The Grounds of Concrete Logic (Základové konkretné logiky) is often taken to be a work in which Masaryk attempts to outline, in a methodical way, his conception of philosophy as “a real scientific metaphysics”. Nevertheless, we often hear from the Masaryk’s critics, and even from his followers, that the book appears to be no more than a transcription of Comte’s Cours de philosophie positive. Even if the classification of the
sciences was one of the main philosophical and scientific problems with which Masaryk was engaged throughout his life, in the emphasis on concrete sciences, and in the working out of the relations between particular sciences and categories, Masaryk goes beyond Comte. This point is supported, at the same time, by the many critical notes concerning the inadequacy of Comte’s epistemological grounding, which Masaryk links, above all, to a critique of Comte’s phenomenalism. The specific quality and the critical reference of the book for future generations of Czech philosophers consists in its principled status and realist aim. Concrete logic should bring us to the ultimate ontological points of departure – to things themselves. In his prioritising of the need to seek the sense of things, Masaryk belongs to the modern thinkers who showed to Czech philosophy new possibilities and ways of approach to reality in a strictly scientific spirit.
Klíšťata sají obrovské množství krve, která je jejich jediným zdrojem živin a energie. Přesný enzymatický mechanismus zpracování krve ve střevě klíšťat však kupodivu nebyl donedávna vůbec znám. Náš komplexní molekulární model trávení hostitelského hemoglobinu u klíštěte obecného (Ixodes ricinus) poprvé odhalil analogii enzymatického aparátu s krevsajícími ploštěnci a hlísticemi, a zároveň tato znalost představuje zásadní poznatek pro účinný boj s klíšťaty a jimi přenášenými patogeny., Ticks (in this case Ixodidae and Argasidae) feed on enormous amounts of host blood, which provides their ultimate source of energy and nutrients. There has been only limited evidence on the exact molecular mechanisms of blood digestion in ticks. For the first time, our complex enzymatic model of proteolytic digestion in the Common Tick (Ixodes ricinus) reveals the analogy of tick intestinal proteolysis with bloodfeeding platyhelminthes and nematodes and presents a future application potential in tick or tick-borne pathogen interventions., and Daniel Sojka.
This article deals with the multiple murders of Roma people committed by a number of local citizens in Pobedim, a village in West Slovakia,during the night of October 1-2, 1928, which could be understood as an anti-Roma pogrom. Attention is paid to the interactions between different Czechoslovak state authorities such as gendarmerie, the district office, provincial office, court and municipalities in the region shortly before the outbreak of the
pogrom and in its aftermath. Drawing on Giorgio Agamben´s theory elaborated for the analysis of anti-Gypsy measures by various scholars, e.g. Jennifer Illuzzi, the author argues that the extreme violence resulted from the tensions and conflicts between those historical actors who enforced the contemporary anti-Gypsy measures on the regional level and which led to the creation of
the state of exception for the population labeled as Gypsies. The analysis also reveals the variety of contemporary practices of exclusion towards the population labeled as Gypsies in interwar Czechoslovakia. Despite the fact that the Roma were victims of a brutal assault even the trials attest to the extreme asymmetry of power between the accused portrayed as “decent citizens” and
the bare lives of the Roma. Because the executive state authorities circumvented the judiciary and forged their own solution allegedly more suited to the public interest, the Roma were caught in the state of exception. Furthermore,the article shows how ideas of Gypsies´ internment in various types of forced labor camps as a permanent and spatial embodiment of the state of exception
stemmed from the dynamic of enforcing anti-Gypsy measures. and Obsahuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
Čeleď brukvovitých patří k největším rostlinným čeledím; zahrnuje 49 tribů, 321 rodů a 3 660 druhů. Zájem vědců o tuto rostlinnou skupinu vzrostl především díky ustanovení huseníčku rolního (Arabidopsis thaliana) modelovým druhem a sekvenování jeho genomu. To v r. 2000 odstartovalo mimo jiné bouřlivý rozvoj srovnávací fylogenomiky a cytogenomiky, včetně úspěšného zavedení metody malování chromozomů (chromosome painting) huseníčku a její aplikace na další zástupce brukvovitých (srovnávací malování chromozomů; comparative chromosome painting, CCP). Metoda CCP umožňuje studium chromozomové kolinearity, rozpoznání chromozomových přestaveb, porovnání struktury chromosomů nebo jejich částí mezi jednotlivými druhy a rekonstrukci struktury celých karyotypů. Brukvovité jsou jedinou rostlinnou čeledí, u níž je v tomto rozsahu metoda CCP použitelná. Srovnávací cytogenetické mapy brukvovitých tak představují zcela unikátní typ dat o evoluci rostlinných karyotypů a genomů., Whole-genome sequencing of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana has stimulated a rapid development of comparative phylogenomics and cytogenomics, including the invention of chromosome painting in A. thaliana and comparative chromosome painting (CCP) in other species of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) family. This is the only plant family in which large-scale CCP is feasible. CCP provides unique insights into the karyotype and genome evolution in plants by comparing chromosome collinearity, identification of chromosome rearrangements, construction of comparative cytogenetic maps, and reconstruction of ancestral karyotype structures., and Terezie Mandáková.