Na Ústavu fyzikálního inženýrství FSI VUT v Brně je od konce devadesátých let minulého století soustavně budována laboratoř povrchů a tenkých vrstev. V současné době tvoří část vědeckého zaměření laboratoře nově se rozvíjející technologický směr: výroba a (fyzikální) charakterizace nanoobjektů (zpravidla objekty mající alespoň jeden z rozměrů v řádu desítek nanometrů). K jejich přípravě se užívá metoda LAO, pomocí níž lze připravit nanostruktury tvořené oxidy na površích kovů a polovodičů. Pro případné průmyslové využití tvorby nanostruktur se jeví perspektivní metoda fokusovaných iontových svazků (metoda FIB), kterou se pracovníci z ÚFI FSI zabývají ve spolupráci s firmou TESCAN Brno (komerční prezentace firmy je na obálce tohoto čísla)., Jiří Spousta., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The present paper deals with the Brno Social Study, a rather extraordinary questionnaire survey given its extent and time (1947). Data analysis was forestalled by the political transformation after 1948, but the questionnaires were preserved. We have inherited a unique set of data for a historical-sociological analysis focusing both on the population of industry workers and on the social structure of Czech society in the advent of the communist coup. The Brno Social Study is contextualized in the state of post-war sociology, and the avenues toward its inception and implementation are mapped. The central part of the paper analyses the survey data from a contemporary analytical perspective, discussing the dataset’s representativeness. The primary objective of the paper is to propose, and initiate scholarly debate about, a feasible methodology for analysing the archived data today. The methodology serves to construct a representative sample through a combination of purposive, quota and random sampling; to determine the respondents’ socio-economic status using both ISCO and an original conceptualization of working class status; and to present certain data on respondents’ lifestyles that might be of interest for future analyses., Dušan Janák, Martin Stanoev a Petr Hušek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Metabasic rocks of the Želešice type were one of the most intensively utilized raw materials used for the manufacture of Neolithic polished industry in the Middle Danube region. Primary sources are located in the Ophiolite Belt (formerly Metabasite Zone) of the Brno Batholith, approximately 5 km SW of Brno. All sites represent secondary workshops that are not located at the outcrops. Quarrying at the outcrops has not been directly confirmed for this period. The focus of this work is a complex description of a unique primary workshop recently discovered nearby primary outcrops. Recently obtained data has revealed new information about the lithic operational stages, morphology, dimensions and procurement of the raw material. Petrographic analysis reveals several subvarieties of metabasic rocks which were utilized to different degrees. Another goal of this work is to add to the debate regarding terminology of workshop sites., Jaroslav Bartík, Lukáš Krmíček, Tereza Rychtaříková, Petr Škrdla., and Obsahuje seznam literatury