outputs and forms of presentation of topographic data. It identifies various inventory topographies, statistical lexicons, homeland studies presentations, thematic lexicons, specialized topographic studies, cartographic representations, the publishing of vedutas and old photographs, and the preparation of dictionaries of local names.
This article examines the cultural and religious aspects of the social life of Chicago Czechs in the second half of the 19th century. Firstly, there is a brief outline of the history of Czech Chicago. There is a description of the role of schools, cultural societies and religion in fostering the patriotism and national identity of Chicago Czechs. Finally, there is a look at the religious relationship between the Czech Catholics and freethinkers, and their influence on everyday life in Czech Chicago.
The article is focused on developement of relations between Croatia and European Union from 1996 to 1999. It shortly outlines Union's positions on Croatia during the war in the first half of the 1990's and after it. It also mentions the postponing of admission to the Council of Europe in 1996. The main part of the article is focused on president Franjo Tudjman's regime and its positions on European Union and its Balkan policy.