As environmental and genetic components contribute to the PCOS expression, we compared levels of endocrine disruptors, steroid hormones, cytokines, and metabolic parameters in twenty healthy, nine normal-weight PCOS women, and ten obese PCOS women. Steroid hormones, bisphenols (BPA, BPS, BPF, BPAF) and parabens (methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, butyl-, benzyl-parabens) were measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Differences between the groups were assessed using the Mann-Whitney U test. Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated for the individual parameters relationship. Significantly higher levels of BPA, anti-Müllerain hormone, lutropine, lutropine/folitropine ratio, testosterone, androstenedione, 7β-OH-epiandrosterone, and cytokines (IL-6, VEGF, PDGF-bb), were found in normal-weight PCOS women compared to controls. Between normal-weight and obese PCOS women, there were no differences in hormonal, but in metabolic parameters. Obese PCOS women had significantly higher insulin resistance, fattyliver index, triglycerides, cytokines (IL-2, IL-13, IFN-γ). In healthy, but not in PCOS, women, there was a positive correlation of BPA with testosterone, SHBG with lutropine, and folitropine, while testosterone negatively correlated with SHBG. In obese women with PCOS, insulin resistance negatively correlated with SHBG and estradiol. No differences were observed in the paraben exposure. Levels of BPA were higher in PCOS women, indicating its role in the etiology. Obesity significantly worsens the symptoms., Markéta Šimková, Jana Vítků, Lucie Kolátorová, Jana Vrbíková, Michala Vosátková, Josef Včelák, Michaela Dušková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Syndrom polycystických ovarií (PCOS) je v současné době doporučeno diagnostikovat podle tzv. ESHRE kritérií. Pro diagnózu podle nich stačí dva z následujících 3 symptomů: 1. morfologický obraz polycystických ovarií, 2. klinické projevy hyperandrogenizmu anebo laboratorní průkaz hyperandrogenemie a 3. oligo-anovulace. PCOS je komplexní onemocnění, v jehož patogenezi interagují genetické vlivy a vlivy prostředí. Nejde jen o gynekologické onemocnění, syndrom je doprovázený inzulinovou rezistencí, což vede ke zvýšenému výskytu diabetes mellitus 2. typu a porušené glukózové tolerance (4krát a 2krát, nezávisle na BMI). Také se častěji vyskytuje gestační diabetes mellitus. Dále je častější dyslipidemie, arteriální hypertenze, elevace CRP a homocysteinu, porucha funkce endotelu a silnější intima-media. Není však zcela jasné, zda jsou u žen s PCOS častější také kardiovaskulární příhody. PCOS je častěji, než je náhodné, asociován s depresí, anxiózními stavy, poruchami příjmu potravy, dále s nealkoholickou steatohepatitidou a se syndromem spánkové apnoe – zejména u obézních žen. Z léčebných opatření máme k dispozici nefarmakologické metody – u obézních úpravu životního stylu zaměřenou na redukci hmotnosti, u kožních projevů hyperandrogenizmu kosmetická opatření, zejména laserovou terapii a farmakoterapii (kombinovaná hormonální kontraceptiva a antiandrogeny). Poruchy menstruačního cyklu můžeme řešit kontraceptivy nebo cyklicky podávanými gestageny, uplatní se i metformin., For diagnosing of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) it is currently recommended to follow the ESHRE criteria. For diagnosis according to them two of the following three symptoms are sufficient: 1. morphology of polycystic ovaria, 2. clinical manifestations of hyperandrogenism or laboratory proof of hyperandrogenemia, and 3. oligo-anovulation. PCOS is a complex disorder in whose pathogenesis genetic and environmental effects interact. It is not a gynecological disorder alone, the syndrome is accompanied by insulin resistance which leads to increased incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance (4 times and twice, independently of BMI). Also gestational DM occurs more frequently. Dyslipidemia, arterial hypertension, elevated CRP and homocysteine levels, endothelial dysfunction and greater intima-media thickness are also more frequent. It is not quite clear, however, whether women with PCOS suffer cardiovascular events more frequently as well. More often than is accidental PCOS is associated with depression, anxiety and eating disorders, further with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and with the sleep apnoea syndrome – especially in obese women. Therapeutic measures include non-pharmacological methods – lifestyle adjustments focused on weight reduction in obese individuals, cosmetic measures for dermatologic manifestation of hyperandrogenism, in particular laser and pharmacotherapy (combined hormonal contraceptives and antiandrogens). Menstrual irregularities can be treated with contraceptives or cyclical administration of gestagens, also metformin can be used., and Jana Vrbíková
Syndrom polycystických ovarií (PCOS) se považuje za jednu z nejčastěji se vyskytujících endokrinopatií u žen ve fertilním věku. Ženy trpící PCOS jsou ve 30–80 % současně obézní a obezita je často doprovázena hyperinzulinemií a inzulinovou rezistencí, a to i nezávisle na BMI. Většina publikovaných prací prokazuje u žen s PCOS zvýšený výskyt diabetes mellitus 2. typu. U žen s PCOS je 2,89krát vyšší riziko vzniku gestačního diabetu nežli u kontrolních pacientek. Doporučuje se proto provádět screening orálním glukózovým tolerančním testem. Prvním opatřením v péči o obézní pacientky s PCOS je úprava životního stylu, byť chybí pro toto opatření opora v dostatečném množství kontrolovaných studií na toto téma. Pokud nedojde k úpravě porušené glukózové tolerance, je indikován metformin, u nějž ovšem také chybí dostatek údajů o podávání gravidním s cílem prevence rozvoje GDM. PCOS se ovšem vyskytuje až u 30 % žen s diabetes mellitus 1. typu a bývá spojován s terapií inzulinem. Dosavadní pilotní studie prokazují, že se v terapii příznivě uplatňuje metformin, a u žen, které nechtějí otěhotnět, kombinovaná hormonální kontraceptiva s neandrogenními gestageny. Klíčová slova: diabetes mellitus – gestageny – kombinovaná hormonální kontraceptiva – metformin – orální glukózový toleranční test – porušená glukózová tolerance – syndrom polycystických ovarií, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is considered one of the most common endocrinopathies in women of childbearing age. 30 – 80 % of women suffering from PCOS are obese and obesity is often accompanied by hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, even independently of body mass index. Most of the published works have demonstrated an increased incidence of type 2 diabetes in women with PCOS. There is 2,89 times higher risk of developing gestational diabetes in women with PCOS comparing to control group. Therefore, it is recommended to perform oral glucose tolerance test. It is highly recommended to begin with lifestyle changes as the first step in treating obese woman with PCOS although there is lack of evidence from controlled trials. If impaired glucose tolerance does not improve, metformin is indicated, but there is lack of data on the use in pregnant women as a prevention of GDM development. PCOS occurs in up to 30% of women with type 1 diabetes and is associated with insulin therapy. The existing pilot studies have demonstrated that metformin is useful in therapy. The combined hormonal contraceptives with non-androgenic gestagens are applied in women who do not want to be pregnant. Key words: combined hormonal contraceptives – diabetes mellitus – gestagens – impaired glucose tolerance – metformin – oral glucose tolerance test – polycystic ovary syndrome, and Jana Vrbíková
The aim of this prospective study was the validation of the risk stratification of thyroid nodules using ultrasonography with the American College of Radiology Thyroid Imaging, Reporting and Data System (ACR TI-RADS) and partly in comparison to American Thyroid Association (ATA) guidelines in a secondary referral center. Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) (n=605) and histological examinations (n=63) were the reference standards for the statistical analysis. ACR TI-RADS cut-off value: TR4 with sensitivity 85.7 %, specificity 54.1 %, PPV 58.5 %, accuracy 67.7 % (AUC 0.738; p<0.001). ATA cut-off value: “high suspicion” with sensitivity 80 %, specificity 83.3 %, PPV 80 %, accuracy 81.8 % (AUC 0.800; p=0.0025). 18.4 % nodules (3 malignant) could not be assigned to a proper ATA US pattern group (p<0.0001). Both ACR TI-RADS and ATA have allowed fair selection of nodules requiring FNA with superiority of ACR TI-RADS according to classification of all thyroid nodules to the proper group. According to ACR TI-RADS almost one third of the patients were incorrectly classified with 17.9 % missed thyroid carcinomas, exclusively micropapillary carcinomas, even though, the amount of FNA would be reduced to 48 %., Tereza Grimmichová, Petra Pačesová, Libuše Srbová, Jana Vrbíková, Terezia Havrdová, Martin Hill., and Obsahuje bibliografii