Studie se zabývá pravěkým vývojem oblasti Bezdězska – Dokeska v severních Čechách se zvláštním zřetelem na výzkum laténského sídliště Okna, které je s opatrností připisováno kobylské skupině. Sídliště je posuzováno s ohledem na fakta získaná paleobotanickým, geobotanickým a sedimentologickým výzkumem lokality i celého zkoumaného regionu, který je z velké části tvořen boreálním lesem. Jsou diskutovány možnosti jeho využívání v pravěku a důvody pozdní kolonizace zemědělských půd v jeho bezprostředním okolí, která nastává až v pozdně laténském období a následně ve středověku. Výzkum nivy Robečského potoka zachytil dvě erozní události, které jsou následkem odlesnění a vzniku polí, první v době existence laténského sídliště a druhá nejspíše po založení středověké vsi Okna. and The study deals with the prehistoric development of the Bezděz – Doksy region in Northern Bohemia, with special regard to the excavation of the La Tène settlement at Okna that is cautiously ascribed to the Kobyly group. The settlement is assessed according to the data obtained by palaeobotanic, geobotanic and sedimentologic research of the site as well as the whole studied region which is largely comprised of boreal forest. Its possible use in prehistory and the reasons of late colonization of agricultural lands in its immediate vicinity, which occurs only in late La Tène period and subsequently in the Middle Ages, are discussed. Survey of the alluvial plain of the Robečský brook revealed two erosion events which may be results of deforestation and establishment of fields, first during the existence of the La Tène settlement and the last probably upon foundation of the medieval village of Okna.
This paper reviews the data on quaternary palynological sequences collected in the Czech Republic, attempts to store them in the Czech Quaternary Palynological Database (PALYCZ) and outlines a possible use for regional syntheses. Work on pollen stratigraphies done over the last hundred years has yielded a very large amount of data for this region. These data can be used globally for various types of environmental reconstructions and are of local importance, especially when combined with local databases. For data to be included in PALYCZ it has to meet certain criteria, the determination of the pollen of herbaceous plants must be well resolved and radiocarbon dated. As of 31 December 2008, we had reviewed 177 pollen profiles. Data from 152 sequences are already stored in PostgreSQL® in relational tables, which allow a broad range of queries to be addressed using the html protocol. The data collected since 1959 by 15 authors contain raw pollen counts together with 14C dates and various metadata on locality. All the pollen samples were ordered using non-metric multidimensional scaling. Display of the ordination diagram incorporating the appropriate millennial time slices revealed a common pattern in all data. The quality of data is also discussed in the context of the history of the research and methods used. Database access can be found at
The phylogeographic pattern of the temperate shrub Lonicera nigra (Caprifoliaceae) in Europe was inferred from molecular and fossil data. Population samples and pollen data from most of the contemporary natural distribution were analysed. While chloroplast DNA sequences revealed no intraspecific variation, AFLP data show a non-random geographic pattern. Two genetically different groups, distinguished by Bayesian clustering, divided the distribution area of L. nigra into south-western and north-eastern regions with a contact zone situated approximately in the upper part of the Danube Valley. Iberian populations constitute an additional distinct genetic group. Pollen evidence supports the genetic data, indicating that L. nigra might have survived in glacial refugia located in Central Europe. Nevertheless, this evidence should be considered only as indicative and supplementary, as an unambiguous determination of the species is not possible based on the information on pollen in the literature.