Kvalita ţivota je ovlivněna zdravotním stavem, který zahrnuje fyzické, psychické a sociální charakteristiky. Největším zdravotním, ale i společenským problémem současné epochy nejsou nemoci akutní, ale nemoci dlouhodobé, chronické a trvalé. Výzkum se zaměřuje na oblast sexuality u pacientů s hypertenzí, s důrazem na holistické pojetí lidské osobnosti, hlubší vnímání a proţívání sexuálního ţivota, sexuálních potřeb pacientů. Cíl: Cílem kvalitativního šetření bylo zjistit, zda léčba hypertenze ovlivňuje sexuální potřeby pacientů. Metodika: Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 20 respondentů, výběr zkoumaného vzorku byl záměrný, byli to pacienti, kteří se léčili pro hypertenzi minimálně 1 rok ve Fakultní nemocnici Ostrava. Výzkum byl proveden pomocí kvalitativní metody, sběr dat byl proveden rozhovorem, který byl nahráván na diktafon v příjemném, nerušeném prostředí. Ve výzkumu byla pouţita metoda barvení textu s definovanými 4 kategoriemi a podkategoriemi. Výsledky: Z analýzy rozhovorů vyplynulo, ţe u některých pacientů antihypertenzní terapie negativně ovlivnila jejich sexuální potřeby. Byl zjištěn výskyt sexuálních dysfunkcí, u ţen se jednalo o sníţený sexuální apetit, sníţenou lubrikační schopnost, delší interval k vyvrcholení a u muţe byl objeven problém s erekcí. Závěr: V rámci subjektivní spokojenosti s vlastní sexualitou u pacientů, kteří se léčí s arteriální hypertenzí je důleţitá znalost vedlejších účinků a následná edukace s vyuţitím výsledků vědeckých studií domácích i zahraničních odborníků., The quality of life is influenced by health condition, which include physical, psychological and social features. The biggest, not only medical but also social problem nowadays are not acute diseases but long-term diseases, chronical and permanent. The research is concentrated on the sphere of sexuality among patients with hypertension, with stress on holistic concept of human being, deeper perception and experiencing of sexual life and sexual needs of patients. Aim: The aim of qualitative research was to find out how the treatment of hypertension influences sexual needs of patients. Methods: Researched sample was formed by 20 respondents. The choice of researched sample was intentional. They were patients who were treated for hypertension minimally one year in University Hospital Ostrava. The choice of researched sample was intentional. The research was done by qualitative method, collection of datas was done by interview, which was recorded on voice recorder in a pleasant, by nothing disturbed place. In the research was used method of coloring the text with 4 defined categories and subcathegories. Results: From the analysis of interviews was clear that at some patients antihypertension therapy influenced their sexual needs in a negative way. There was found out the occurrence of sexual dysfunctions. Among women it was lower sexual appetite, lower lubricative ability, longer time for climax and among men was found the problem with erection. Conclusion: Well-timed diagnostics of hypertension, active attitude to sexual life and knowledge of side effects during hypertension therapy can influence sexual experience and satisfaction of patients., Bohdana Břegová, Yvetta Vrublová, and Literatura
CD200/CD200R are highly conserved type I paired membrane glycoproteins that belong to the Ig superfamily containing a two immunoglobulin‑like domain (V, C). CD200 is broadly distributed in a variety of cell types, whereas CD200R is primarily expressed in myeloid and lymphoid cells. They fulfill multiple functions in regulating inflammation. The interaction between CD200/CD200R results in activation of the intracellular inhibitory pathway with RasGAP recruitment and thus contributes to effector cell inhibition. It was confirmed that the CD200R activation stimulates the differentiation of T cells to the Treg subset, upregulates indoleamine 2,3‑dioxygenase activity, modulates cytokine environment from a Th1 to a Th2 pattern, and facilitates an antiinflammatory IL‑10 and TGF‑β synthesis. CD200/CD200R are required for maintaining self‑tolerance. Many studies have demonstrated the importance of CD200 in controlling autoimmunity, inflammation, the development and spread of cancer, hypersensitivity, and spontaneous fetal loss., Drahomíra Holmannová, Martina Koláčková, Kateřina Kondělková, Pavel Kuneš, Jan Krejsek, Ctirad Andrýs, and Literatura 46
The subject of work is the development of Czech health care law in the past 20 years in the context of (1) Czechoslovak and Czech social change, (2) the development of international human rights interpretations related to health. The goal is evaluation of the Czech health care law in the individual developmental stages and their compliance with human rights related to health. Running away from the Czech health care law framework of human rights and its substitution by a positive concept of patients‘ rights is accompanied by efforts to reduce human rights protection mechanisms at the Constitutional Court („euroamendment“ of the Czech Constitution in 2001). Major changes in medical law in relation to human rights brings the current changes in health care reform (2011 - Health Reform I and II. Phase)., Petr Háva, Pavla Mašková, Tereza Teršová, and Literatura
Seminal vesicle secretion is important for increasing the stability of sperm chromatin, inhibition of the immune activity in the female reproductive tract and so on. Metronidazole (MTZ), a drug used for treatment of infections caused by anaerobic bacteria and protozoa, may have negative effects on the genital gland including the seminal vesicles. Curcumin exhibits antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties. The present study aims to evaluate the negative effects of MTZ on the seminal vesicle structure and ameliorative effects of curcumin using stereological methods. Thirty balb/c mice were divided into six groups. The control group was received distilled water. The second and the third received higher doses of MTZ (500 mg/kg body weight/day) and MTZ (500 mg/kg/day) + 100 mg/kg/day curcumin, respectively. The fourth and the fifth were treated with lower doses of MTZ (165 mg/kg body weight/day) and MTZ (165 mg/kg body weight/day) + curcumin (100 mg/kg body weight/day), respectively. The sixth group received 100 mg/kg body weight/day curcumin. All the administrations were done by oral gavages for 14 days. After 30 days, seminal vesicles were removed. Stereological study of the seminal vesicle structure revealed a significant reduction in gland and vesicular fluid volume in MTZ-treated (higher or lower doses) animals. Curcumin protected the reduction of both parameters in therapeutic-dose treated animals. Metronidazole treatment does not induce structural changes in the seminal gland; however, it can have a significant impact on its secretion ability. Importantly, these deteriorations might be preventable by curcumin co-treatment., Ali Noorafshan, Saied Karbalay‑Doust, and Literatura 30
Práce prezentuje prenatální diagnostiku, možnosti terapie a následnou péči u plodů a novorozenců s kongenitálním chylothoraxem na podkladě zhodnocení 14 případů na naší klinice v letech 1993 až 2012. Povšechný hydrops plodu byl popsán ve 4 případech (29 %), v 10 případech (71 %) byla provedena odlehčovací amniodrenáž a ve 3 případech (21 %) prenatální odlehčovací punkce hrudníku. Spontánně bylo porozeno 11 plodů (78 %), hrudní drenáž byla nezbytná v průměru 9 dnů po porodu. Mortalita dosáhla v souboru 29 % (4 případy). V článku popisujeme vyšetřovací algoritmy, terapeutické prenatální i postnatální postupy a je zdůrazněna nutnost mezioborové spolupráce., The work presents prenatal diagnosis, treatment and care options in fetuses and neonates with congenital chylothorax based on a detailed evaluation of 14 cases recorded in our department between years 1993 and 2012. Generalized fetal hydrops was described in 29% of cases, therapeutic amnio drainage performed in 71% and prenatal thoracentesis in 21% of cases. 78% of fetuses were delivered spontaneously; thoracic drainage was necessary nine days after birth in average. Mortality reached 29%. The following text describes diagnostic algorithms, prenatal and postnatal therapeutic options with emphasis on the need for interdisciplinary cooperation., Alena Malkovská, Zdeněk Žižka, Andrea Pašková, Václav Sebroň, Pavel Calda, and Literatura
Politika dlouhodobé péče o starší věkové skupiny chronicky nemocných a nesoběstačných osob je poměrně často ve zjednodušených modelech dávána do souvislosti s budoucími hrozbami pro veřejný sektor a veřejné finance. Navrhovaným „nezbytným“ řešením jsou pak obvykle změny v organizaci a financování dlouhodobé péče v rámci tržně orientovaných reforem, ovšem se zásadními důsledky vzniku nerovností v dostupnosti a ve zdraví, nekoordinovaným procesem poskytování služeb, v nichž dochází k výrazné asymetrii mezi příjemci a poskytovateli služeb. Předmětem práce je tržně orientovaný přístup případu věcného návrhu zákona o dlouhodobé péči v ČR v roce 2011, porovnávaný s rozdílným vývojem diskurzu této oblasti v EU/EC-OECD-WHO a také od vývoje poznání/výzkumu. Cílem práce je kritická reflexe příčin tak odlišného zjednodušujícího vývoje v ČR s využitím metody diskurzivní analýzy. Článek vznikl za finanční podpory projektu „PRVOUK P17 - Vědy o společnosti, politice, médiích ve výzvách doby", Long-term care (LTC) policy for chronically ill and disabled seniors is quite often simplified in models overestimating future threats to the public sector and public finance. The proposed solution is then formulated in changes of the organization and financing of LTC as a part of market-oriented reforms, without the evaluation of major consequences in terms of inequalities in access and in health. The subject of the work is marketoriented approach of the bill on LTC in the Czech Republic in 2011, in contrast to the discourse of LTC policy options in the EU / EC-OECD-WHO and the development of knowledge / research. The aim of the work is a critical reflection of causes of such different and simplifying policy making in the Czech Republic., Petr Háva, and Literatura
The article is focused on the key problems of long-term care provided to disabled seniors above 65 years of their age and disabled children in the Czech Republic from informal carers' point of view. The research is based on 25 semi-structured interviews with informal carers. The results show a serious shortage of (social and health care) services generally as well as for informal carers alone, shortage of useful information and medical devices. In some cases, insufficient coordinative and informative role of general practitioners and paediatricians is also a problem. The informal carers also criticised poor coordination of medical and social care in the Czech Republic., Dobiášová Karolína, Kotrusová Miriam, Hošťálková Jitka, and Literatura
In this paper a longitudinal study is presented of age-dependent speech acoustic characteristics from the utterances of Czech actresses, acquired from movie databases recorded in the years from 1985 to 2014. The age dependence of phonation is analyzed using the parameters fundame ntal frequency, jitter, and shimmer. For assessment of articulation, the formant-based voice area index of vocals and the length of the burst from apalatal stop consonant isused. For prosody, no characteristics were found that were applicable to the analysis of film archives. The results of age dependencies described by the phonetic categories are consistent with the assumptions and conclusions presented in the literature. This pilot project also confirms the possibility of creating valuable studies from publicly available sources., Roman Čmejla, Jarmila Behenská, Tereza Tykalová, Jan Rusz, and Literatura