The aim of this prospective study was the validation of the risk stratification of thyroid nodules using ultrasonography with the American College of Radiology Thyroid Imaging, Reporting and Data System (ACR TI-RADS) and partly in comparison to American Thyroid Association (ATA) guidelines in a secondary referral center. Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) (n=605) and histological examinations (n=63) were the reference standards for the statistical analysis. ACR TI-RADS cut-off value: TR4 with sensitivity 85.7 %, specificity 54.1 %, PPV 58.5 %, accuracy 67.7 % (AUC 0.738; p<0.001). ATA cut-off value: “high suspicion” with sensitivity 80 %, specificity 83.3 %, PPV 80 %, accuracy 81.8 % (AUC 0.800; p=0.0025). 18.4 % nodules (3 malignant) could not be assigned to a proper ATA US pattern group (p<0.0001). Both ACR TI-RADS and ATA have allowed fair selection of nodules requiring FNA with superiority of ACR TI-RADS according to classification of all thyroid nodules to the proper group. According to ACR TI-RADS almost one third of the patients were incorrectly classified with 17.9 % missed thyroid carcinomas, exclusively micropapillary carcinomas, even though, the amount of FNA would be reduced to 48 %., Tereza Grimmichová, Petra Pačesová, Libuše Srbová, Jana Vrbíková, Terezia Havrdová, Martin Hill., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Thyroid nodules are a very frequent pathology among common population. Despite the vast majority of them are of benign origin, the incidence of thyroid cancer is currently rather rising. Although there are several risk factors of thyroid cancer and several clinical, ultrasound, biochemical and molecular diagnostic markers, the exact mechanisms of thyroid oncogenesis and the linkage between thyroid nodule ultrasound appearance and its biological character remain unclear. While ionizing radiation is the only one well-known risk factor for thyroid cancer, the significance of some others remains unclear. The aim of our review was to discuss some not completely known pathophysiological mechanisms involved in thyroid oncogenesis as hypothyroidism, mutations of genes regulating cell proliferation, thyroid autoimmunity and pregnancy and to describe pathophysiological background of some ultrasound markers of thyroid cancer (size, echogenicity, vascularization, calcifications and stiffness). Better knowledge in this field is crucial for development of novel diagnostic techniques and therapeutic approaches. For exampl e, the analysis of BRAF, RAS and other mutations in cytological samples may help to distinction between follicular thyroid carcinoma and follicular thyroid adenoma and may signific antly decrease the number of unnecessary surgery among patients with thyroid nodules. Alternatively, the different malign cells growth, angiogenesis, destructions of thyroid follicles, reparative changes, growth retardation, fibrosis and increased interstitial fluid pressure implicate the typical ultrasound appearance of papillary thyroid cancer (hypoechogenicity, irregular vascularization, microcalcifications, stiffness) which is essential to catch the suspicious nodules on the basis of their ultrasound appearance among large amount of benign nodules., J. Krátký, H. Vítková, J. Bartáková, Z. Telička, M. Antošová, Z. Límanová, J. Jiskra., and Obsahuje bibliografii