The study deals with issues of corporate management and pitfalls of the ''socialist supervision'' in Czechoslovak enterprises in the period of late socialism. Using documents of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and the State Security, period texts and specialized publications, it shows how party organs and state authorities were unsuccessfully trying to make supervisory mechanisms and audits a functional tool of the implementation of the ruling party´s economic policy. The author analyzes the supervisory and audit mechanisms that were used, and outlines basic reasons of the almost fatal failure of supervisory activities of the system which was, in a way, obsessed with supervision and control. He explains the systemic conditionality of the supervisory system which socialist managers often and in many respects bent to suit the needs of the enterprises they were in charge of; such situation naturally did not match the needs of the society as a whole. Using many specifi c cases as an example, the study graphically shows that members of the Czechoslovak corporate management community in the 1980s were fully aware of systemic, political and social limitations of the supervisory system which they managed to modify, fairly successfully, to suit intra-corporate conditions. The result was a situation in which the party leadership was reacting to increasingly obvious symptoms of the “agony of the centrally planned economy” by adopting various directives and guidelines to make the supervisory process more effective and to consistently promote the ''whoever manages - supervises'' principle. However, the anticipated effect did not materialize and, at the end of the day, the non-functional supervisory mechanisms made a substantial contribution to the collapse of the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia. and Překlad: Jiří Mareš
The author summarizes the life and in particular scientifi c career of historian Bedřich Loewenstein, describes areas of his professional interest and his intellectual orientation, reminds of his most important works published in Czech and German, and assesses his contribution. Loewenstein was born in 1929 in Prague, in a Czech- -German-Jewish family, lived through the German occupation in diffi cult conditions, and started studying history and philosophy at what was then the Faculty of Arts and History of the Charles University, but was expelled two years later for political reasons. He was allowed to complete his studies later, and in 1957 started working at the Institute of History of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, where he remained until his dismissal in 1970. He started intensive contacts with West German historians and other intellectuals during the 1960s, and organized an important international symposium, ''Europe and Fascism'', in Prague in 1969. Since the early 1970s, he was not allowed to publish and was employed as an interpreter/translator of the trade mission (since 1973 embassy) of the Federal Republic of Germany. Although watched by the State Security, he managed to make use of his position to establish an important connection between domestic dissenters and their supporters abroad, which was used to exchange publications and other documents. In 1979, he accepted an offer of professorship of recent history at the Free University in West Berlin, where he remained until 1994 and where he could develop and expand his research interests and devote himself to intensive publication activities. For a long time, Bedřich Loewenstein was focusing on the German history of the 19th and 20th centuries; since the 1960s, he was also studying ideological, psychological, and social prerequisites of Nazism and later also more general issues of crises of the 20th century, modernism and modernity, civic society, European nationalism, and civilization. In this respect, he was able to integrate approaches and knowledge of other social sciences - sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, political science, and economy - in a prolifi c manner. He was a long-time and intensive intermediary of views and ideas between the Czech (or Czechoslovak) and German historiographies. His works, written in a concise, scientifi c-essayist style, earned him respect among colleagues both at home and abroad. His principal works include Plädoyer für die Zivilisation (Hamburg, Hoffmann und Campe 1973), Entwurf der Moderne: Vom Geist der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft und Zivilisation (Essen, Reimar Hobbing 1987; in Czech in 1995), Problemfelder der Moderne: Elemente der politischen Kultur (Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1990), My a ti druzí: Dějiny, psychologie, antropologie [We and the others: History, psychology, anthropology] (Brno, Doplněk 1997; in German in 2003). A synthesis of Loewensteinʼs thinking about a broad spectrum of issues is presented in his book Der Fortschrittsglaube: Geschichte einer europäischen Idee (Göttingen,Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2008; in Czech: Víra v pokrok: Dějiny jedné evropské ideje [Faith in progress: The history of a European idea]. Praha, OIKOYMENH 2009). and Překlad: Jiří Mareš
Using results of extensive research in central and company archives, the author studies the cleansing of industrial plants from collaborationists and so-called anti-social elements in Czechoslovakia in 1945. He describes it as a standard-setting process during which the form of a new revolutionary value system and guilt criteria in relation to the occupation past arising therefrom were negotiated and established in practice in factories and plants. Both escalated nationalism and social egalitarianism, sometimes developing into class antagonism, found their use in it. In addition to acts prosecuted under offi cial legislation, the cleansing process incorporated various minor confl icts of employees during the occupation, in particular disputes between subordinates and superiors. For this reason, mainly top-ranking white collars, human resource offi cers, rate setters, and shop foremen were removed from their positions. The articulation of guilt of the above group also worked as an absolution of others, particularly rank-and-fi le workers and white collars, atthe symbolic and psychological level. The selected guilt criteria were subsequently becoming a part of the legitimization pattern of the ongoing revolution. The study illustrates how company councils, acting through investigation commissions which, nevertheless, had to create their own legal rules as they had no position or status defi ned in offi cial legislation, were trying, since mid-May 1945, to regulate, formalize, and unify initial spontaneous actions of employees. However, the legal uncertainty in factories led to a decline of respect to superiors, deterioration of working morale, and devaluation of expertise. In mid-July 1945, organs of the Revolutionary Trade Union Movement intervened into the cleansing process, as they were interested in improving the performance of the nationalized industry. Appeal chambers were established at regional trade union councils as second-instance bodies deciding disputes submitted by industrial plants. In doing so, they were demanding a higher quality of submitted legal documents and supporting assigning the individuals affected by the cleansing to adequate working positions in the production process. In October 1945, results of the company cleansing process were incorporated, under the pressure of trade unions, into offi cial legislation under the so-called Small Retribution Decree. The resulting legal framework was thus an apparent compromise between pre-war legal conventions and moral criteria established during the May 1945 revolution. and Přeložil Jiří Mareš
Czechoslovakia of the mid-1950s was a culturally isolated country where the Western gains were regarded suspiciously, to say the least. The regime’s attitude toward jazz was softening very slowly, and many jazz activities bordered on illegality. In this situation, Herbert Ward came to Prague (1954), one of a few American Communists, who asked for political asylum in Czechoslovakia and became involved in the local music scene. Although an almost unknown jazz bassist to the general public (though he played with Sidney Bechet, Willie ''Lion'' Smith, Bud Freeman, etc.), in the late 1950s, however, he contributed signifi cantly to the rehabilitation of jazz in communist Czechoslovakia. Ward became an invaluable asset for Czech jazz fans, and one of their tools in negotiating the position of their favourite genre with respect to the doctrine of Socialist Realism. Herbert Ward was not a part of the well-known cultural diplomacy projects arranged by the US Department of State (described by Von Eschen, 2004). His political activities were monitored by the FBI and, as a political refugee, he naturally took part in Czechoslovakia’s communist propaganda. As a ''jazz curiosity,'' however, he became part of the 1960s popular culture and the living myth of Czech jazz fans and musicians. Reconstructed from previously unknown archival records (FBI, State Security Archives), my paper portrays Ward’s political activities and his ambiguous identity of a jazz musician and a young American communist. and Přeložil: Jiří Mareš
a1_Cíle. 1. popsat originální verzi Revised - Illness Perception Questionnaire (Moss-Morris et al., 2002), 2. popsat překlad, administrování a způsob vyhodnocení české verze IPQ-R-CZ, 3. charakterizovat její psychometrické vlastnosti, 4. diskutovat její vlastnosti a porovnat je s překlady do 9 národních jazyků. Česká verze respektuje strukturu originální verze: A – zdravotní obtíže pacienta, B – pacientovo pojetí své nemoci, C – pacientovy názory na příčiny své nemoci. Soubor a podmínky. IPQ-R-CZ byl administrován souboru 345 hospitalizovaných pacientů ve věku od 16 do 88 let (M=53,0; SD=15,7). Údaje byly získány ve velké fakultní nemocnici i v menších městských nemocnicích na 12 typech klinických pracovišť; dominovala interna, chirurgie, neurochirurgie, plicní a psychiatrie. Statistická analýza. Popisné statistiky, analýza rozptylu, exploratorní a konfirmatorní faktorové analýzy a analýza vnitřní konzistence škál. Výsledky. Původní škály pojetí nemoci (část B) jsou v české verzi vnitřně konzistentní a dobře rozlišují mezi typy onemocnění, s minimálními genderovými rozdíly. Faktorová struktura a validita je na rozdíl od originální verze nejasná a odlišná od anglického originálu. Platí to i pro percipované příčiny nemoci (část C). Limity studie. Platnost zjištění této studie (ve smyslu interní i externí validity) je omezena především nahodilým souborem pacientů a jejich onemocnění. Je zřejmé, že pacientovo pojetí nemoci souvisí s charakterem onemocnění. Dokládají to i výzkumy, které se pomocí jiného typu dotazníků zjišťují smysl nemoci z pohledu pacientů. Nezkoumalo se, nakolik jsou sledované faktory stabilní či proměnlivé v čase. Pro rutinní klinické používání je dotazník IPQ-R-CZ příliš dlouhý., a2_ V současné verzi je vhodný především k výzkumným účelům., Objectives. 1. To describe the original Revised - Illness Perception Questionnaire (Moss-Morris et al., 2002), 2. to describe the translation, administration and scoring of the Czech version, 3. to assess its psychometric properties, 4. to compare the findings with the translations to 9 other languages. The Czech version keeps the three-part structure of the original measure A- experienced symptoms (identity), B-illness perceptions, C- perceptions of causes of respondent’s illness. Sample and setting. IPQ-R-CZ was administered to 345 hospitalised patients (ages 16 to 88, M=53.0, SD=15.7) in large university hospitals and smaller local hospitals at 12 types of clinical workplaces, mostly internal medicine, surgery, neurosurgery, pulmonary, and psychiatry. Statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, internal consistency of scales. Results. The original scales of illness perception (part B) internally consistent in the Czech version and discriminate among various types of illness with minimal gender differences. Factor structure and validity is unclear and substantially different from the original English version. The same applies to the perceived causes of illness (Part C). Study limitation. Both internal and external validity of this study are limited by the convenience sample of patients and their illnesses. It is clear that the patient’s illness perceptions and their dimensions are related to the nature of the illness itself. This is supported also by studies of the meaning of illness. Empirical data on the stability of the perceptions in time are not available. For routine clinical use the questionnaire is too long. In its current version it is suitable for research purposes predominantly., Jiří Mareš, Stanislav Ježek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Výzkumná sonda se soustřeďuje na posttraumatický rozvoj osobnosti vojáků po návratu ze zahraniční mise. Konstatuje, že výzkumů tohoto typu je ve světě relativně málo a stručně charakterizuje dosavadní výzkumy věnované americkým veteránům vietnamské války, izraelským veteránům Jomkipurské války a americkým veteránům války o Kuvajt. Předkládaná výzkumná sonda byla provedena u dvou skupin českých vojáků: 40 příslušníků bojových jednotek (Irák, Afghánistán) a 30 vojenských lékařů a sester z vojenských polních nemocnic (Irák, Afghánistán). Posttraumatický rozvoj byl zjišťován pomocí české verze dotazníku PTGI. Statisticky významně vyšší rozvoj byl zjištěn u vojenských lékařů a sester (peripheral exposure) oproti vojákům bojových jednotek (direct exposure). U vojáků- zdravotníků stoupají s množstvím absolvovaných misí hodnoty proměnné „osobní rozvoj“ a s dobou od „nejhorší mise“ rostou jak hodnoty proměnné „vztahy s druhými“, tak i celkový skór posttraumatického rozvoje v dotazníku PTGI- CZ. Zjištěný posttraumatický rozvoj nesouvisí s pohlavím, věkem, vzděláním, ani délkou služby v armádě; ve složitějších modelech však tyto proměnné pravděpodobně roli hrají. Autoři předpokládají, že rozdíly mezi oběma skupinami souvisejí s charakterem vykonávané práce, a tím i s intenzitou prožívaného distresu, s výběrem uchazečů, způsobem přípravy před misí, sociálním zázemím na misi a psychologickou péčí během mise i po jejím skončení. Výzkum konstatoval velkou variabilitu vývojových trendů u nezdravotníků. Jedním z vysvětlení může být rozdílný časový průběh, tedy rozdílný nástup posttraumatického rozvoje u jednotlivých složek celkového posttraumatického rozvoje. and Post-traumatic growth in soldiers of the Army of the Czech Republic after return from foreign mission
The research focuses on the post-traumatic growth of soldiers´ personality after the return from the foreign mission. The studies of this type are relatively infrequent. The authors briefly characterize existing studies devoted to American veterans of Vietnam War, Israeli veterans of Yom Kippur war, and American veterans of Kuwait war. The study was accomplished in two groups of Czech soldiers: 40 members of combat units (Iraq, Afghanistan) and 30 military physicians and nurses of military field hospitals (Iraq, Afghanistan). The post-traumatic growth was assessed by the Czech version of PTGI questionnaire. Statistically higher values were found in military physicians and nurses (peripheral exposure) than in soldiers of combat units (direct exposure). In soldiers-physicians and nurses raise with the number of missions the values of „personal development“ variable and with the time since „the worst mission“ raise both the values of „relations to others“ variable and the total score of the posttraumatic growth in the PTGI questionnaire. The found posttraumatic growth does not relate to sex, age, education, nor to the duration of service in the army; but these variables probably play role in more complex models. The authors assume that the differences between both the groups are connected with the type of exercised work a thus with the intensity of perceived distress, with the selection of applicants, with the preparation for the mission, with the social background on the mission, and with the psychological care during the mission and after its completion. The study stated a high variability in developmental trends in non-medical soldiers. One explanation can be the different time course and different start of post-traumatic growth in particular component parts of general post-traumatic growth.