This contribution concerns the Old Albanian community (Arbëreshë) in southern Italy, usually mentioned in relation with the 19th-century Albanian National Awakening and the beginnings of Romanticism in Albanian literature. The article attempts to outline the situation of that community in the 20th century and today. It focuses on the journey that led to the recognition of historical and linguistic minorities by the Italian State in 1999, and at the same time, it surveys the impact that the Law on the Protection of Historic Linguistic Minorities had on the Old Albanian community in southern Italy. The article's conclusion describes some of their current problems and the relation between the Arbëresh dialects and literary Albanian. and Předmětem studie je abrešská komunita v jižní Itálii, o které se nejčastěji píše v souvislosti s albánským národním obrozením 19. století a s počátky romantismu v albánské literatuře. Tento článek se snaží ve stručnosti nastínit situaci této komunity i ve 20. století a v dnešní době. Zaměřuje se přitom na cestu, která v roce 1999 vedla k uznání této a dalších historických a jazykových menšin ze strany italského státu, a mapuje dopad Zákona o ochraně historických a jazykových menšin na jihoitalské Arbreše. Závěrečná část se také věnuje některým aktuálním problémům arbrešské komunity a vztahu arbrešského dialektu a spisovné albánštiny.
III. sjezd Rumunské strany práce v roce 1960 měl velký význam na další zahraničně-politické směřování Albánie. Albánský postoj v Bukurešti lze považovat za klíčový moment nejen pro osud dalších albánsko-sovětských, ale také albánsko-čínských vztahů. Bukurešťský sjezd znamenal začátek roztržky Albánie se Sovětským svazem. Ve dnech jeho konání, na základě událostí během sjezdu a krátce po něm, Enver Hoxha zahájil přípravy na definitivní odklon od SSSR. Události v Bukurešti se pak také staly významným propagandistickým zdrojem dokumentující správný postoj PPSh a zradu Sovětského svazu. and The III. Congress of the Romanian Workers' Party in 1960 had great significance to further foreign policy direction of Albania. The Albanian position in Bucharest can be regarded as a key moment not only for the fate of the Albanian-Soviet but also the Albanian-Chinese relations. Bucharest Congress meant the beginning of Albania rupture with the Soviet Union. After the events during the Congress, and shortly after, Enver Hoxha began final preparations for split with the USSR. Congress of become an important source of propaganda documenting the right attitude of the Albanian Labour Party and betrayal of the Soviet Union.
Since the Second World War, the Albanian communist regime sought to reduce the impact of churches in the country. The anticlerical procedure culminated in 1967 when the regime proscribed the religious institutions. Finally, under the new constitution of 1976, Albania was declared atheist country. Analysis of Albanian contemporary press and official ideological artifacts focuses on religious matter and investigates not only the anticlerical argumentation but also monitors the role of religion in the ideology of Albanian communist state. In Albanian, similarly to other East European countries, was the connection on foreign countries, particularly on Western countries (included especially Catholic Church), one of the most important anticlerical argumentation. Church and religiosity were presented as a sign of backwardness that prevents progress. Historical materials demonstrated that all the negative phenomena in Albanian society stemming from religious practice (vendetta, gender inequality, illiteracy etc.) or being caused by churches which held intentionally the Albanian society in backwardness. State-controlled propaganda also emphasized economic harm caused by churches and religion. Religious topic was entirely involved in agitation against external enemies of Albania which gradually became Yugoslavia, the USSR and China. From the Albanian view, it is this lack of progress against religion from the side of these states which reveals the fact that these countries have betrayed the principles of Marxism-Leninism and been gradually approaching to the principles of Western capitalist countries.