The main purpose of the paper is to ofer an overview of recent research problems and debates concerning the emergence of masculinity/masculinities through the gendered preparation and consumption of food. While it takes the shape of a systematic review of scientiic papers related to the mutual interdependence of masculinities and food -related practices in the past decade, it attempts to provide a synthetic snapshot of the ield. First of all, an inventory of dominant images of masculinity and food is outlined in order to provide a frame of reference for the subsequent discussion. Masculinity is then examined as an emergent quality of various practices of a) consumption and b) production of food in two chapters. In the first chapter, both the content and forms and attitudes in regard to masculine consumption are discussed, including speciically priorities in food choices and related health issues. In the second chapter, manly cooking as performance (as presented by the media and represented by customs) on the one hand and as a necessity (in purely male groups) on the other is brought under scrutiny., Adam Gajdoš., Obsahuje bibliografii, and Abstrakt a klíčová slova anglicky
Diurial variations in leaf conductance for water vapour (g^), and in rates of net photosynthesis (P^) transpiration (P) were investigated for individual Fagus crenata, Ginkgo biloba and Alnus firma trees during the growing season (May 12, June 3, August 19 and October 22, 1992), to defme the effects of main climatic factors limiting the photosynthetíc capacity of leaves. Measurements were undertaken at 1 h intervals in fully expanded leaves from 04.00 to 20.00 under sunny day and favourable water supply. Diumal patterns of gg and P^ in F. crenata were similar to G. biloba, showing strong dependence on irradiance in the early moraing and early evening, in May, June and August. The maximum values of P^, gg and water-use eíTiciency (WLIE) were recorded at 07.00 to 08.00 when photosynthetícally active radiation (PAR) and leaf temperature (Zj) were approximately 1200 pmol m'^ s"' and below 25 °C, respectively. P^, gg and WUE decreased from 08.00 to 13.00 contínuously, followed by a slight recovery at about 17.00 and a steep dechne until darkness. A. firma remained at maximum P^ from 07.00 to 14.00, and P^, gg and E were much higher than for the other two species. The peak of E in all three species always occurred at midday, coincident with maximum PAR and highest Ty But in October, P^ and E in all three species were highest around noon, also parallel to the maximum PAR and Ty
During an experiment to transmit Tetracapsula bryosalmonae Canning, Curry, Feist, Longshaw et Okamura, 1999 to a laboratory-cultured bryozoan, Plumatella repens L. a previously undescribed malacosporean species was noted. This parasite produced sacs of spores in the host that reached 1.2 mm in length. The spores released from the sacs appeared similar in size to the two species of Tetracapsula previously described although slight differences in form were noted. Release of spores from the bryozoans was observed associated with the lophophore of the host. The use of experimental bryozoan cultures for the examination of malacosporeans is described and discussed.
The development of the nematode Syncuaria squamata (Linstow, 1883), a gizzard parasite of cormorants, was experimentally studied in the ostracod Notodromas monacha. After the eggs of this nematode have been swallowed by the ostracod, the toothed first-stage larvae of the parasite are released and penetrate through the intestinal wall into the haemocoel of the crustacean. Before attaining the infective third stage, the larvae moult twice in the body of the intermediate host (9-11 and 13-15 days after infection at water temperatures of 20-22° C). The fishes Alhumaides hipunctatus, Noemacheilus barbatulus, Oncor-hynchus mykiss and Poecilia reticulata were for the first time recorded as suitable experimental paratenic hosts of S. squamata third-stage larvae in which a slight growth of larvae may occur. The first recorded natural paratenic host of this nematode was tench, Tinca tinea, originating from a South-Bohemian pond where cormorants occur. Paratenic hosts are apparently the main source of S. squamata infection for cormorants.
Předkládaný text pojednává o vztahu zla a tragična v rámci filosofické koncepce Karla Jasperse, a to zejména v kontextu jeho knihy Von der Wahrheit (1947). První část práce se zaměřuje na Jaspersovo pojetí zla, jež je výrazně odlišné od Kantova etického zla. Na rozdíl od Kanta Jaspers spojuje zlo s nepravdou a vidí jeho původ v nejednotě všech způsobů objímajícího bytí. V kapitole „Über das Tragische“, v níž Jaspers pojednává o tragičnu, lze rozpoznat dvojí zlo – vůli ke zlu a skryté zlo. Druhá část studie podrobněji analyzuje Jaspersovu tezi, že „všechno zlé není tragické“. Smrt a utrpení jsou nedílnou součástí života, přičemž tragédie je zakotvena v transcendenci. Tragický hrdina i za cenu svého vlastního života bojuje za pravdu a ztělesňuje nové ideje svým jednáním. Podle Jasperse křesťanské náboženství znemožňuje opravdové tragično, neboť spása vylučuje možnost tragické smrti jako absolutně a radikálně tragické. Stať představuje Jaspersovo specifické chápání konceptu tragična jakožto základní reality světa, jež ukazuje pomíjivost lidského života a také univerzálního řádu., This text concentrates on the relationship of evil and tragedy in context of the book Von der Wahrheit (1947; On the Truth) by Karl Jaspers. In its first part, the essay describes a distinct way of understanding Kant’s ethical evil. In contrast, Jaspers associates evil with untruth and sees its origin in the divergence of all ways of embracing. In the “Über das Tragische” chapter, two concepts of evil may be observed – the will to evil and the hidden evil. Individuals are responsible for both of these evils, although they are not the cause. Nevertheless, evil is not tragedy. The second part of the essay presents a closer look at an argument of Jaspers that “all that is evil is not tragic” to prove that death and suffering are an integral part of the life. Tragedy is anchored in a transcendence. A tragic hero, even at the cost of his own life, fights for the truth and embodies new ideas by his demeanour. The essay further shows Jaspers’ argument that religion is antagonistic to tragedy, because salvation, as portrayed in the religions, precludes the possibility of the tragic death, as being absolutely and radically tragic. The essay demonstrates Jaspers’ specific conceptual grasp of the tragedy as the basic reality of life, which shows the transience of human life and universal order., and Dieser Text konzentriert sich auf das Verhältnis von Bösem und Tragischem im Kontext von Karl Jaspers’ Buch Von der Wahrheit (1947). Im ersten Teil beschreibt dieser Aufsatz eine andere Art, Kants ethisches Übel zu verstehen. Im Gegensatz dazu assoziiert Jaspers das Böse mit Lüge und sieht seinen Ursprung in der Inkonsistenz aller Umarmungsweisen. Im Kapitel „Über das Tragische“ lassen sich zwei Konzepte des Bösen – der Wille zum Bösen und das verborgene Böse – unterscheiden. Sie sind für beide Übel verantwortlich, obwohl sie nicht die Ursache sind. Aber das Böse ist nicht tragisch. Der zweite Teil des Artikels befasst sich eingehender mit Jaspers Argumentation, dass „Alles Böse ist nicht tragisch“ sei, um zu beweisen, dass Tod und Leiden ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Lebens sind. Das Tragische ist in der Transzendenz verankert. Ein tragischer Held kämpft auch auf Kosten seines eigenen Lebens, für die Wahrheit und verkörpert mit seiner Haltung neue Ideen. Der Artikel zeigt auch Jaspers Argument, dass Religion dem Tragischen zuwiderläuft, weil die Rettung, wie sie in den Religionen dargestellt wird, den tragischen Tod unmöglich macht, als absolut und radikal tragisch. Der ganze Text zeigt also Jaspers‘ spezifisches Konzept des Tragischen als Grundwirklichkeit des Lebens, das die Vergänglichkeit des menschlichen Lebens und der universellen Ordnung zeigt.