a1_Studie analyzuje a hodnotí změny základních principů a priorit zahraniční kulturní politiky Spolkové republiky Německo od poválečné doby do současnosti, a to na základě komparace tří klíčových koncepčních dokumentů z let 1977, 2000 a 2011 a jejich zasazení do širšího kontextu německého politického a společenského vývoje. Hledá odpověď na otázku, co sledované změny vypovídají o celkovém vývoji německé zahraniční politiky i německé společnosti, jejího vnímání sebe sama a vyrovnávání se složitou minulostí. Výklad věnovaný jednotlivým koncepcím přitom prokládá stručný nástin a zhodnocení jejich důsledků pro vývoj česko(slovensko)-německých kulturních vztahů. Studie se inspiruje politologickými přístupy, tématu se ovšem věnuje z pohledu historika. Je možné ji zařadit k proudu, který je někdy označován jako „moderní“ nebo „nové“ politické dějiny. V provedeném rozboru autorka ukázala, že principy, jež se v západoněmecké zahraniční kulturní politice prosadily během šedesátých a sedmdesátých let (rozšířené pojetí kultury, kultura jako „nabídka pro všechny“, důraz na rovnocennou vzájemnou výměnu), byly do značné míry obsaženy ještě v koncepci z roku 2000. V posledních letech však od nich Německo do určité míry ustupuje nebo je vykládá odlišně, což velmi zřetelně odráží koncepce německé zahraniční kulturní politiky z roku 2011. Výrazně vzrostl především důraz na německé národní zájmy, čímž se německý přístup přiblížil francouzskému a britskému. Studie tak podporuje tezi o „normalizaci“ německé zahraniční politiky v jednadvacátém století., a2_Historický vývoj mezinárodních vztahů a také rostoucí vliv hospodářských zájmů na oblast zahraniční kulturní politiky zrcadlí mimo jiné i proměna regionálních priorit od jednoznačné orientace na Západ přes pozornost věnovanou transformující se střední a východní Evropě ke zvýšenému zájmu o hospodářsky se rozvíjející mimoevropské země., b1_This article analyses and assesses changes in the basic principles and priorities of the cultural diplomacy of the Federal Republic of Germany from the post-war period to the present. It does so by comparing three central documents related to general conceptions, from 1977, 2000, and 2011, and considering them into the broader context of German political and social developments. The article seeks to explain what these changes say about the overall development of German foreign policy and German society, its perceptions of itself, and coming to terms with its complicated past. The interpretation of the individual conceptions is accompanied by a brief outline and an assessment of their consequences for the development of Czech(oslovak)-German cultural relations. The article draws on approaches taken in political science, while considering the topic from the position of an historian. It can reasonably be said to be part of the trend sometimes called ‘modern’ or ‘new’ political history. In her analysis, the author seeks to demonstrate that the principles which were promoted in West German cultural diplomacy during the 1960s and 1970s (namely, an expanded conception of culture, culture as ‘something for everyone’, and emphasis on equal mutual exchange), were to a considerable extent still part of the conception of 2000. In recent years, however, Germany has somewhat retreated from them or interprets them differently, which is distinctly reflected in the conception of German cultural diplomacy from 2011. Mainly the emphasis on German national interests has increased, whereby the German approach has begun to resemble those of the French and the British. The article thus supports the thesis about the ‘normalization’ of German foreign policy in the twenty-first century., b2_The historical development of international relations and also the growing influence of economic interests on the area of cultural diplomacy are reflected in, among other things, the change in regional priorities from a straightforward orientation to the West, then to attention to central and eastern Europe in transformation, and eventually to an increased interest in economically developing non-European countries., Petra Baštová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Twentieth-century photosynthesis research had strong roots in Germany, with the cell physiologist Otto H. Warburg being among its most influential figures. He was also one of the few scientists of Jewish ancestry who kept his post as a director of a research institution throughout the Nazi period. Based on archival sources, the paper investigates Warburg’s fate during these years at selected episodes. He neither collaborated with the regime nor actively resisted; he was harrassed by bureaucracy and denunciated to the secret police, but saved by powerful figures in economy, politics, and science. Warburg reciprocated this favour with problematic testimonies of political integrity after 1945. Warburg’s case, thus, defies wellestablished notions of how scientists in Germany lived and worked during the Nazi regime, and, therefore, helps provide a more nuanced perspective on this theme., K. Nickelsen., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
During the years 1996–2001 phytosociological relevés were made of stands containing Senecio inaequidens in the city of Berlin and its surrounding. Data on the structure of the stands were recorded, life form spectra and ecological indicator values were calculated. This species, previously not known in the region before 1993, was found in 9 different phytosociological units (allliances). Growth parameters of S. inaequidens differed widely between these units and were positively correlated with cover and height of the surrounding vegetation. The conclusion drawn was that this species is one of the driving forces in the development from annual to perennial vegetation and has a role similar to that of other dominant species. From the indicator values of the stands surrounding S. inaequidens the following Ellenberg indicator values for the species were derived: Light L 8, temperature T 6, continentality K 4, moisture F 4, soil reaction R 7, nitrogen N 0 (= vague), and hemeroby values H α- and β- euhemerobic. Comparisons with data in literature from W and NW Germany show a broader sociological and ecological amplitude of S. inaequidens in this area, which was colonized by this species in the 1970s. The geographical expansion of this species is not yet finished, and further colonization within its area of distribution is likely to occur in plant communities with low degrees of hemeroby and growing in moister habitats.
A new bramble species, Rubus silvae-norticae, section Rubus, subsection Hiemales E. H. L. Krause in Prahl, series Micantes Sudre, which occurs in S Bohemia, Upper Austria and Lower Bavaria, is described. It is recorded at 130 localities. The distance between the most remote localities is ca 100 km. The species grows most frequently in forest habitats (as a distinctly nemophilous ecoelement) such as ditches and edges of forest roads, plantations, forest margins and clearings. It mainly grows in mesic, acid and mineral-poor soils. Like, for example, R. clusii or R. ser. Glandulosi and unlike other relatively thermophilous Rubus species, it is able to grow and propagate itself at rather high altitudes, up to the mountain vegetation belt. The diagnostic characters that separate R. silvae-norticae from its most similar and sympatrically occurring species, R. clusii and R. muhelicus, are provided. In Austria R. silvae-norticae and some other brambles were mistakenly considered as R. helveticus, a bramble (probably a single biotype) described from Switzerland in 1870. The lectotype of Rubus helveticus is designated here and a photograph of the specimen presented. Also included is a distribution map of R. silvae-norticae, a list of revised herbarium specimens, a photograph of the type specimen and a pen drawing of the species. The significance of regional brambles for plant migrations and phytogeography is shown, based on the distribution of selected regional Rubus species occurring in the Czech and Austrian border area, which is a known mountain barrier to migration. The distribution patterns of the brambles support a theory about the routes of plant migration and the florogenetic connection between Austria and the Czech Republic. Rubus silvae-norticae, R. muhelicus and R. vestitus f. albiflorus are regarded as Danubian migrants (distributed from Upper Austria to S Bohemia), whereas R. gothicus s. l. (“south Moravian type”) and R. austromoravicus are considered to be Dyje-Kamp migrants (distributed from Moravia and Lower Austria to S Bohemia) within the Bohemian flora. Rubus kletensis is supposed to be a Vltava migrant within the Austrian flora (distributed from S Bohemia to Upper Austria).
We studied nocturnal activity in adult male Myotis daubentonii from mid-May to early September of the years 1998–2003 in a male-dominated population in central Germany. Departure from roost after sunset, nocturnal activity time, time spent foraging, and return to roost before sunrise were recorded in radio-tracked animals during four observation periods (1: 14 May – 6 June, 2: 16 June – 10 July, 3: 22 July – 14 August, 4: 23 August – 2 September). Only three males (two in period 1, one in period 4) stayed in the day roost all night. The other tracked animals left their day-roost for the first time between 25 and 220 minutes after sunset, and their last arrival at the day-roost occurred between 2 and 545 minutes before sunrise. Bats spent most of their nocturnal activity time foraging (overall mean: 79.7 % of nocturnal activity time). Duration of nocturnal activity and nightly foraging time varied considerably over the four observation periods and were most extended in mid-summer (period 3). This is a time of high spermatogenetic activity and steep increase in body mass (built-up of fat reserves), which leads to a particularly high food demand of male Daubenton’s bats during this period of the year. Our results of an increased foraging activity during mid-summer provide evidence in support of the view that food demand of male Daubenton’s bats is indeed highest during this time of the year.
The role of the social housing sector as part of the German housing system has changed fundamentally since 1950. Social housing in Germany followed a number of common trends and features to be observed in most countries in Europe: delegation to local government, a narrow focus on fragile populations and a reduction in the proportion of social housing. The specific reasons for this are discussed as relating to the German background. Against a background of more and more tense housing markets the paper argues for a revitalization of social housing in Germany without repeating the old mistakes.
Dánský historik Sune Bechmann Pedersen se v této komparativní studii, sepsané původně jako disertace na Lundské univerzitě, zaměřil na vytváření smyslu komunistické minulosti v českých a německých filmech po roce 1989. Za cíl si stanovil popsat vztah mezi komunistickou minulostí, postkomunistickou kinematografií a "historickou kulturou" v Německu a České republice. Recenzent nepovažuje za nejzajímavější na jeho studii analýzu samotných filmů, ale spíše jejich zasazení do kontextu dobových veřejných debat. Přes absenci televizních seriálů v jeho rozboru a neznalost některých důležitých českých publikací k tématu nabídl autor podle jeho soudu zajímavou a funkční komparaci, neotřelý pohled zvnějšku a poměrně komplexní záběr., In this work of comparative history, which was originally written as his dissertation at Lund University, the Danish historian Sune Bechmann Pedersen focuses on the creation of the meaning of the Communist past in Czech and German films since the Changes beginning in late 1989. His stated aim is to explain the relationship between the Communist past, post-Communist cinematography, and "history culture" (Geschichtskultur) in Germany and the Czech Republic. Rather than its analysis of the individual films, what the reviewer finds most interesting about the book is the author´s having placed the films in the context of contemporary debates. Despite the absence of television series in his analysis and his lack of knowledge about some important Czech publications on the topic, the author has, according to the reviewer, produced an interesting and useful comparative work that offers a fresh look from outside with a broad scope., [autor recenze] Cyril Poliačik., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy