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2. Německá univerzita v Praze a přírodní vědy, 1882-1939
- Creator:
- Hermann, Tomáš and Šimůnek, Michal
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The German University in Prague and natural sciences, 1882-1939. In 1882 the Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague was divided into two separate parts, the Czech and the German. For several decades the research and teaching in natural sciences took place parallely on both of them the paper gives in short retrospective an oveview of same main lines of development. It also offers examples of several academicians whose careers were significant for the German speaking scientific community in Bohemia and Moravia in the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th century.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
3. Philosophy and history of science in collaboration with academic institutions in Great Britain and the USA in 2019
- Creator:
- Hermann, Tomáš
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
4. Přírodní vědy v českých zemích a 90 let Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze
- Creator:
- Hermann, Tomáš, Šimůnek, Michal, and Černý, Jan
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Kulér
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
5. Proměny sporu o svobodu české filosofie
- Creator:
- Hermann, Tomáš
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Czech philosophy, philosophy and society, philosophy and ideology, Hegelianism, and Herbartism
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Study analyses public philosophic debate in 1844–48 in which topic of distinctively “Czech philosophy” was first articulated and discussed as a “debate about the being and non-being of German philosophy in Czech lands”. Author acquaints reader with intellectual context of arising Czech philosophy in first half of 19th century, based on conceptual influence of Herder, Hegel and Herbart. Starting point of that discussion was role of philosophy as academic subject at University and as part of literature and culture generally. In an analysis of the debate and of positions of chief participants (K. Havlíček, V. Gabler, F. Čupr, A. Smetana, K. B. Štorch) study shows that as subject of reflection the discussion included prob¬lems of philosophy in Czech language, place and role of philosophy in the Czech lands, of special traits of Czech “national” philosophy, its limits and possibilities, of reception of German classical philosophy and finally even meta-philosophical question of what philosophy is or ought to be in general. Two examples of the way this debate was recalled and updated in the 20th century in quite different situation of the period between the wars (F. Pelikán) and after the wars (K. Kosík) – in the twenties and in the fifties – show subsequently the transformed contexts and problems of modern Czech philosophy. Analysis of the debate and its heritage are placed within the overall discussion of what Czech philosophy is from linguistic, territorial, national and factual viewpoint.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
6. Vědecká činnost Jana Evangelisty Purkyně a její mnohostranný přínos
- Creator:
- Hermann, Tomáš
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- J. E. Purkyně je dodnes nejvýznamnějším přírodovědcem, který vyšel z českého prostředí. Jeho vliv zasahoval jak obecný vývoj věd o životě a medicíny, tak formující se českou vědu 19. století. Z dnešního hlediska lze vyzdvihnout na jeho díle zejména: 1. Tematizaci subjektivní empirie ve fysiologii vnímání a smyslů. 2. Anatomická zkoumání a podíl na formulaci buněčné teorie. 3. Organizační úsilí, které reprezentuje spis Akademia. 4. Anonymní spis Útržky ze zápisníku zemřelého přírodovědce, který reprezentuje jeho naturfilosofický světonázor. and J. E. Purkyně is still the most important scientist to emerge from the Czech environment. His influence affected the general development of life sciences and medicine, as well as shaping 19th century Czech science. From today’s point of view the following parts of his work may be highlighted: 1) Thematization of subjective empiricism in physiology of the senses. 2) Anatomical study and participation in the formulation of cell theory. 3) The organizational effort that goes into an Academia work. 4) Anonymous book Fragments from the Diary of a Deceased Naturalist, which presents his idealistic („natural philosophy“) worldview.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
7. К изданиям "чехословацкого" Якобсона : (о судьбах текстов "чешской" и "американской" публикаций Мудрость древних чехов)
- Creator:
- Hermann, Tomáš and Zelenka, Miloš
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- чешский структурализм, эмигрантская полемика, чешское и американское переиздания, Czech structuralism, exile polemics, the Czech and American re-edition, and Slavonic Studies
- Language:
- Russian
- Description:
- В статье рассматриваются два издания спорного cочинения Р. Якобсона «Мудрость древ- них чехов», первоначально изданного в американской эмиграции в 1943 году. Якобсон здесь открыто демонстрирует свою «антинемецкую» позицию и свою идеологию «чехословацко- го» патриотизма, которые включает в борьбу с нацизмом. Новый чешский выпуск авторов Т. Германна и М. Зеленки подготовил сочинение в критическом издании с обширными моно- графическими исследованиями, включая и реконструкции примечаний, которые в оригинале отсутствуют, а также к оригинальному тексту добавило разнообразную полемику в эмиграции («Мудрость древних чехов. Комментированное издание c эмигрантской полемикой». Прага – Червены Костелец: Институт современной истории АН ЧР, издательство Павел Мерварт, 2015). Американское издание реализировалось в рамках Избранных произведений Якобсона в девятом томе под названием Несобранные работы I–II (ред. Й. Томан, Гаага – Париж – Нью- Йорк: Mouton Publishers, 2013–2014) и принесло в конце второго тома идентичное переизда- ние этого сочинения без примечаний и интерпретирующего исследования, без которых не- возможно беспристрастно и объективно интерпретировать человеческие и научные позиции исследователя в сороковых и последующих годах прошлого века. and This paper describes two different editions of Jakobson’s Moudrost starých Čechů [Wisdom of the Old Czechs], a controversial book originally published in his American exile in 1943 as an undisguised demonstration of his “anti-German” attitude, espousing his ideology of “Czechoslovak” patriotism as engaged in the struggle against Nazism. The new Czech edition authored by T. Hermann and M. Zelenka represents an extensive critical monograph adding reconstructed annotations (omitted in the original) and supplementing the original text with the value- diversified exile polemics (Moudrost starých Čechů. Komentovaná edice s navazující exilovou polemikou. Praha – Červený Kostelec: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v. v. i. – Pavel Mervart Publishing House 2015). The American edition published in Jakobson’s Selected Writings, Volume 9, Uncollected Works I–II (ed. J. Toman, The Hague – Paris – New York: Mouton publishers 2013–2014) then may boast of including a reprint of this text at the end of the second volume, but without annotations and any interpretational study, which make an objective and unbiased interpretation of Jakobson’s attitudes as a person and scholar in the 1940s, and later in the century, virtually impossible.
- Rights:
- unknown