In our previous studies, a decreased blood pressure was reported in children treated by anthracycline (AC). The aim of this study was to assess the long-term effects of AC anticancer therapy in 45 subjects aged 13-22 years by repeated 24-hour Holter monitoring of blood pressure. Sixty four aged-matched subjects served as controls. The differences between mean values of systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in each hour of both groups were evaluated by Mann-Whitney test. Also the parameters of the least-squares fit of the sinusoidal curve in each subject were estimated (M - mesor, midline-estimating, a mean value of sinusoidal curve corresponds to 24-hours mean pressure; A - amplitude, double amplitude corresponds to nightday difference; Acr - acrophase is a time of maximal value of a sinusoidal curve). SBP and DBP was significantly lower only during night hours in anthracycline patients 19-22 years old. Also M was lower in this age subgroup of patients comparing to age matched controls (SBP: 112±6 mm Hg versus 117±7 mm Hg, p<0.05; DBP: 67±3 mm Hg versus 69±6 mm Hg, p<0.05), A was not different, Acr in patients was shifted one hour earlier (SBP: 2.4 p.m. versus 3.6 p.m., p<0.05; DBP: 2.1 p.m. versus 3.3 p.m., p<0.01). This corresponds to the shift of the morning blood-pressure increase seen on 24-hours blood pressure profiles. M correlated with age in controls (SBP: r=0.374, p<0.01; regression coefficient b=1.34 mm Hg/1 year; DBP: r=0.365, p<0.01; b=0.95 mm Hg/1 year), but not in patients (SBP: r=0.182, DBP: r=0.064). A and Acr were age-independent in all subjects. It is concluded that blood pressure in 19-22 years old AC patients is lower during night hours, the age-dependent increase of blood pressure seen in healthy controls between 13 and 22 years of age does not occur in patients. This finding is consistent with the long-lasting impairment of the sympathetic nervous system caused by anthracyclines., Z. Nováková ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of A1166C polymorphism in angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) gene with baroreflex sensitivity (BRS in ms/mm Hg; BRSf in mHz/mm Hg) in man. BRS and BRSf were determined by a spectral method in 135 subjects (19-26 years) at a frequency of 0.1 Hz. Genotypes were detected by means of polymerase chain reaction and restriction analysis using enzyme DdeI. We compared BRS and BRSf among genotypes of this polymorphism. The frequency of genotypes of AT1R A1166C polymorphism was: 45.9 % (AA, n=62), 45.9 % (AC, n=62), 8.2 % (CC, n=11). Differences in BRS (p<0.05) and BRSf (p<0.01) among genotypes of this single nucleotide polymorphism were found (Kruskal-Wallis: BRS - AA: 7.9±3.3, AC: 8.6±3.6, CC: 5.9±2.3 ms/mm Hg; BRSf - AA: 12.0±4.0, AC: 12.0±5.0, CC: 8.0±3.0 mHz/mm Hg). Compared to carriers of other genotypes (AA+AC) the homozygotes with the less frequent allele (CC) showed significantly lower BRSf (Mann-Whitney: BRSf - AA+AC: 12.0±4.0, CC: 8.0±3.0 mHz/mm Hg; p<0.01) and borderline lower BRS (BRS - AA+AC: 8.2±3.5, CC: 5.9±2.5 ms/mm Hg; p=0.07). We found a significant association of A1166C polymorphism in AT1 receptor gene with baroreflex sensitivity. Homozygosity for the less frequent allele was associated with decreased baroreflex sensitivity., M. Jíra ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) T-786C and G894T in the gene encoding eNOS with blood pressu re variability (BPV) in man. Blood pressure was recorded beat-t o-beat at rest three times in periods of one week (5 min, Finapres, breathing at 0.33 Hz) in 152 subjects (19-24 years). Systolic (SBPV0.1r/SBPV 0.1a) and diastolic (DBPV0.1r/DBPV 0.1a) blood pressure variabilities in relative (r.u.) and absolute (mmHg2/Hz) units were determined by the spectral method as spectral po wer at the frequency of 0.1 Hz. Genotypes of both polymorphisms were detected using polymerase chain reaction and re striction analysis using enzymes Msp I and Ban II. Significant diffe rences were observed in BPV among genotypes of T-786C SNP (p<0.05; Kruskal-Wallis), and among haplotypes of both SNPs (p<0.05; Kruskal-Wallis) as well. In T-786C SNP, carriers of less frequent allele (CC homozygotes and TC heterozygotes) showed significantly greater SBPV0.1r and SBPV0.1a compared to TT homozygote s (Mann-Whitney; p<0.05). The G894T variant showed no sign ificant differences, but, both SNPs were in linkage disequilib rium (D’=0.37; p<0.01). Carriers of haplotype CT/CT (CC homozygotes of -786C/T and TT homozygotes of G894T) displaye d significantly greater SBPV0.1r, SBPV0.1a and DBPV0.1a compared to carriers of other haplotype combinations (Kruskal-Wallis; p=0.015, p=0.048, and p=0.026, respectively). In conclusion, the haplotype formed by less frequent alleles of both eNOS variants was associated with increased systolic and diastolic BPV in this study., M. Jíra ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
a1_Non-invasive methods of determination of baroreflex sensitivity (BRS, ms/mmHg) are based on beat-to-beat systolic blood pressure and inter-beat interval recording. Sequential methods and spectral methods at spontaneous breathing include transient superposition of breathing and 0.1 Hz rhythms. Previously, a cross-spectral method of analysis was used, at constant breathing rate using a metronome set at 0.33 Hz, enabling separate determination of BRS at 0.1 Hz (BRS0.1Hz) and respiratory rhythms (BRS0.33Hz). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of breathing in the spectral method of BRS determination with respect to age and hypertension. Such information would be important in evaluation of BRS at pathological conditions associated with extremely low BRS levels. Blood pressure was recorded by Finapres (5 minutes, controlled breathing at 0.33 Hz) in 118 healthy young subjects (YS: mean age 21.0±1.3 years), 26 hypertensive patients (HT: mean age 48.6±10.3 years) with 26 age-matched controls (CHT: mean age 46.3±8.6 years). A comparison of BRS0.1Hz and BRS0.33Hz was made. Statistically significant correlations were found between BRS0.1Hz and BRS0.33Hz in all groups: YS: r=0.52, p<0.01, HT: r=0.47, p<0.05, and CHT: r=0.70, p<0.01. The regression equations indicated the existence of a breathing-dependent component unrelated to BRS (YS: BRS0.33Hz=2.63+1.14*BRS0.1Hz; HT: BRS0.33Hz=3.19+0.91*BRS0.1Hz; and CHT: BRS0.33Hz=1.88+ +1.01*BRS0.1Hz; differences between the slopes and the slope of identity line were insignificant). The ratios of BRS0.1Hz to BRS0.33Hz were significantly lower than 1 (p<0.01) in all groups (YS: 0.876±0.419, HT: 0.628±0.278, and CHT: 0.782±0.260). Thus, BRS evaluated at the breathing rate overestimates the real baroreflex sensitivity. This is more pronounced at low values of BRS, which is more important in patients with pathologic low BRS., a2_For diagnostic purposes we recommend the evaluation of BRS at the frequency of 0.1 Hz using metronome-controlled breathing at a frequency that is substantially higher than 0.1 Hz and is not a multiple of 0.1 Hz to eliminate respiratory baroreflexnon- related influence and resonance effect on heart rate fluctuations., P. Bothová ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The aim of this study was a comparison of risk stratification for death in patients after myocardial infarction (MI) and of risk stratification for malignant arrhythmias in patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). The individual risk factors and more complex approaches were used, which take into account that a borderline between a risky and non-risky value of each predictor is not clear-cut (fuzzification of a critical value) and that individual risk factors have different weight (area under receiver operating curve - AUC or Sommers´ D - Dxy). The risk factors were baroreflex sensitivity, ejection fraction and the number of ventricular premature complexes/hour on Holter monitoring. Those factors were evaluated separately and they were involved into logit model and fuzzy models (Fuzzy, Fuzzy-AUC, and Fuzzy-Dxy). Two groups of patients were examined: a) 308 patients 7-21 days after MI (23 patients died within period of 24 month); b) 53 patients with left ventricular dysfunction examined before implantation of ICD (7 patients with malignant arrhythmia and electric discharge within 11 month after implantation). Our results obtained in MI patients demonstrated that the application of logit and fuzzy models was superior over the risk stratification based on algorithm where the decision making is dependent on one parameter. In patients with implanted defibrillator only logit method yielded statistically significant result, but its reliability was doubtful because all other tests were statistically insignificant. We recommend evaluating the data not only by tests based on logit model but also by tests based on fuzzy models., P. Honzík ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
We studied the relationship between blood pressure (BP), body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) and baroreflex sensitivity (BRS, ms/mmHg) in adolescents. We examined 34 subjects aged 16.2±2.4 years who had repeatedly high causal BP (H) and 52 controls (C) aged 16.4±2.2 years. Forty-four C and 22 H were of normal weight (BMI between 19-23.9), and 8 C and 12 H were overweight (BMI between 24-30). Systolic BP was recorded beat-to-beat for 5 min (Finapres, controlled breathing 0.33 Hz). BRS was determined by the cross-spectral method. The predicting power of BMI and BRS for hypertension was evaluated by sensitivity, specificity, and receiver operating curve (ROC - plot of sensitivity versus specificity). H compared with C had lower BRS (p<0.01) and higher BMI (p<0.05). Multiple logistic regression analysis (p<0.001) revealed that a decreased BRS (p<0.05) and an increased BMI (p<0.01) were independently associated with an increased risk of hypertension. No correlation between BMI and BRS was found either in H or in C. Following optimal critical values by ROC, the sensitivity, specificity and area under ROC were determined for: BMI - 22.2 kg/m2, 61.8 %, 69.2 %, 66.0 %; BRS - 7.1 ms/mmHg, 67.7 %, 69.2 %, 70.0 %; BMI and BRS - 0.439 a.u., 73.5 %, 82.7 %, and 77.3 %. Decreased BRS and overweight were found to be independent risk factors for hypertension., K. Krontorádová, N. Honzíková, B. Fišer, Z. Nováková, E. Závodná, H. Hrstková, P. Honzík., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Increased blood pressure variability (BPV) and decreased interbeat interval (heart rate, respectively) variability (IBIV, HRV respectively) are associated with cardiovascular disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reproducibility of BPV and IBIV (HRV) in young healthy individuals. Blood pressure and inter-beat intervals (instantaneous values of heart rate, respectively) were recorded beat-to-beat at rest (5 min, Finapres, breathing at 0.33 Hz) in 152 subjects (19-24 years) 3 times in periods of one week. Systolic (SBPV0.1r/SBPV0.1a) and diastolic (DBPV0.1r/DBPV0.1a) blood pressure variability in relative (r.u.) and absolute (mmHg2/Hz) units and inter-beat interval (IBIV0.1r/IBIV0.1a,), or heart rate (HRV0.1r/HRV0.1a) variability in relative (r.u.) and absolute (ms2/Hz, resp. mHz2) units were determined by the spectral method as spectral power at the frequency of 0.1 Hz and 0.33 Hz (SBPV0.33r/SBPV0.33a, DBPV0.33r/DBPV0.33a, IBIV0.33r/IBIV0.33a, HRV0.33r/HRV0.33a). All indices of BPV and IBIV (resp. HRV) revealed a lower intraindividual than interindividual variability (ANOVA; p<0.001). The mean values of all indices in each subject significantly correlated with distribution of individual values in the same subject (Pearson's correlation coefficient; p<0.001). Blood pressure and inter-beat interval (heart rate) variability is an individual characteristic feature., M. Jíra ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy