A vertex coloring of a graph G is a multiset coloring if the multisets of colors of the neighbors of every two adjacent vertices are different. The minimum k for which G has a multiset k-coloring is the multiset chromatic number χm(G) of G. For every graph G, χm(G) is bounded above by its chromatic number χ(G). The multiset chromatic number is determined for every complete multipartite graph as well as for cycles and their squares, cubes, and fourth powers. It is conjectured that for each k ≥ 3, there exist sufficiently large integers n such that χm(C k n) = 3. It is determined for which pairs k, n of integers with 1 ≤ k ≤ n and n ≥ 3, there exists a connected graph G of order n with χm(G) = k. For k = n − 2, all such graphs G are determined.
This article argues that understanding any space or site relies on a knowledge of its fourth dimension - the timescape. It will explore this by situating the investigation in the museum - a place of heightened contrivance which could easily be shallowly interpreted as "mere style". It will defend a new method of investigating museum temporality which combines both phenomenology and literary theory, and will replace the idea of geo-epistemology with geochronic epistemology: an understanding of context and situation which takes on time as well as spatial location. In so doing, it moves on from notions of the museum as a place out of time, situating it in the networks of meaning, power and politics in which we have lived and are living. Thus, "the whole space of the exhibition" as Lyotard said, "becomes the remains of all time": the Museum on the Edge of Forever., Tento článek pracuje s argumentem, že porozumění jakémukoliv prostoru či místu se odvíjí od znalosti jeho čtvrtého rozměru – krajiny času. Toto tvrzení probádává tak, že zasazuje výzkum do muzea – místa se zvýšenou mírou machinace, již by bylo snadno povrchně interpretovat jako "pouhý styl“. Článek obhajuje novou metodu zkoumání temporality muzea, jež v sobě kombinuje fenomenologii i literární teorii a nahrazuje myšlenku geoepistemologie geochronickou epistemologií: porozuměním kontextu a situaci, jež je umístěno jak v čase, tak v prostoru. Tím, že tak činí, se článek posunuje od pojetí muzea jakožto místa mimo čas a zasazuje jej do sítí významů, moci a politiky, v nichž jsme žili a stále žijeme. Takto se "veškerý prostor výstavy“, jak poznamenal Lyotard, "stává pozůstatkem všeho času: muzeem na okraji věčnosti., and Jennifer Walklate.
In the theory of normed spaces, we have the concept of bounded linear functionals and dual spaces. Now, given an n-normed space, we are interested in bounded multilinear n-functionals and n-dual spaces. The concept of bounded multilinear n-functionals on an n-normed space was initially intoduced by White (1969), and studied further by Batkunde et al., and Gozali et al. (2010). In this paper, we revisit the definition of bounded multilinear n-functionals, introduce the concept of n-dual spaces, and then determine the n-dual spaces of ℓ p spaces, when these spaces are not only equipped with the usual norm but also with some n-norms.
In this paper I will propose that the unpalatable consequences of narrow-scope principles are not avoided by altering the scope of the principle but by changing the kind of conditional. I argue that a counterfactual conditional should do the trick and that the rational requirement of modus ponens can be understood as something like a ''Ramsey test'' on this conditional., V tomto příspěvku navrhnu, aby nedocházelo k nežádoucím důsledkům zásad úzkého rozsahu tím, že se změní rozsah této zásady, ale změnou druhu podmíněnosti. Domnívám se, že kontrafaktuální podmíněnost by měla dělat trik a že racionální požadavek modus ponens může být chápán jako něco jako ,,Ramseyho test'' na tomto podmíněném., and David Botting
The acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus bothniensis Zdzitowiecki and Valtonen, 1987 differs from most other species in the genus Echinorhynchus Zoega in Müller, 1776 by infecting mysids (order Mysida) instead of amphipods (order Amphipoda) as intermediate hosts. Here we report on the occurrence of E. bothniensis in mysids (Mysis segerstralei Audzijonytė et Väinölä) and in its fish definitive hosts in a high Arctic lake. Out of 15 907 sampled mysids, 4.8% were infected with a mean intensity of 1.05 worms (range 1-5), although there was notable variation between samples taken in different years and sites. Larger mysids appear more likely to be infected. Of five fish species sampled, charr,Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus), and a benthic-feeding whitefish morph, Coregonus lavaretus (Linnaeus), were the most heavily infected (mean abundances of 80 and 15, respectively). The adult parasite population in fish exhibited a female-biased sex ratio (1.78 : 1). Although E. bothniensis is rather unique in infecting mysids, many aspects of its natural history mirror that of other acanthocephalan species., Raija-Liisa Aura, Daniel P. Benesh, Risto Palomäki, E. Tellervo Valtonen., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We prove that the problem of finding all ${\mathcal {M} f_m}$-natural operators ${C\colon Q\rightsquigarrow QT^{r*}}$ lifting classical linear connections $\nabla $ on $m$-manifolds $M$ into classical linear connections $C_M(\nabla )$ on the $r$-th order cotangent bundle $T^{r*}M=J^r(M,\mathbb R )_0$ of $M$ can be reduced to the well known one of describing all $\mathcal {M} f_m$-natural operators $D\colon Q\rightsquigarrow \bigotimes ^pT\otimes \bigotimes ^qT^*$ sending classical linear connections $\nabla $ on $m$-manifolds $M$ into tensor fields $D_M(\nabla )$ of type $(p,q)$ on $M$.
The unique relation between logic and truth (protorelation) is crucial for understanding Fregean conception of logic. Frege has an insight that the nature of logic resides in the ''truth'', which he finally locates in the assertoric-force of a sentence. Though Frege admits that assertoric-force is ineffable in ordinary language, he coins in his conceptual notation for such a force a much-disputed sign, i.e., judgment-stroke. In this paper, I will try to demonstrate that judgment-stroke is not adequate for the task its inventor has assigned to it. Accordingly, it is misconceived and inconducive to clarify Frege’s vague insight into the protorelation. The mistake of judgment-stroke for the sign of assertoric-force has its root in Frege’s ignorance of the significant difference between ''judgment'' and assertion'', which will be elucidated at length in the light of Husserl’s theory of ''doxic-modification''. In the end, based on a further elucidation of the activity of assertion, I will advance a tentative interpretation of the vague insight Frege has concerning the protorelation., Jedinečný vztah mezi logikou a pravdou (protorelace) je klíčový pro pochopení logiky Fregean. Frege má pochopení, že podstata logiky spočívá v ,,pravdě'', kterou nakonec nalezne v přísloví věty. Ačkoli Frege připustí, že assertoric-síla je nevýslovná v obyčejném jazyce, on mince v jeho pojmovém zápisu pro takovou sílu hodně-sporné znamení, tj., Rozsudek-mrtvice. V tomto příspěvku se pokusím prokázat, že rozsudek-úder není vhodný pro úkol, který mu jeho vynálezce přidělil. V souladu s tím je nepochopitelné a nevhodné vyjasnit Fregeův nejasný pohled na protorelaci. Chyba úsudku-mrtvice pro znamení assertoric-síla má jeho kořen ve Fregeově neznalosti významného rozdílu mezi ,,rozsudkem a tvrzením '', který bude podrobně objasněn ve světle Husserlovy teorie ,,doxické modifikace''. V závěru, na základě dalšího objasnění činnosti tvrzení, budu postupovat předběžně ve výkladu neurčitého náhledu Fregeho týkajícího se protorelace., and Gao Song
The Asian neriid fly genus Telostylus Bigot (Diptera: Neriidae) is revised, including a key and illustrations of its species. Lectotype designations are proposed for four species: Telostylus babiensis de Meijere, T. decemnotatus Hendel, T. remipes (Walker) and T. trilineatus de Meijere. Two new species are described: Telostylus marshalli Sepúlveda & de Carvalho, sp. n., from Sarawak, Malaysia, and T. whitmorei Sepúlveda & de Carvalho, sp. n., from Masbate, Philippines. The morphology of Telostylus binotatus Bigot and T. remipes (Walker) is discussed in order to support their synonymy. Additionally, new country records are provided for four species: Telostylus babiensis de Meijere for Philippines, T. binotatus Bigot for Papua New Guinea, T. inversus Hennig for Malaysia and Indonesia, and T. trilineatus de Meijere for Malaysia and Philippines.