Studie Davida Kozla je věnována formě hudební koláže ve vztahu k princpipu mytologického myšlení, stejně jako jejího použití v postmoderní hudební tvorbě., The term neo-mythologism can be used as an interpretative approach to reflect the new 20th-century music paradigm, which helps to explain changes in the understanding of basic structural elements of myth and music. The study identifies certain possible correlations between mythological thinking and music by analysing the concept of collage (bricolage). The underlying theoretical concept employed is Claude Lévi-Strauss’ structural anthropology as proposed in La Pensée Sauvage (1962). Collage is viewed as a manifestation of neo-mythologism and as a narrative in the postmodern musical discourse, which is accompanied by changes in the understanding of the essence of the musical matter and compositional techniques of composers. The compositional treatment of several different layers of the musical structure within a musical collage with a view to conveying a new meaning is in principle akin to how meaning is generated in mythological thinking through the combination of various materials., David Kozel., Rubrika: Studie, and České resumé na s. 192, anglický abstrakt na s. 181.
Studie Martina Voříška je věnována hudebnímu životu na zámku v Českém Krumlově v roce 1780. Autor jej sleduje prostřednictvím neobvyklé události. 12. srpna 1780 totiž byla vykradena knížecí pokladna, z níž se ztratilo více než 950 zlatých. V té době ji měl na starosti kancelista a dvorní hudební ředitel Antonín Jan Jüngling. Aby se zbavil z podezření, že byl pachatelem tohoto činu, vytvořil detailní soupis své denní činnosti, díky níž tak zcela mimoděk vznikl unikátní dokument reflektující činnost schwarzenberské kapely v té době. Výňatky z tohoto dokumentu, jež se týkají hudby, jsou citovány v příloze., The article is based on a lengthy report by Anton Johann Jüngling on his own activities on 12 August 1780; Jüngling was at the time the Schwarzenbergs’ music director and also a highly placed official. This unique historical source affords a very detailed look at Jüngling’s daily life as a person and a professional, and in combination with other sources, it also enables the creating of a quite detailed picture of the musical events at the Schwarzenberg court over a period of just under two weeks, when the Schwarzenbergs were staying in Český Krumlov with their guests. The musical activities included theatrical performances, a ball, a private concert with repertoire consisting of orchestral arrangements of music from singspiels currently being performed (Die schöne Schusterin and Die abgeredte Zauberey), and accompaniment for worship services. The study documents that the musicians at the princely court were able to secure the music for most of these occasions, and that they were supplemented or substituted for as needed by hired musicians from the town or the military., Martin Voříšek., Rubrika: Studie, and Anglické resumé na s. 141-142, anglický abstrakt na s. 117.
Studie Marcuse Zagorskiho je věnována dílu hudebního skladatele Karlheinze Stockhausena. Autor se však na něj zaměřuje z netradičního pohledu, protože zkoumá problematiku a způsob poslechu Stockhausenovy hudby., Karlheinz Stockhausen’s theory of listening reflected essential tenets of his creative practice and aesthetic inclinations. He outlined an admirably tolerant and accepting approach to listening and encouraged different listeners to generate different formal models to describe the same music. His method of listening thereby challenged the perceptual reconstruction of known, pre-existing forms that was so important to listening in the preceding 150 years, and this complemented his compositional challenge to another established aesthetic category – that of the closed musical work. By revealing this aesthetic background, this article shows the significance of Stockhausen’s thinking about listening., Marcus Zagorski., Rubrika: Studie, and České resumé na s. 201, anglický abstrakt na s. 193.
Studie Markéty Kratochvílové je věnována osobnosti hudebního skladatele a dirigenta Otakara Ostrčila, avšak zaměřuje se na jeho ediční činnost. Autorka se zde věnuje Ostrčilově participaci na kritickém vydávání děl Bedřicha Smetany, kterýžto projekt realizoval Zdeněk Nejedlý ve 20. a 30. letech 20. století. Prodanou nevěstou se Ostrčil zabýval od roku 1924 až do své smrti v roce 1935 a edicí se zabýval nejen jako standardní editor, ovšem velmi podrobně se vyjadřoval i k podobě hudební sazby a dalším parametrům edice., The present study familiarises the reader with the activity of the composer and conductor Otakar Ostrčil as a music editor and in particular his work on the critical edition of Bedřich Smetana’s opera Prodaná nevěsta (The Bartered Bride), which was realised as part of the first attempt at publishing a complete works edition of Smetana’s music between 1924 and 1936 under the leadership of Zdeněk Nejedlý. The study is based on correspondence exchanged between Ostrčil and Nejedlý and is placed in the context of efforts to publish Smetana’s works during the first decades of the twentieth century as well as the context of Ostrčil’s life and works., Markéta Kratochvílová., Rubrika: Studie, and České resumé na s. 179-180, anglický abstrakt na s. 169.
Studie Ludmily Šmídové je věnována Klavírnímu triu B dur, op. 21 (B 51), od hudebního skladatele Antonína Dvořáka. Skladba vznikla na jaře 1875, ovšem později byla revidována. Autorka se na základě pramenů zaměřuje právě na tyto skaldatelské úpravy a zkoumá původní podobu tohoto tria., The present study deals with a heretofore unresearched early version of Dvořák’s Trio in B Flat Major, Op. 21. It is based on both the investigation of new sources and the study of correspondence and the period press. It focuses on the circumstances of the work’s composition and its reception in its early version. It introduces sources of the early version, which have previously escaped the attention of scholars, and it compares the early version to the work’s definitive form, as it is known from the first printed edition of 1880., Ludmila Šmídová., Rubrika: Studie, and Anglické resumé na s. 167, anglický abstrakt na s. 143.