In this paper a generalized NoIHKH material model for the cyclic plasticity of metals is presented. The model is an extension of the original NoIHKH model and uses an associative J2 plasticity material model with combined isotropic and kinematic hardening. In the paper is briefly outlined the original and extended material model mathematical formulation, their numerical implementation, and finally the models behavior is compared on a numerical example. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Článek se zabývá analýzou jazykových prostředků v dialogickém diskurzu literárního díla. Studuje propojení tří paralelně strukturovaných vrstev dialogu v úryvku z románu Penelopy Lively Heat Wave, a to explicitního dialogu mezi postavami románu, vnitřního vzájemného dialogu mezi hrdinkou a postavami románu, a vnitřního dialogu hrdinky románu. Autorka se zároveň snaží popsat a zhodnotit jazykové prostředky, kterými tvůrce literárního díla dosahuje v dialogu autentičnosti, a konfrontuje je s prostředky ozvláštnění významu.
Searle’s theory of institutions is based on the insight that institutional facts are created in intentionality, and it consists in the logical analysis of the intentional performance in which the institutional facts are created. The aim of this paper is to relate Searle’s account of intentionality as creating institutional facts to his general account of intentionality elaborated in his book Intentionality. An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind. I come with the claim that the imposition of status function, that characterizes the intentional performance in which institutional facts are created, consists in double prescription of conditions of satisfaction, where ones of them are related to our goals and interests while the other ones are independent of them. I suggest that this holds true for intentionality in general., Searleova teorie institucí je založena na pochopení, že institucionální fakta jsou vytvářena v záměrnosti, a spočívá v logické analýze záměrného výkonu, ve kterém jsou institucionální fakta vytvořena. Cílem příspěvku je spojit Searlovu zprávu o záměrnosti jako vytvoření institucionálních faktů s jeho obecným popisem záměrnosti zpracované v jeho knize Úmyslnost. Esej ve filozofii mysli. Přicházím s tvrzením, že uložení statusové funkce, která charakterizuje záměrné výkony, ve kterých jsou vytvořeny institucionální skutečnosti, spočívá ve dvojím předepisování podmínek spokojenosti, kdy ty z nich souvisí s našimi cíli a zájmy, zatímco ostatní jsou nezávislé z nich. Navrhuji, aby to obecně platilo pro záměrnost., and Pavla Toráčová
Etiolated leaves of three different species, maize, wheat, and pea, as well as a pea mutant (lip1) were used to compare the excitation spectra of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) in the red region. The species used have different composition of short-wavelength and long-wavelength Pchlide forms. The relation between different forms was furthermore changed through incubating the leaves in 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), which caused an accumulation of short-wavelength Pchlide forms, as shown by changes in absorption and fluorescence spectra. This is the first time a comprehensive comparison is made between excitation spectra from different species covering an emission wavelength range of 675-750 nm using fluorescence equipment with electronic compensation for the variations in excitation irradiance. The different forms of Pchlide having excitations peaks at 628, 632, 637, 650, and 672 nm could be best measured at 675, 700, 710, 725, and 750 nm, respectively. Measuring emission at wavelengths between 675-710 nm gave an exaggeration of the short-wavelength forms and measuring at longer wavelengths gave for the pea leaves an exaggeration of the 672 nm peak. In general, an energy transfer from short-wavelength Pchlide forms to long-wavelength Pchlide forms occurred, but such an energy transfer sometimes seemed to be limited as a result of a discrete location of the Pchlide spectral forms. The excitation spectra resembling the absorption spectrum most were measured at an emission wavelength of 740 nm. Measuring the excitation at 710 nm gave higher intensity of the spectra but the short-wavelength forms were accentuated. and M. R. Amirjani, C. Sundqvist.
A technique based on the analysis of banding patterns obtained by SDS-PAGE Western-blotting of an oocyst wall antigen obtained from faeces has been evaluated to subtype Cryptosporidium parvum Tyzzer, 1912. This technique appears to have sufficient stability to recognise multiple types of this parasite. A similar Western-blotting technique has also been used to assess antibody responses to cryptosporidial antigens in human sera. Two systems were developed: one against three antigens of apparent molecular weights 6, 14 and 17 kDa; the second against oocyst wall antigens of apparent molecular weights 57, 69, 75, 89, 128, 151 and 173 kDa. Antibodies to three antigens of apparent molecular weights 6, 14 and 17 kDa were most successful as diagnostic markers in that they were found in >88% of convalescent phase sera from confirmed cryptosporidiosis patients and were uncommon (>7%) in control subjects. Faecal samples from human and animal sporadic cases yielded a wide range of cryptosporidial antigen banding patterns. Samples from patients in a water-borne outbreak in South Devon (England) in 1995 also yielded a wide range of banding patterns including members within individual household family groups. These results are in contrast with those from samples collected from other defined geographical areas, including some from a second water-borne outbreak where much more homogeneous banding patterns were obtained. Sera collected for other purposes from apparently uninfected individuals 9 months after the South Devon 1995 outbreak were examined. Antibodies to the three antigens of molecular weights 6, 14 and 17 kDa were detected in 32-49% of individuals resident in the outbreak water supply area, and in 15-21%) of those resident in an adjacent water supply area. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to data obtained from epidemiological field studies.