The submitted article reconstructs the interactions between Richard
Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi as the originator of the Pan-Europe idea, and the Prague newspaper Prager Presse, during the time from August 1921 until autumn 1926. The account notes and comments not only upon Coudenhove-Kalergi writings published in the paper, but also the reviews of his books and reports on his public appearances. Thus the article traces, how the philosopher, who comes up with a particular interpretation of the situation in Europe after the World War I, becomes a leader of the international movement, a politician and a diplomat striving to gain support for a specific model of European organisation. The final section of this article deals with how the Czech translation of Coudenhove’s book Pan-Europa originated and the circumstances it was accompanied by. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
The article deals with the celebrations for the Czechoslovak First
Republic on the state holiday (October 28) and the visits of Presidents Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and Edvard Beneš to the Moravian border town Znojmo/Znaim. This town on the
Czech-German “language border” only became part of Czechoslovakia in late December 1918. During the interwar period, both the state holiday as well as the visits of the presidents were used to create loyalty to the state and its local representatives. These events reflect the understanding of the state in local politics. During the twenties, the celebrations on October 28 were solely dominated by Czech parties and resulted in conflicts with their
German counterparts. The understanding of the state holiday changed during the thirties. Against the backdrop of political turmoil in Czechoslovakia and Europe, the festivities on October 28 provided an opportunity to construct unity in a multinational state. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
The study deals with the historical evolution of the normative appraisal of the 28th of October, 1918, within Czech historiography and politics. The author tackles the perspective of direct participants in the context of the "argument over credits", structuring the political discourse of interwar Czechoslovakia. The paper then concludes with an overview - how was the topic of the 28th of October presented in Czech historiography after 1989. and Článek zahrnuje odkazy pod čarou
This study analyzes celebrations of presidents’ birthdays in interwar
Czechoslovakia. The authors discuss the formative role of the holidays within the framework of the construction of Czechoslovak national identity. They focus on new forms of the celebrations and discuss how the earlier pattern of Emperor Francis Joseph Festivities were employed in republican festivities. The authors deal with political negotiations of festival regulations and codes as well as their implementation in practice. They analyze which narratives were employed for the image of the president and the presidency in general. They also illuminate how first Czechoslovak president Tomáš G. Masaryk’s birthday was commemorated after his abdication and particularly after his death, and how the festivity was changed after Edvard Beneš became president. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
Edice přináší nevelký soubor vzájemné korespondence politika Edvarda Beneše a jeho manželky Hany se spisovatelem Aloisem Jiráskem. Tvoří ji jedenáct dosud nepublikovaných archivních dokumentů z let 1921-1927, které představují příležitostnou, zejména zdvořilostní korespondenci. Vzájemný písemný kontakt iniciovali manželé Benešovi a svědčí o jejich světonázorové orientace a společenské zdvořilosti. Nejzajímavější je blahopřání H. Benešové k 70. narozeninám A. Jiráska (1921), sepsané jako osobnější recepce spisovatelova díla v době první světové války., Correspondence between Edvard Beneš, Hana Benešová and Alois Jirásek This publication presents a modest collection of correspondence between politician Edvard Beneš (1884-1948), his wife Hana (1885-1974) and writer Alois Jirásek (1851-1930). It comprises eleven previously unpublished archive documents from 1921 to 1927, made up of occasional, mostly courtesy correspondence. This liaison by mail was initiated by Beneš and his wife. It indicates the nature of their world view and their social courtesy. The most interesting item is Hana Benešová's congratulations on Jirásek's 70th birthday (1921), expressing her personal appreciation of the writer's work during the First World War. (Translated by Melvyn Clarke.), and Překlad resumé: Melvyn Clarke