The paper focuses on the intellectual aspects of Bohumil Hrabal’s work and also on the concept of worldview. The starting point is Josef Zumr’s article “The Intellectual Inspiration of Bohumil Hrabal” (1989); the approaches of Jan Patočka (1942) and Jan Mukařovský (1947) are also mentioned. In his article Zumr presents Hrabal’s worldview as a mosaic of constitutive and affirmative influences. He formulates a thesis on the post-war continuity of the avant-garde, of which Hrabal’s work is a part. In this paper, Zumr’s interpretation is subjected to partial revision: it is not only about ideological influences, but also about their individual creative transformation. Hrabal has lost the optimism of the avant-garde, his work testifies to the turn of an epoch and combines humour with melancholy and historical scepticism. and Příspěvek se zaměřuje na ideové aspekty díla Bohumila Hrabala a také na pojem světového názoru. Referenčním textem je studie Josefa Zumra „Ideová inspirace Bohumila Hrabala“ (1989). Zmíněny jsou rovněž přístupy Jana Patočky (1942) a Jana Mukařovského (1947). Zumr ve své studii představuje Hrabalův světový názor jako mozaiku konstitutivních a konfirmativních vlivů. Formuluje tezi o poválečné kontinuitě avantgardy, které je Hrabalovo dílo součástí. V tomto příspěvku je Zumrova interpretace podrobena dílčí revizi: nejde jen o ideové vlivy, nýbrž také o jejich individuální tvůrčí transformaci. Hrabal ztratil optimismus avantgard. Jeho dílo je svědectvím o přelomu epoch a spojuje humor s melancholií a dějinnou skepsí.
The submitted article reconstructs the interactions between Richard
Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi as the originator of the Pan-Europe idea, and the Prague newspaper Prager Presse, during the time from August 1921 until autumn 1926. The account notes and comments not only upon Coudenhove-Kalergi writings published in the paper, but also the reviews of his books and reports on his public appearances. Thus the article traces, how the philosopher, who comes up with a particular interpretation of the situation in Europe after the World War I, becomes a leader of the international movement, a politician and a diplomat striving to gain support for a specific model of European organisation. The final section of this article deals with how the Czech translation of Coudenhove’s book Pan-Europa originated and the circumstances it was accompanied by. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
When the nationalities of the multiethnic Austrian Empire began to demand national self-determination "on their own territory“, they
started the struggle for the national "Besitzstand“. The great nations like the Magyars, Czechs, Poles and Croats claimed for their historical "Staatsrecht“. The Austrian governments answered with the concept of national autonomy in national homogeneous districts on the basis of the existing historical "Kreise“. Palacky on the Krensierer Reichstag, Stadion in the Reichsverfassung of 1849, Ernest von Körber in the context of his deliberations to solve the "Bohemian question“ presented concepts for realization. When the
governments of Stürgkh, Clam Martinic and Seidler/Hussarek declarated the "Kreisordnung“ for Bohemia, there was no chance for acceptance, because the question of the settlement of a Czechoslovak State was decided., Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou, and V křestním jméně pod názvem je chybně napsáno Helmt místo správného Helmut
This article examines the correspondence between the Austrian author Hermann Bahr and the Czech dramaturge, author and politician Jaroslav Kvapil. It focuses on the years during World War I and the increasingly divergent interests of these two figures. While Bahr is concerned with renewing Austria, Kvapil is engaged in nation building in the newly forming Czechoslovakia. and Článek zahrnuje odkazy pod čarou