In this work there are examined the structural surface characteristics of the P/In0→0.76Ga1→0.24P/In0.76(AlGa)0.24P sample with an active LED area created by a P-N transition in quaternary material In(AlGa)P. A surface morphology was treated using AFM method in contact and semicontact regimes. The obtained results were compared with measured results of optical transmission using NSOM in shear force regime provided transmission measurements utilizing a tipped optical fibre. The aim of the work is to compare measured results of surface morphology of LED structures not matched in grid to the substrate obtained by various SPM methods. and V práci sú vyšetrované štrukturálne vlastnosti povrchu vzorky GaP/In0→0,76Ga1→0,24P/In0,76(AlGa)0,24P, v ktorej aktívnu oblasť LED štruktúry tvorí P-N priechod v kvaternárnom materiáli In(AlGa)P. Povrchová morfológia bola skúmaná pomocou metódy AFM v kontaktnom a semikontaktnom režime. Namerané výsledky boli porovnané s výsledkami merania optickej priepustnosti pomocou NSOM, ktorý pracoval v ''shear force'' režime a umožňoval meranie transmisie využitím zahroteného optického vlákna. Cieľom práce je porovnanie výsledkov meraní povrchovej morfológie LED štruktúr mriežkovo neprispôsobených k podložke, získané použitím rôznych metód SPM.
Two types of fluorimeter (inductíon and modulated) were employed to compare the intrinsic photosystem 2 efSciency of sun-exposed and shaded flag leaves of two cultivars (ICSV112 and Aralba) of sorghum, in the irrigated and unirrígated fleld plots at Monterotondo, Rome. Generally there was a good correlation between instruments, but for the irrigated sun adapted leaves of both cultivars much larger ratios were recorded with the modulated fluorimeter than with the inductíon one. This discrepancy was attributed to an insufficient flash intensity in the inductíon systém when measuring the healthy leaves adapted to a high irradiance.
Church Slavonic sanĭ, snŭ, sanŭ 'dragon (= devil)' is used in the translation of Isaiah´s Prophecy (Is 27,1) instead of Greek ofis 'snake'. In both cases these are substitutions of a taboo term for devil. And the word sanĭ, which is etymologically less clear, can be a shortened version of (due to de-tabooing) a taboo word sotona, satana 'adversary of God (= devil)'.
This article deals with the problem of appellation in the Ukrainian language and its disunited interpretation. The author suggests distinguishing two separate subcategories of "representation" and "appellation" in Slavonic languages.
Zlaté sedmeré světlo, vůkol planoucí, duši ti dává směsice barev..., Light was the symbol of the Enlightenment or the Age of Light. The physics of light was widely studied and popularised at that time. The theoretical description of light inspired Maupertuis and Euler to formulate the Principle of the Least Action., Jiří Langer., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
We identified and characterised the deep red state (DRS), an optically-absorbing charge transfer state of PSII, which lies at lower energy than P680, in the red algae Cyanidioschyzon merolae by means of low temperature absorption and magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopies. The photoactive DRS has been previously studied in PSII of the higher plant Spinacia oleracea, and in the cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus vulcanus. We found the DRS in PSII of C. merolae has similar spectral properties. Treatment of PSII with dithionite leads to reduction of cytochrome (cyt) b559 and the PsbV-based cyt c550 as well as the disassembly of the oxygen-evolving complex. Whereas the overall visible absorption spectrum of PSII was little affected, the DRS absorption in the reduced sample was no longer seen. This bleaching of the DRS is discussed in terms of a corresponding lack of a DRS feature in D1D2/cyt b559 reaction centre preparations of PSII., J. Langley, J. Morton, R. Purchase, L. Tian, L. Shen, G. Han, J.-R. Shen, E. Krausz., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy