The plant growth, net photosynthetic rate (PN), intercellular CO2 concentration (ci), and dry matter production of Ceriops roxburghiana Arn. were significantly increased with increasing salinity from 0 to 400 mM NaCl. At 600 mM NaCl, shoot and root lengths, and dry mass were significantly depressed with respect to control. Absence of diurnal fluctuation of concentrations of organic acids, and the low activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and high activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase confirmed the operation of C3 pathway in Ceriops even at increasing salinity. and A. Rajesh, R. Arumugam, V. Venkatesalu.
In a field experiment the chlorophyll (a+b) (SPAD readings) and nitrogen contents of three grass species (Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Lolium perenne L., and Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and three intergeneric hybrids of Festuca pratensis Huds. × Lolium multiflorum Lam. and Festuca arundinacea Schreb. × Lolium multiflorum Lam. were measured. Close relationships were found between SPAD readings and nitrogen leaf content (r2 = 0.873** 0.491** and 0.938**) for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cut, respectively. SPAD readings and N contents were closely correlated (r = 0.836**) confirming that SPAD measurements could be used in grass selection and/or breeding for high N concentration in herbage.
Two inequalities for the Laplacian spread of graphs are proved in this note. These inequalities are reverse to those obtained by Z. You, B. Liu: The Laplacian spread of graphs, Czech. Math. J. 62 (2012), 155–168.
The catologues of visual and eclipsing binaries have been analyzed by means of a mulivariate statistical method, with the purpose of putting into evidence mutual relations among the observed quantities as well as clustering properties in the mulri-dimensional space. Preliminary results of the analysis show several interesting feataures, and a physical interpretation can be attempted. Nevertheless, observational selection effects play an important role. The way back to the understanding of formation and evolutionary properties is extremely difficult, and unbiased conclusions about fundamental parameters as the initial period and mass ratio distributions cannot be obtained.
Energy consumption in buildings in EU is app. 40 % of the total consumption. Due to an effort to decrease energy consumption, the attention is paid to the energy consumption on building sector and related energy saving measures, as well. The obvious measure is to increase thermal insulation properties of buildings envelopes, however nowadays buildings are reaching the economically proved limit. The one of possible ways to further decrease energy consumption for heating/cooling of buildings is to optimise the energy supply strictly per time schedule. This concept requires the necessity to consider of thermal accumulative properties of buildings as well. There are presented several computed methods and tools for heat transfer calculation as well as building simulation. and Téměř 40 % spotřeby elektrické energie v zemích Evropské unie je spotřebováno v budovách a z tohoto důvodu je trendem posledních let snižovat jejich energetickou náročnost. Toho je momentálně dosahováno převážně tepelnou izolací, která ale začíná dosahovat ekonomické meze návratnosti. Dalším krokem by proto měla být snaha optimalizovat stávající vytápěcí a chladicí systémy s ohledem na jejich využití v průběhu dne. Článek se zabývá popisem několika metod, kterými lze k tomuto problému přistupovat. V příspěvku jsou představeny jak nástroje založené na numerickém výpočtu rovnic přenosu tepla, tak i řešení využívající zjednodušených metod nebo předdefinovaných modelů jednotlivých tepelných zařízení.