Cílem Rortyho článku „Analytická a konverzační filosofie“ je nahrazení distinkce mezi analytickou a kontinentální filosofií rozlišením mezi filosofií analytickou a filosofií konverzační. Tím dojde při nahlížení rozdílu mezi oběma typy filosofie k odstranění geografického hlediska, které, ač samo o sobě poskytuje určitou možnost rozlišit jednotlivé typy filosofů, není dle Rortyho ve skutečnosti určující. Tento rozdíl spočívá především v odlišném náhledu filosofie na sebe samotnou, na smysl a cíle své práce. Spočívá v odpovědi na otázku, zda filosofie může něco poznávat takové, jaké to doopravdy je, či nikoli a zda se může vydat po cestě vědy, či by měla naopak vnímat sebe sama spíše jako konverzaci a rozvíjení kulturního uvažování., The aim of Rorty’s article Analytic and conversational philosophy is to replace the distinction between analytic and continental philosophy with a distinction between analytic and conversational philosophy. This is achieved through a perception of the difference between the two types of philosophy that rejects the geographical viewpoint which, though it may provide a certain possibility of distinguishing the specific types of philosophy, is not in Rorty’s view really decisive. The difference consists above all in the distinctive view of philosophy of itself, and of the sense and aim of its endeavour. It consists in the response to the question of whether philosophy can or cannot know something as it really is; whether it can follow the path of science; or whether it should rather perceive itself as a conversation and an opening up of cultural reflection., and Richard Rorty.
par une société de littérateurs sous la direction de J. Boldényi ; dessinateurs Janet-Lange, Freeman... [et al.] ; graveurs Trichon ... [et al.]. and Desky nejsou k dispozici.
This paper deals with the personality and the work of the noble, writer and intellectual Maximilian count Lamberg (1729–1792) which was already examined by several Czech historians (Polišenský, Kroupa, Cerman). Firstly, the paper evaluates the current state of research to show that despite of the attention of researchers focused on this personality, there are still lot of contexts and details which remain unknown. Secondly, the paper analyses the question of the relevance and the historical value of Lamberg’s conserved works which are situated between memories, essays and autobiographical fiction. In the main part of the paper, the thesis of Jiří Kroupa, which assumes the appurtenance of Maxmilian Lamberg both to the Moravian milieu and to the European Republic of letters, is examined. Lamberg’s accessible works, not only the most famous Mémorial d’un mondain but also the other books, are used as a base of the research.
The article focuses on the ability of contemporary researchers to study book culture as a new scientific discipline based on traditional library science. As contemporary research activities are more or less chaotic, we need a comprehensive conception, the awareness of complexity
and interdisciplinary research.